Immagine dell'autore.

Michael C. Sahd

Autore di The Unfettered Child

2 opere 15 membri 6 recensioni


Fonte dell'immagine: Personal image taken from my iPhone.


Opere di Michael C. Sahd

The Unfettered Child (2019) 8 copie
Assassin Marked (2017) 7 copie


Informazioni generali

Data di nascita
Luogo di nascita
Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA
Luogo di residenza
Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA
Cerrillos, New Mexico, USA
Texas, USA
University of Phoenix
College of Santa Fe
Kilgore College
Cisco College
Santa Fe Community College
Breve biografia
Michael C. Sahd grew up in Santa Fe, New Mexico. From a young age, he read voraciously, particularly in the fields of fantasy and science fiction. Shortly after becoming a teenager, he learned to play and enjoy fantasy games such as Dungeons and Dragons. At around the same time, he began writing stories and D&D campaigns of his own.

As an adult, Michael attended the College of Santa Fe, studying in the fields of English and literature. During this time, he honed his writing skills and expanded his writing portfolio. Although he has completed numerous short stories, Assassin Marked represents his debut published work. Most recently, he published his first full-length fantasy novel, The Unfettered Child.

Currently, Michael lives with his wife and four children in a small town in Texas, where he is working on writing the next installment of The DuFonte Chronicles.



Rating: ★★★★✬ (4.5/5 Stars)
Title: The Unfettered Child
Author(s): Michael C. Sahd
Samara: Mage, 8 years old, Black, Blue Eyed
Orin: Blacksmith, Black
Tag(s): Fantasy, Magic
Content Rating: R
POV: Third Person
Smexy Level: Subtle
Favorite Quote(s):
― “To still be alive when everyone else is dead. To be free, but to have nothing left.”
Overall Opinion:
Let’s start off by saying how astonished I was by how quick I was immersed with this novel and how easily I was absorbed in the fantasy world that the author was able to create. From page one it was very apparent how engaging the storyline was and needless to say I couldn’t turn the pages fast enough to catch a glimpse of Samara journey to find her parents while dealing with an unwanted gift and Orin deadly rescue mission to save his beloved from the treacherous elves. Moreso I loved how the plot didn’t just focus on one character and each had their own story to tell which was emphasized by the author unique, detailed writing and ideal writing style. I will definitely be back for more and I can’t wait to see what the author comes up with next.

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ayoshina | 2 altre recensioni | Jul 31, 2022 |
Featured at The Review Period with Cat Ellington from 2019-05-10 - 2019-05-24, Assassin Marked (The DuFonte Chronicles Book 1) by Michael Sahd has been archived for its place in the Reviews by Cat Ellington Complete Anthology book series.
CatEllington | 2 altre recensioni | May 10, 2021 |
The story starts with a battle between elven mage and human lich and one magic spirit being freed and another being bound.

Samara died at birth but due to magic lived, she's part a nomadic tribe. When she was eight years old, elves came to kidnap and enslave her people, as the tragedy unfolds, Samara's terror releases a power she has no control over, killing all within her path.

The trapped mage Illtud reaches out to Samara helping her to learn to control her new powers but he has his own agenda, wanting her power for his own, while she only wishes to reunite with her mother and father. Meanwhile, Nikolai, Zayra and her father are all searching for her for their own reasons.

An interesting tale of a young girl enjoying the wonders of magic, fighting the horrors of losing control and learning her mentor may not be the benevolent guardian he portrays himself to be on one hand, while watching her father's agonizing search for her, and Zayra's plotting and changes as everyone converges together.

I received an ARC copy and am voluntarily leaving a review. If you like my reviews I hope you will follow my blog.
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wyldheartreads | 2 altre recensioni | Dec 14, 2020 |
Samara may only be 8, but powerful magic rests in her body. It is peaceful, until the women of her tribe are captured and elves invade and begin to slaughter her people. Thinking herself the only survivor, and with no memory of what she did, she sets out to try to find her mother. She is guided by a voice in her head that instructs her in magic and guides her way. Meanwhile, Samara’s father, Orin, survived the slaughter as he had already set out in search for his wife. With the only remaining son of the tribe’s leader at his side, they track the elves who took the women. But the elves have dark intentions, as does the voice in Samara’s head.

I really wanted to love this book. It has a tribal element I haven’t encountered in fantasy before, seemingly drawing from Native American cultures. The story flowed well with the characters and plot working together to tell a coherent story of one family and one tribe seeking reunification above all else. I was also intrigued by the lead character being a young child. Usually, I only see that age in children’s books, but this is not a children’s book. Unfortunately, while all the elements for a great fantasy were there, they fell just a little short.

The world was intriguing. I loved the tribal aspects, and could almost believe Samara’s people were out on the plains of North America instead of a fantasy world. It was well-imagined, but the places outside of that locale felt a little lacking. There were the standard forest, beach, and towns, but nothing really stood out to me. Interestingly, Sahd seemingly drew inspiration from not just Native American cultures, but also European, Russian, and the Roma cultures. It was a fascinating mix, but could have used more development. Instead of adding richness to the world and story with depth and history, it felt more like it was laid over the story for the sake of adding a bit of color, but I struggled with seeing how it really impacted the story.

Similarly, I enjoyed the characters, but they, too, could have used more development. I liked that Samara was the lead character. The story worked because it’s primarily from the viewpoint of a young child. However, she was very one note. Even though she’s a child, I expected her to grow and mature as the lead character. Sadly, that didn’t happen. Instead, I felt she cried a bit too much just to get out of tough situations. I loved Orin, though. He felt real, just like a husband and father who had lost his family. He was strong and stable, and I believed him. The elves as a whole were wonderfully manipulative and really added color and complexity to the story. Overall, they were fantastic, and probably the best parts of the story.

The one thing that really bothered me, though, was the writing. It felt very plain and very straightforward with lots of repetition. Word choices and sentence structures lacked complexity, even when the story wasn’t being told from Samara’s perspective. When it came to her, I could forgive it a little, but, when the narration was from the perspective of an older character, I expected a little more maturity. However much it made the narrative consistent, it also made it a little difficult to follow and remember whose perspective the story was currently being told from. It was almost as though every character came from the same history and perspective, making the narrative a little monotonous.

As a whole, this isn’t a bad story. It’s interesting and different with an intriguing world and generally enjoyable characters. It hits the right notes in fantasy with a fantastical world, elves, and magic. At the same time, it lacks polish, depth, and development. This has the potential to be a rich story, but I feel like much of it was sacrificed for the sake of telling the story in a simple way. Not great, but not terrible, though the mix of cultures and the strong tribal elements was a nice touch.

Thank you so much to the author, Michael C. Sahd, for a free e-copy. All opinions expressed are my own.
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The_Lily_Cafe | 2 altre recensioni | Jun 28, 2020 |

