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Daniel Rasmussen graduated summa cum laude and Phi Beta Kappa from Harvard University in 2009, where he won the Kathryn Ann Huggins Prize, the Perry Miller Prize, and the Thomas Temple Hoopes Prize.

Comprende il nome: Daniel Rasmussen

Opere di Daniel Rasmussen


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Luogo di nascita
Washington, D.C., USA
Harvard (BA)



A lot of filler. Reads like a research paper. Includes the War of 1812 and the Civil War somehow, and many references to Solomon Northrup's narrative to fill in what the rebels "must have been thinking." The revolt of the enslaved in 1811 should be remembered, but this fluff is not worth the time spent to read it.
ThomasPluck | 6 altre recensioni | Apr 27, 2020 |
I think in the hands of a more capable storyteller, this could have been excellent. However, Rasmussen's book doesn't do justice to its rich subject. The writing is just workmanlike. That Rasmussen's a journalist shows through and while this isn't a flaw in and of itself, he never develops his own voice. Moreover, though the book benefits from his impressive research, there's just not enough meat here and far too much filler.
ddrysdale | 6 altre recensioni | Mar 29, 2013 |
This book delivers a captivating story that is untold of in American history. Rasmussen writes about the largest slave revolt in our history that happened right outside of New Orleans. He details the event starting by discussing what ignited this revolt in the first place, inspiration of the Haitian Revolution, which succeeded. This rebellion was the grandest, highly organized, slave revolt and Rasmussen delivers the story with facts and a narrative that kept me turning pages. I was dumbfounded by the story. Over one-hundred slaves and those involved were slaughtered as they sought violence to achieve freedom. Rasmussen discusses the implications of such a feat and goes on to discuss the cover-up, which is just as upsetting as the massacre itself.

This book is essential for students because it shows them how slaves were not complacent with their condition. Many fought to the death, even here in Louisiana, not far from where all of my students live. I could certainly read excerpts of this book for middle school students to teach them about this event. If one were to teach a high school or college course, I would require it for the whole class.
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Chrisdier | 6 altre recensioni | Apr 24, 2012 |
Did Lincoln free the slaves, or did the slaves free themselves?

A high school history teacher friend of mine recently asked me this question while explaining the new writing program she's using in her tenth grade U.S. history class. In the program, students are given a set of historical documents to read, discuss and draw conclusions about in essay form.

The point of the activity is not to reach a pre-determined correct answer but to produce a quality piece of writing with a well-reasoned argument based on historical evidence like historians.

Sounds like a great class. But the question bothered me. I think the Emancipation Proclamation has been long under-rated. Any cursory look at the document will reveal that it frees very few people, but cursory looks reveal very little. Lincoln was fighting to uphold a Union based on a constitution. This meant following the rulings of the Supreme Court that ruled slaves were property, without rights, in the Dred Scott decision. Roger Taney, the chief justice who wrote that decision still had the power to over-rule Lincoln. The Union Lincoln was fighting to preserve included four boarder states that allowed slavery. Should Lincoln free the slaves, even if he had the authority which the Dred Scott ruling said he did not, he risked losing those four states to the Confederacy thereby losing the war. The Emancipation Proclamation, while it did not end slavery immediately, was an act that crossed the Rubicon. There was no way slavery could last afterwards. Win the war and in a few years slavery would end nationwide. Frederick Douglas said as much himself.

You can see that I'm a Lincoln fanboy.

Even if we set aside the question of Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation, the question of the slaves freeing themselves remains. How can slaves themselves bring about an end to slavery? Don't the people in power have to agree to give up that power? Doesn't that make them the only ones who could have ended slavery?

Daniel Rasmussen's book, American Uprising: The Untold Story of America's Largest Slave Revolt, provides a case study explaining just how the slaves themselves brought about an end to slavery. Decades before the Civil War, long before the Nat Turner slave revolt, several hundred slaves took up arms against their masters, burned down the plantations where they were kept and marched on the city of New Orleans. Although their revolt was eventually put down, it is one among many actions that led to the end of slavery in America.

This revolt is almost completely forgotten today. Those who put down the revolt made sure they got to write the history books. This means there is little documentation for Mr. Rasmussen to draw on for American Uprising, not enough for a book devoted to the revolt. So Mr. Rasmussen fills out his book with background on slavery and slave revolts in America. Unable to describe in detail the lives of the revolt's leaders, Mr. Rasmussen provides a general overview of the slave trade, the conditions faced by slaves in America, and the successful slave revolt in Haiti which came to represent the greatest fear and hope for Americans in the slave holding southern states.

In the end, American Uprising is a good primer on slavery in America. A highly readable 200 pages, American Uprising provides a solid general background on a shameful chapter on American history. The details and documentation that would have provided the information necessary for a book length account of this slave revolt are lost to history, but Mr. Rasmussen has done a good job rescuing this story and bringing it to our attention.

I think it would make a fine addition to any tenth grade history class. My high school history teacher friend agrees. She'll plans on using American Uprising with her students next year.

Full Disclosure: I received a advanced review copy of American Uprising from the publishers. It's been on my TBR shelf for several months.
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1 vota
CBJames | 6 altre recensioni | Jul 17, 2011 |

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