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Picked this up from a pile of books one of my daughters was getting rid of. A fun read.

Louise Rafkin is a housecleaner. She also has an MA in literature, has been a teacher and is a published writer, besides this book. She chose tho be a housecleaner for better money, better hours and the idea intrigued her. This is her memoir.

It is a humorous view from her perspective of the cleaning world. The different clients and their preferences she has dealt with based on what she has seen and experienced while cleaning up. Clues found in trash baskets, laundry, cupboards and counter tops, can add up to interesting tales.

She also came to know which is the best vacuum, cleaning products, paper towels and other cleaning supplies to use and that clients don’t always agree. It isn’t really a book of cleaning tips, but there are a few.

She also has studied some of the various styles of housecleaning and interviewed people who work in these various s tyles. “Exotic” — nearly naked and lingerie-clad cleaners, sexy male cleaners, cleaners who work for services: she even went to Japan to learn about Ittoen, a group of cleaning people who live in a commune and have dedicated their lives to cleaning. Who knew what a variety can be found among cleaning services!

A fun and interesting read from an inside view.
ChazziFrazz | 8 altre recensioni | Mar 6, 2021 |
An interesting look into the mindset of somebody who actually likes to clean.
being_b | 8 altre recensioni | Jan 8, 2020 |
Awful. I thought this would be fun read about a housekeeper's funny anecdotes but it was more akin with rubbing sandpaper on your face. Painfully dry.
tealightful | 8 altre recensioni | Sep 24, 2013 |
Louise Rafkin is well educated yet decided to work as a house cleaner for a number of years. The book is snarky and sarcastic and informative, but I had just a few problems with it. She refuses to pick up other people's underwear, or uses a utensil to do so. Used tissues or condoms I can understand, but underwear? But she balances that with what she has to say about those who can afford to pay others to do their scut work and those who do that work.½
Citizenjoyce | 8 altre recensioni | Dec 7, 2011 |
I bought this to give to my mother to read not long after I came out. I like the reality of the stories and how they reflected every emotion out there, including the rejections. This wasn't just a selection of handpicked "accept your daughter like you should" stories. These are a true representation of all the emotions I can imagine mothers everywhere going through.
avrenim8 | 1 altra recensione | Jan 16, 2011 |
I needed that. Many good ideas for better housing keeping,somethng everyone needs. Am I practicing these. I take the 5th
carterchristian1 | 8 altre recensioni | Aug 30, 2010 |
Rafkin does more than simply relate the dirt she learns about others in her job as their housekeeper. This book is actually an interesting series of essays that center around cleaning in its various forms. Recommended.
debnance | 8 altre recensioni | Jan 29, 2010 |
Well, they're not all that curious, and they're not all Rafkin's adventures. Either she simply didn't have enough to fill a book, or she felt the need to be "serious". So interspersed with anecdotes of her cleaning jobs, we are treated to interviews with "dirty" house cleaners, her family's former maid, and members of "Messies Anonymous". Not to mention an extraordinarily self-involved letter to the surviving lover of an old friend, a letter that read as though it were written with an eye to publication.

Rafkin likes to clean, but she doesn't have to, and so one gets the impression, even though it may be unfair, of a dilettante. Too, although she mentions long-term clients, there's a sense that she flits from place to place. There are amusing anecdotes here, but in the end it's not a very satisfying read.
2 vota
lilithcat | 8 altre recensioni | Feb 4, 2009 |
A memoir of a housecleaner, I really wasn't expecting much from this little book after reading the first few chapters, they were entertaining but not very substantive. However, the last few chapters seemed to develop a little more emotional depth. The last chapter encouraged me to look at things in my own life a little differently. All in all a pretty good little book.
sunfi | 8 altre recensioni | Jul 23, 2008 |
Interesting collection of mothers' reactions to their daughters' lesbianism. As a mother of such a daughter, I felt consoled to see my multitude of feelings reflected somewhere in the book. I am giving the book to my daughter to pass on to any of her friends' mothers who could benefit.
LivelyLady | 1 altra recensione | May 24, 2008 |
Frankly, I wasn't sure what to expect from this book, but ended up liking it enoughy to wish there were more of Rafkin's writing available in either of the book's two genres. First half conists of several short stories, some with gay themes (and lesbian protagonists) and some not; second part consists of (gay focused) essays.
Seajack | Jan 11, 2008 |
House cleaning/House cleaning > Humor/Rafkin, Louise, 1958-/Women cleaning personnel > United States >/Biography
Budzul | 8 altre recensioni | Jun 1, 2008 |
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