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Edward J. Drea Author "Previews of Hell"
Colin Martin Co-Author "If the Armada Had Landed"
Laura Palmer Author "The General, At Ease: An Interview with Westmoreland"
Arthur Ferrill Author "Alexander in India" The Battle at the Edge of the Earth"
Eric Morris Author "The Uncommon Commoner"
Tadao Morimoto Co-Author "A Kamikaze's Story"
Kan Sugahar Translator "A Kamikaze's Story"
Bruce Catton Author "A Matter of a Salute"
Priscus Author "An Evening with Attila"
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Hans Von Luck Author "The End in North Africa"
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Jay Van Orden Author "Enemies in the Field: The Photography of C.S. Fly"
Duncan Spencer Co-Author "The Airborne's Watery Triumph"
Gotthold von Rohden Author "Experience of War: "Holy Night," 1914"
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T.W. Black Author "Helpful Hints for Hopeful Heroes"
Ferenc M. Szasz Author "Peppermint and Alsos"
Stephen Bower Young Author "Trapped"
Haruko Taya Translator "Mountain, river, grass, and trees"
Laura Brandon Author "Canadian War Museum"
Aram Bakshian Author "The Janissaries" and "Mohács: The Tomb of the Hungarian Nation"
Marilyn Elkins Author "MIA"
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W. A. B. Douglas Author "Beachhead Labrador"
Desmond MacRae Author "Arms and Men: Terrible Engine"
John Batchelor Author "The Battle of Britain: A Child's View"
Peter G. Tsoras Author "As the Soviets Saw It: Stalingrad"
Alvin Kernan Author "Experience of War: The Day the Hornet Sank"
Paul J. Kemp Author "Decima Mas"
Charles Strozier Author "The Tragedy of Unconditional Surrender"
William J. McPeak Author "Man of Lepanto"
Page Smith Author "Experience of War: Reflections on Company C"
Ulysses S. Grant Author "Every one has his superstitions. . . ."
Constance Garnett Translator "That's a fine death!"
Laurence Bergreen Author "Oh! How He Hated to Get Up in the Morning"
John McCormick Co-Author "Experience of War: Gott Mit Whom?"
Gideon Rose Author "The Victor"
Michael S. Durham Author "The Utah War" and "Remembering Mountain Meadows"
Janet Gardner Author "The Unseen Conflict"
Malcolm Brown Author "No-Man's Land" and "Swinton's Other Creation"
Robert R. Denny Author "Hitler's Killer Jet"
Robert L McCormack Co-Author "Experience of War: Un Petit Blessé"
Peter Macpherson Author "The Photographers of Barbarossa"
Winston S. Churchill Author "Operation Deletion"
David C. Isby Co-Author "In Caesar's Shadow"
Tim Travers Author "The Somme: July 1, 1916: The Reason Why"
Don Graham Author "The Hero in Hollywood"
Charles Twombleg Co-Author "Experience of War: Un Petit Blessé"
Dik A. Daso Author "Arms and Men: The Kettering Bug"
Benis W. Frank Author "Experience of War: The Christmas Eve Crab Invasion"
Harris Greene Author "Experience of War: Cloak-and-Dagger in Salzburg"
John R. Hale Author "Phormio Crosses the T"
R. Cargill Hall Author "The Truth About Overflights"
E.B. Sledge Author "Experience of War: Incident at Lang Fang"
Sir Michael Howard Author "Europe 1914"
Matthew Bennett Author "The Knight Unmasked"
Joanne Buggins Author "1940: Londoners Underground"
Vladimir Lempori Author "A Lousy Story"
Nikolai Tioulpinov Author "Little Generals"
Johann Conrad Döhla Author "Experience of War: A Hessian at Yorktown"
Arthur T. Hadley Author "In Review: Future War"
William H. Goetzmann Author "Confessions of a Rogue"
Richard Hall Author "Desperate Citadel"
Joseph T. Glatthaar Author "Lord High Admiral of the U.S. Navy" and "Grant at Vicksburg: A Lesson in Operational Art"
R. D. Lawrence Author "Experience of War: A Little Death, A Little Life"
D. Clayton James Author "The Other Pearl Harbor"
Philip Burnham Author "The Andersonvilles of the North"
James H. Cockfield Author "The Admiral from Hell"
Leon F. Litwack Author "In Review: "The past is not dead. . . .""
Otis Ferguson Author "Nine of us in one day . . ."
William C. Fuller Author "Suvorov"
Larissa Volokhonsky Co-Translator "A Lousy Story"
Richard Pevear Co-Translator "A Lousy Story"
Robert Weiss Author "Experience of War: High Noon at Mortain"
D. Mark Katz Author "The Photographer to the Army of the Potomac"
Alfred de Zayas Author "In Review: "You have no status""
Lionel Sotheby Author "Experience of War: A Bad Afternoon at Aubers Ridge"
David Shears Author "Hitler's D-Day" and "Could Sea Lion Have Worked?"
John Whitman Author "Arms and Men: Extending the Range of the Zero"
Gustav Gilbert Author "Russian Prisoners"
William McNeill Author "The Gunpowder Revolution"
Paul Kennedy Author "The Fall and Rise of Military History"
David Douglas Duncan Photographer "Khe Sanh Eyewitness"
Max Hastings Author "The Lonely Passion of Bomber Harris" and "Firestorm at Hamburg"
Kurt Vonnegut Author "So it goes."
Lisa Amoroso Cover designer
Jeffrey L. Ward Cartographer
Carla Bolte Designer
Andrea Ho Cover designer
Dan Holmberg Cover photographer