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Meredith ShayneRecensioni

Autore di Equilibrium

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This was really, really good. Cutting Out was quite a sober, and at times, sad tale and we first meet Shane and Lachlan at a sheep shearing contest. Each notices the other and before anything further can be done about it, tragedy strikes the younger Lachlan and they don't reconnect until a year later.

This was a slow burn. A smoldering slow burn mind you, but still a snail's pace at the romantic progression. So if you don't like that kind of build up, then this story isn't for you. It also had a lot of angst as you can imagine - and I typically like this kind where there was so much longing. Longing to be loved and to love. Longing to want more but afraid to push too hard. Longing for a past that will never be again. There was also fear of further loss, insecurity, and the misinterpretations from not communicating.

So yes, the angst was palpable. Not only was it between these two men but also about Lachlan's own unfortunate situation. He definitely carries the burden of taking care of his family and there was a lot of guilt, personal grief and resignation concerning the weight of his responsibilities.

Overall the chemistry between Lachlan and Shane was seriously high. It starts off with UST that was off the charts. Then the sweet, frantic coming together was oh so lovely, and your heart continually gets twisted watching the push/pull of them handling or not handling each other and their feelings. Despite the oft painful journey, their love story was beautiful and I whole heartedly believe so very worth it.
A_Reader_Obsessed | Apr 21, 2024 |
4 stars

Michael moves to a small town in NSW to get away from his life and to get away from easy access to things that will derail his career. He plans to just keep his head down and let the country life settle him while he works as a vet for the local office. In the course of doing his job, he meets a local, Ryan, who makes it clear, eventually, that he is interested. Michael feels as though his previous lifestyle isn’t far enough behind him to be making big life decisions, but Ryan is so understanding that Michael might end up taking a chance that will give him much happiness.
I enjoyed this. There weren’t any huge moments or big, dramatic events, just what normally happens in a relationship while people are getting to know one another when they have baggage. I felt that the farming and animal aspects of the story were spot on. I cringed at the description of Michael preg checking the cows, because it’s as horrid as it sounds if it’s done manually, and a lot of vets still do it that way, since other methods can often be faulty. I liked Michael’s sister and kids, and how she supported his decision without knowing his whole story.
mamawerewolf | 5 altre recensioni | Jun 26, 2023 |
4.5 stars actually!
ShazOV | 5 altre recensioni | Feb 10, 2021 |
3.5 Stars but bumped up to 4 because I liked it enough to want to read the sequel [b:Rust Red: Galvanized|12740330|Rust Red Galvanized|Meredith Shayne||17879117].

The story and characters were good but, at only 23 pages on my e-reader, the story was just too short to really build a plot and to flesh out the 2 MCs.
Bookbee1 | Jun 23, 2020 |
Fun short story about two rock stars in opposing camps. Language and attitudes fit the situation, and from reading the first few paragraphs it becomes clear that Dave and Zeke hate each other's guts. Except – and this is where the story gets interesting, there seems to be a ton of magnetism between them and while it tends to explode into animosity, there is also potential for something else.

Dave is delightfully straightforward, hates glamour and glitz, and believes music should stand on its own, without all the "show-y" stuff. Dave has "hated" Zeke and his band for two years, ad when they finally meet during a tour, the results are explosive – in more than one way. Dave is powerfully built, and his manager and band mates have a hard time holding him back each time there is a physical confrontation.

Zeke is the total opposite of Dave, from the clothes he wears to the music he plays and the makeup he cannot seem to do without. He is tall and thin, and Dave almost doesn’t recognize him when he turns up without his "costume".

The passion between the two is explosive, and from reading this short introduction, it seems to me as if there could be more. If you like short stories with main characters who clash and fight, only to find out there may be a more entertaining way to pass the time, if you enjoy reading about rock stars and their bands, and if you’re looking for a short, hot story with a lot of promise for more, you will probably like this one.
SerenaYates | 1 altra recensione | Oct 19, 2017 |
Whether you're looking for a taste of Australia and New Zealand, or whether you're up for a bunch of great reads, this free anthology definitely offers both. I had the privilege of being at the meeting this anthology was written for, and reading these stories while I was in Australia definitely gave them an extra touch of "special" for me. I know I'll reread them when I'm back home in the cold winter of the UK, and might even enjoy them more – if that is even possible!

Weekend at Lennox by Susan Beck
This very funny opening story, set in Australia, put me right in the mood for visiting a beach. Better yet, reading this gave me the feeling of being there – but without the sunburn. Teenager Eddy has the same issue – trying to void burning his very light skin to a crisp, he only goes surfing early in the morning and late in the afternoon. His friend Adam keeps him company and when they end up sharing a room with a somewhat older double bed, well, let me just say they get a lot closer than they've ever been before. Their somewhat clumsy antics made me smile, and as they discover there is pleasure in getting physical together, without necessarily putting a label on it, things heat up pretty quickly. Or they try to – except some very funny mishaps made me laugh out loud. If you’re in the mood for short, funny, and slightly clumsy teenagers, you'll like this one.

A Soldier's Will by Jess Buffett
If this story is truly the start to a new series, as indicated in this anthology's introduction, I'd like the next book right now, please! The Mangrove Mountain pack sounds totally fascinating and both the human, Will, and the new alpha werewolf, Derek, worked their way into my heart immediately. Will has "suffered" from attraction to Derek for years, never believing he'd stand a chance to be with Derek since he is neither a female, nor a werewolf. When Derek returns from his turn in the military and is about to take a mate, Will cannot stand the idea of Derek with someone else and runs from the pack function. Derek, having waited to be able to be with Will for years, cannot go after him quickly enough… If you're looking for a deeply emotional, passionate, and very hot werewolf/human liaison, then you'll probably like this one as much as I did.

By the Way by N.J. Nielsen
What can I say about this really funny and somewhat mysterious story? Woo-hoo comes to mind… No, seriously, the way this Australian "country boy" named Shawn tumbles into one of the hottest nights he's ever had, then promptly cannot remember any of it the next morning, had me in stitches. As he goes off to retrace his steps and discovers "city boy" Corey, who happens to believe he's a vampire king (well, some of the time anyway), is behind it all, Shawn also discovers there may be more between them than he'd ever thought possible. By the way, his journey of discovery is just as funny as the first scene when he awakens in a strange hotel room. If you're after funny, hot, and very touching, then you'll probably like this story as much as I did. I'm still smiling!

The Rose by Pelaam
This is one of the gentlest ghost stories I have ever read, not very scary at all - thank God, as I don’t deal well with super-scary ghosts. Ethan and Riley are a great couple, and following them on the stops of their romantic holiday in New Zealand while discovering the locations they visit was great fun for me. Their talk about the "haunted hotel" and eventual visit there was just enough suspense. The way they eventually both dealt with the supernatural was somewhat unusual, but very fitting. If you're in the mood for slightly spooky and a very loving established couple, this one is for you!

"Home" by A.B. Gayle
While I haven't read "Leather Lace" nor "Caught" (but definitely should), I was able to enjoy this short story without any problems, since it stands on its own. Its characters, Jesse and Isaac, are definitely worth getting to know, since both of them have hidden depths that I enjoyed discovering as their fast and furious first few encounters in Sydney had me laughing and wanting more. Jesse may be a sophisticated art gallery owner, but he has come out of a relationship with a much older lover and discovers he is ready to move on. After a year of mourning and hard work to keep the gallery going, he certainly deserves a bit of fun. Isaac, a "typical boy from the bush", is just the man to show Jesse a good time, to help him relax, and to introduce him to a few slightly kinky activities. There is quite a bit of food play, so if that's your thing (or if you're curious about it), you'll probably like this story. I definitely enjoyed it a lot!

"Cutting Out" by Meredith Shayne
Set in New Zealand, this story about two sheep shearers, one much older than the other, touched me deeply. Shane so desperately wants more than casual encounters with the much younger Lachie, and is devastated when Lachie rejects him. Shane's situation had me up in arms, railing against the injustices of fate. That was until I got to see things from Lachie's side, and his reasons for turning down Shane almost made me cry. Be ready for an intense emotional roller coaster as these two men battle their pride and their circumstances! If you're in the mood for intense, emotional drama, and a few very hot encounters, you'll probably like this story. I'll remember it for a long time to come.
SerenaYates | 1 altra recensione | Oct 19, 2017 |
A very emotional read about a man dealing with his past, I am in two minds about whether I liked this book or not. There were a lot of things I think were well done: the depth of Scott's feelings, his despair and not wanting to deal with them, the unraveling of what really happened, and all the rock star and band details. But there was also the ending which was far too abrupt, for me at least. It made me feel as if the emotional "reward" for going through all that pain was missing. If this is not something that troubles you, you'll probably like this book a lot more tan I did.
SerenaYates | Oct 14, 2017 |
This is a book that made a very quiet approach, ensnaring me with its slow build, fascinating setting in Australia and utterly engaging characters. I didn't really think anything much happened as I found out about Michael, a veterinarian and ex-drug addict and the man who falls for him, ex-cop now rancher, Ryan. And then - wham - I was totally engrossed in what happened.

Michael is as flawed as they come. He has partied hard, taken drugs, the works, and now tries to pull himself together and build a new life. Even though it is unlikely that his method of going cold turkey will work for most people, the focus here is on how he deals with the whole situation emotionally. What happens when he is tempted back into his old life. And how he, basically, doesn't believe he deserves Ryan's love.

Ryan is an amazing man. By seeing only the good in Michael, he gives him something to live for. While this is risky, and fraught with potential disappointment, it also makes Michael think and realize he is no longer alone. His life isn't the only one he has the potential to ruin if he goes off the rails. Ryan is a rock, and has tremendous strength to go through what they both face.

If you like stories about flawed characters who try to find their way, if you prefer a slower build in your stories and if you like the setting of rural Australia, you will probably like this book.
SerenaYates | 5 altre recensioni | Oct 14, 2017 |
Free on Dreamspinners now until 3/17/13
SheReadsALot | 5 altre recensioni | Jun 20, 2016 |
To front man rockers find that they're a perfect match and all the bickering was actually foreplay.
Penny01 | 1 altra recensione | Feb 1, 2014 |
I liked that one - it was a nice, comfy read.
It had a slow burn that developed nicely into a relationship within a realistic time frame.
What I didn't dig so much was the (supposedly) dramatic end. It was pretty clear from the hints and remarks throughout the whole book, how it would play out and so it felt a little artificial (just a plot device to have some amount of angst in the story), which was a shame because the rest of the book had a quite nice flow and natural feel to it.
Tam2603 | 5 altre recensioni | Apr 18, 2013 |
Sweet romance but I came away craving cake!
jules0623 | Mar 30, 2013 |
This was a very nice novel above all for the outskirts feeling. If not for the use of machines and the tales of life in the big city Sydney, the way of life in small town Burreela was like that of 50, maybe even 100 years before. People know each other, everyone has at least a brother, a cousin, a friend, who was in school with the neighbour, and even the smallest secret is actually the talk of the town. Michael is a graduate vet student who knows he has to change his life; a drug addicted and party boy when he was in Sydney, probably due to the refuse he received from his own father when he came out to them, Michael decides to detached himself from temptation accepting the position of assistant vet in Burreela. What Michael didn’t expect maybe is that most of the work is farm work, and Michael finds himself spending day after day travelling from farm to farm, and above all he meets Ryan, who owns an horse ranch and who is very interested in Michael, and not for his vet skills.

Ryan was a former Sydney police officer who came back in Burreela to help his brother and father; he doesn’t vent him being gay, but his family knows and Ryan is also at a point in life when he would love to be in a commitment relationship; what a convenience that the new guy in town is obviously gay and unattached. Ryan sets out to slowly wooing Michael into his life and bed.

As I said I liked the feeling of the story, it was slow paced but nice, Michael and Ryan meet but don’t immediately fall in bed, letting the reader, and probably Michael, adapt to the new event, so that, when the fact will happen, both of them are ready and primed.

The incursion of modern life, i.e. evil big city, is sudden and almost frightening, Michael will understand that his self-imposed exile is also his safe-shelter, and that there is nothing in the big city that he cannot find in small town, on the contrary, small town has more options for him than any other place in the world.
elisa.rolle | 5 altre recensioni | Jun 19, 2012 |
Weekend at Lennox by Susan Beck - 3,5 stars

A Soldier’s Will by Jess Buffett - 1,5 stars

By The Way by N.J. Nielsen - 3 stars

The Rose By Pelaam - 2 stars

Home by A.B. Gayle - 2,5 stars

Cutting Out by Meredith Shayne - 4 stars
Marlobo | 1 altra recensione | Dec 24, 2022 |
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