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Bought this after his campus talk because hey, why not get something signed by the co-founder of reddit? The back of the cover notes that it should be about a 5 hour read (or about the length of a flight from New York to San Francisco, assuming it's direct and without weird layovers). Many parts of it were similar to the tour, so if you go to the free talk, you get the gist. The first third is the founding of reddit (rising from the failure of MMM! as an idea), the middle a quickie "Start-up MBA" guide for start-up founders, and the last third a "Hey, look at all the cool stuff the internet's done in the last decade!"

As I'm not really interested in forming a product or making a company, I found the first and last thirds the most compelling. I'm sure the advice is sound (and some of it can be applied to pursuing my graduate studies), but as a redditor and internet user the other two were more relevant. Other goodreads reviewers complain about the diatribe against SOPA and PIPA at the end- I assume you are the incumbents, those that don't realize what a powerful, equalizing tool the web is.

Very quick read, slightly fluffy but with chewy content.
Daumari | Dec 30, 2017 |