Simon Martin (disambiguazione)

"Simon Martin" è composto da almeno 4 autori distinti, divisi in base alle loro opere..

Suddivisione dell'autore

Simon Martin (3)

Mark Hearld: Workbook (2012) — Autore — 25 copie
Evelyn Dunbar: The Lost Works (2015) — Prefazione — 10 copie
Edward Burra (2011) 10 copie
Stanley Spencer: Heaven in a Hell of War (2013) — Collaboratore — 8 copie
Kenneth Rowntree: A Centenary Exhibition (2015) — Prefazione — 6 copie
John Minton: A Centenary (2017) — Autore — 6 copie

Informazioni generali

Nota di disambiguazione
# Simon Martin, Mayanist, archeologist and anthropologist, writes on art and culture. Several profiles indicate only Mayan scholarship from this author. As a researcher at the University of Pennsylvania, his profile is part way down the page on their site..
# Simon Martin, author of Football and Fascism is an independent scholar, although a LOC author listing shows this authored by the Mayanist.

# Simon Martin (3) is an Art Historian and Curator of Pallant House Gallery in Chichester.

# Simon Martin, author of the book on Candida, has also co-authored a book on AIDS with Leon Chaitow.