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WBCLIB | 1 altra recensione | May 9, 2023 |
This book is not a mystery, more of a procedural and even more just an unfolding of events with some flashbacks. Mostly interesting story about two statues sold by the head of a Pamplona monastery in 1917 to a Boston museum that is not the Isabella Stewart Gardener Museum; since then, the monks pray there for the statues' return every day. There are discussions about faith and belief and right vs. legal. Two characters' email names are Heloise and Abelard and their background stories are similar to their nommes de plume. Since this isn't the first book in the series about Brother Bartholomew, I don't know the usual characters as well as I might, but I didn't have to read the other books to understand what is happening.
My main objection is a side story about a man and his two sons who plan to blow up a nuclear plant because they are Arabs and that's what Arabs do. SPOILER: Brother Bartholomew, who has been told that there is a threat of terrorist activity, sees this family at a restaurant where he just happens to be meeting someone and realizes that they are the terrorists because they try to hide a map that they are looking at. When chatter indicates that the threat is imminent, he reminds the authorities of his suspicions and suggests an idea that leads to a successful disarming and capture of the bad guys. I'm not sure why this side plot is necessary---except that it gives Brother Bartholomew more latitude to help three nuns get away with a crime---and it begs credulity---there are only a handful of Arabs in New England and they are all terrorists waiting to be noticed in restaurants?---and tolerance.½
raizel | Sep 12, 2014 |
Shades of Mickey Spillane. Richard Paladin is a misanthrope who calls `em like he sees `em. He sees himself as a true American patriot who knows what's wrong with America today - almost everything! Imagine a government assassin with Archie Bunker's attitude (reference too dated?) and a mild case of narcissism... and yet, surprisingly, he's a very likable character!

A good solid story told in an easy to read style, neither hurried nor slow. I got the impression that author David E. Manuel was having a great time telling this story which, while not a satire per se, does have strong elements of satire in it.

The plot unfolds in a believable manner with a few twists and surprises along the way. About half way through I had some inkling as to where it was all going to end but it wasn't what I would consider predictable.

If you are very easily offended then you probably won't like it but if you can stand a little gentle nudging at whatever personal beliefs you may hold (Paladin is an equal opportunity offender and will almost certainly hit close to some opinion you hold dear) then give it a try.

There is some strong language, as well as violence but it's much less explicit than one might expect for a novel of this kind.
Mike-L | Apr 8, 2013 |
Today prophetic voics can again be heard, warning of personal and social evils, which if left unrepented of, will bring a fresh judgment of God upon our beloved land. The national curse of abortion can xlaim responsibility for the annual killing of 1.5 million unborn babies.
kijabi1 | 1 altra recensione | Jan 2, 2012 |
An analysis of the Teen Challenge program begun by David Wilkerson, and its greater success record than other programs, because of the power of the Holy Spirit.
scsaglib | Jun 28, 2009 |
Inane YA historical fiction with a Christian bent. After reading three quarters of this book, I had to give up. The story is chock-full of poorly drawn characters, and the writing is poor (it took 3 authors to do this?). The lead character of Nate Donovan is not so much a hero as an impetuous teen with good luck - or maybe he's blessed.½
omphalos02 | Sep 13, 2007 |
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