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Danielle Rollins

Autore di Stolen Time

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Opere di Danielle Rollins


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"Last week Mateo worked an early shift so he could watch the Flyers game that night. That's all the information Issie needed. Since then she's gone into research mode, using her nearly twenty minutes of computer time a day to research players and teams.

'Flyers are playing the Rangers tonight,' Mateo says, grin widening. 'New York's going down.'

'No way,' Issie says. 'Lundqvist is gonna score on some Flyer ass.'"

Oh tried so hard... :(
pagemother | 8 altre recensioni | Apr 5, 2023 |
I really liked the first half, but after that it started to get all "trying too hard". I wish the story was toned down because the characters were very strong and carried the story without all these weird twists.

Just before Angela's scheduled release from juvie, THINGS start happening. First, a 10-year-old girl (Jessica) is brought in under high security. Then, a new program called Sci-Girls is causing a major stir among the inmates. There's something about Jessica, Sci-Girls, and the director of Sci-Girls (Dr. Gruen) that freaks Angela out. Weird things begin happening, and soon it becomes clear that there's evil in this prison that has nothing to do with the girls who are serving sentences.

My Thoughts:
You know how you read those books where you're just EXPECTING the twist at the end to be incredible? You're expecting it to be something you would never see coming and could never come up with yourself. Maybe even something you've never read about before. THAT'S what I wanted from this book... but it didn't happen. It's sort of the same thing that I had going on with the Mara Dyer series. It's all built up with this creepy-vibe, but the ending didn't live up.

The First Half: LOVED!! The characters, the writing, the atmosphere.... it all sucked me in. I felt bad for little Jessica. How does a little 10-year-old girl wind-up in max-security?? I also was really intrigued by Angela and her 2 bunkmates' backstories. I wanted to know why they were there and when they would get out.

When it became clear where the story was actually headed: UGH. Part of me liked the creepy/paranormal element, but part of me just felt blah about it. It definitely wasn't the thing that kept me reading. I stayed reading because I CARED about Issie, Angela, Cara, and Jessica. I cared abut their families and what happened to them.

The Villain and The Ending: I thought the ending was shaky. I mean, parts were explained and explained, and parts were left so muddled and confusing. It left off so that it's probably going to be a sequel. Maybe things will be better explained in that book. I'm not hopeful. Also, I thought the villain was a tad TOO villainous. It was too dramatic and I just didn't think that drama was necessary when the setting and characters were so strong.

There is a romantic element to this book, and all I have to say about that is PUKE!!!

It felt like [b:Orange Is the New Black|6314763|Orange Is the New Black|Piper Kerman||6499995] (the TV show) and [b:The Walls Around Us|18044277|The Walls Around Us|Nova Ren Suma||25322052] had a baby, and that baby turned out not to be able to live up to his/her parent's spotlight. Sort of like when 2 celebs have kids and none of them have that "it" factor.

OVERALL: It was OKAY. The problem with that is-- okay isn't really good enough for me. I want more than okay, I want AMAZING. It's creepy, it has strong characters, but the over-the-top villain and the ending weren't for me.

My Blog:

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Michelle_PPDB | 8 altre recensioni | Mar 18, 2023 |
Not my usual kind of book, but once I started reading I couldn't put it down.
buukluvr | 8 altre recensioni | Feb 14, 2023 |
Literary Merit: Good
Characterization: Good
Recommended: Maybe
Level: High School

This one might be a shorter review, as I came into this series as a newcomer and don't have a ton to say about it. While I thought it was interesting and decently written, I can't say that I had a particularly strong reaction to it either way. It was more middle of the road for me, though I do think some of the concepts explored in it are interesting. At the risk of rambling on for too long, however, let me get into this review.

Twisted Fates is told from the point of view of two young teens: Ash and Dorothy. In this sequel to Stolen Time, Dorothy has found herself at the head of a ruthless futuristic gang known as the Black Cirkus, whose ultimate goal seems to be to bring back equipment and tech from the past to improve the lives of those in the present. Ash, meanwhile, has been desperately searching for Dorothy, a girl he met in 1913 who he may or may not be in love with. What Ash doesn't know, however, is that Dorothy has teamed up with his former friend Roman to become Quinn Fox, the bloodthirsty leader of the Black Cirkus. She is also the one fated to kill him, though she doesn't yet know it. As their paths collide, the two begin to unravel the mystery of time travel, and learn that the very fate of their world hangs in the balance.

For starters, I thought this book had a unique setting and premise. It's set in 2077 in New Seattle, a city that has been devastated by earthquakes that have taken out much of the population and left the city in a dystopian state. Though I jumped into this series in the second book of the series, I was able to piece together what had happened in the first book through context clues and exposition. From what I understand, Roman and Ash were once good friends studying time travel under a man named Professor Walker. During a trip to the past to find his missing mentor, Ash encountered Dorothy, and the two formed an instant connection. For whatever reason, however, Ash chose not to take Dorothy with him to the future, and she jumped through an anil (or time travel portal) to reach his current time. Now in 2077, she has teamed up with Roman and the Black Cirkus to forge her own destiny.

Like I said, this book has a cool premise. Any time I see a book about time travel, I'm usually both intrigued and a bit confused. Time travel is a hard concept to master, especially in YA, and the paradoxes involved usually leave me with a headache. While I was mildly interested, I couldn't bring myself to really care about these characters, likely because I hadn't read the first book first. In an effort to be gracious to the author's hard work, I will attribute my lack of interest to the fact that I came in with a blank slate and no knowledge of these characters. That being said, I did really enjoy some of the characters, the intelligent and feisty Zora being my favorite of the bunch. Ash and Roman also seemed interesting, and I liked seeing their "friends to enemies" dynamic play out throughout the story.

I also enjoyed the romantic subplot, as I am usually a sucker for romance, especially romance that seems muddied and complicated. I liked that the two lovers had somehow found themselves on the opposite sides of a major conflict, but that they still longed for one another. I also love the twist of knowing that Dorothy will somehow be the one to kill Ash, but neither character knows how it will happen. That added a whole new layer of intrigue and suspense to the plot. While I'll admit I was a little lost at times (I didn't know who all of the characters were, and I had to backtrack to remember certain plot points for the twists to hit), I really liked the "forbidden romance" dynamic the two leads had.

While the writing in this book is by no means bad, it wasn't spectacular either. The characters didn't feel fully fleshed out, and none of them ever felt truly authentic. While there were certain moments when I felt a lot of empathy for some of them (Roman's history with his sister was particularly depressing), I had a hard time feeling particularly invested in any of them. Again, this could be because I was jumping in on the second book, but it overall felt very middle of the road. There was some interesting stuff going on with the professor's logs and Nikola Tesla, but there wasn't nearly as much as I would've liked to further the plot and reveal secrets.

Sadly, I don't have much more to say about this book, as it didn't hit me particularly hard in either direction. I didn't absolutely hate it, but I feel no need to gush about it either. It's simply an average dystopian/time travel YA novel. While I do believe teen fans of sci fi and fantasy will enjoy it (especially if they love time travel plots), it wasn't necessarily for me. I was, however, intrigued enough to want to know what happens with Ash and Dorothy, so I might just read the third book sometime in the future (if I can find time amidst my giant stack of books). For now, however, I will leave this particular series in the past.
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SWONroyal | Oct 12, 2020 |

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