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Mia will das erste Mal woanders übernachten, nämlich bei ihrer besten Freundin Ceresia. Die beiden freuen sich sehr. Der Vater bringt Mia zur Freundin. Dort riecht es seltsam, der Hund ist auch nicht toll und das Essen schmeckt auch nicht.
Eigentlich wollten die Mädchen die ganze Nacht wachbleiben, doch Ceresia liegt kaum, als sie auch schon eingeschlafen ist. Mia hat Schwierigkeiten mit dem Einschlafen. In der Nacht sucht sie in der Wohnung nach Ceresia.
Es soll hier nicht zu viel verraten werden.
So ein Buch sollte den Kindern ihre Ängste nehmen und sie ermuntern, solchen Übernachtungseinladungen freudig entgegen zu sehen. Doch was in diesem Buch geschieht, macht eher ängstlich. Mia fühlt sich spürbar nicht wohl und ich glaube nicht, dass sie so schnell noch mal woanders übernachtet, denn der letzte Satz gibt Mias Gefühl gut wieder: So supertoll war es nicht.
Die Illustrationen passen zwar gut zur Geschichte, aber die Kinder finden sie nicht wirklich schön. Die Erwachsenen sind alle unförmig dargestellt und die Umgebung wirkt auch etwas bedrückend.
Ich möchte das Buch nicht empfehlen.
buecherwurm1310 | Jun 28, 2020 |
Ella is a very spunky girl who is obsessed with her Uncle Tommy. However, he has a new friend and she is not quite sure how she feels about him. Throughout the story she tries to make Fergus so unhappy that he leaves, but in the end she decides to give him a chanceand she has fun! This book does a wondeful job of showing kids that having an open mind is a great thing.
Sarabie | 8 altre recensioni | Sep 26, 2019 |
Bridget is a very cautious girl when she suddenly becomes trapped in the woods with some gray wolves. She wants the wolves to play and eventually does all of the things she was once scared to do. To me this book did not really make much sense.
Sarabie | 1 altra recensione | Sep 25, 2019 |
Mia loves her uncle Tommy so much! But when it is time to share is love and attention with someone else, Mia sees green with jealousy. This is a great book for children who need some help with sharing a loved one with someone else.
agreenwald | 8 altre recensioni | Feb 16, 2019 |
Pijas barnböcker är underbara, men den här är jag kluven till!
Korta, korta kapitel, snuttar, betraktelser, påståenden, känslor, härligt lättläst. Men äcklig. Jobbig. Störande. Tankeväckande.
Vissa partier är "over the top" och tillför ren avsmak och äcklan, där det suggestiva språket och de detaljerade beskrivningarna hade räckt i sin obehaglighet.
Gillar boken, men samtidigt inte alls. Svår.
LundaKay | 1 altra recensione | Sep 13, 2017 |
bridget's room is too quite so she has her moose friends come over. she realizes that they are too noisy and messy. she decides to have them go home and she ends up being okay with a quite house.
1 book
TUCC | 1 altra recensione | Nov 21, 2016 |
Exemplary model of unconditional love. In reverse, as it's the child (who is never seen on the pages) who loves the dog, despite all its shortcomings. I have to wonder, though, if Boodil is defiant, or just stupid? Sorry, I'm not a dog person. But this books is a charmer!
Cheryl_in_CC_NV | 5 altre recensioni | Jun 6, 2016 |
Well all-righty then.  I guess if nobody at school has a problem with this very non-traditional family, the rest of us with special families have nothing to fret about.
Cheryl_in_CC_NV | 2 altre recensioni | Jun 6, 2016 |
Darling indeed. I'm not sure I would have been quite so patient with Mia's misbehavior, but apparently she only needed a little time and a little kindness to get over being jealous. And after all, she poured dry sugar on Fergus' shoes, not her juice, so no harm done. ;)
Cheryl_in_CC_NV | 8 altre recensioni | Jun 6, 2016 |
Not a book for everyone, so, by my standards, I should not give it five stars. But I did love it so much that I can't bear to stop at four.

Suspend disbelief that the child would be lost overnight - after all, you have to suspend disbelief that wolves can talk and play hospital, anyway. Focus your thoughts, instead, on how Bridget, the most timid girl in her class, was able to be brave enough to try to boss the wolves around.

Seriously, was she that brave all along? Did she decide she's dreaming the wolves and so she's not worried? Did she make up the whole adventure to while away the time while waiting to be found? I have my ideas but I'm not telling....

The illustrations are totally fine. The casual cartoony style lets the reader focus on the story. The wolves are the liveliest, which makes sense. The adults are drawn a little odd - but from the perspective of a 4 year-old very short person, that's what they'd look like. The neck of a heavier woman, from down below, would not be visible, for example.

I had no problems with the text, especially none I can attribute to an imperfect translation.

I had mixed feelings about the author's book Boodil, but will know try to find everything else I can by her.

I do recommend this.
Cheryl_in_CC_NV | 1 altra recensione | Jun 6, 2016 |
Tommy is Mia's favorite uncle. They do lots of fun things together such as dyeing her hair and people-watching. One day Tommy has a new friend from Scotland, Fergus. Unfortunately, Fergus appears to be horning in on Mia's time with her uncle and she resents the shift in dynamic. When Tommy isn't feeling well, Mia reluctantly plays soccer with Fergus (who, as opposed to Uncle Tommy, can actually play soccer). It goes unsaid in the story but it's apparent from the illustrations that Mia has accepted Fergus.
Salsabrarian | 8 altre recensioni | Feb 2, 2016 |
Mini Mia is a young girl who loves spending time with her uncle Tommy. Uncle Tommy has a new friend named Fergus. Mia does not like that Fergus is always there when she spends time with her uncle. Mia soon discovers that she and Fergus share an interest. They both enjoy playing soccer. Mia soon realizes that Fergus is not such a bad guy.

This book emphasizes the negative feelings that one might feel when being in this type of situation. It is very likely that a teacher will have students in his/her class with same sex parents. Many children do not accept it at first, and this book could help open their minds to the idea. This book will also help them understand the importance of giving people chances.

Realistic Fiction
Reading Level: 2.4
rdg301library | 8 altre recensioni | May 24, 2015 |
This is a great book to teach children voice in writing. The use of dialouge to depict Mia's jealousy and childishness is pure genius. Apart from that, this is a very good book to help children to be aware of homosexuality in the community without being too explicit about it.
joshuachanyh | 8 altre recensioni | Nov 29, 2013 |
So much fun! [a:Pija Lindenbaum's|222712|Pija Lindenbaum|] books are most certainly different. Maybe not politically correct, but full of compassion and tolerance. (I'm thinking for instance of [b:Mini Mia and Her Darling Uncle|1371962|Mini Mia and Her Darling Uncle|Pija Lindenbaum||1361826].) Owen's mom is overwhelmed, There's the burnt bread in the toaster, she is late in the morning, her plants are all dry and dead, there's dust in the corners. We do feel for her. And one day, she loses it! Luckily it's only for a day, and Owen gets his mom back. I love the quirky illustrations where the details reveal some of the humor in the story. My son met with Owen's mom's transformation with empathy and concern, but at no point did he find it too frightening, although I myself was a little anxious that something realllly bad was going to happen when they Owen's mom arrived at the gas station breathing fire ...
Too bad the [b:Bridget|1539190|Bridget and the Moose Brothers|Pija Lindenbaum||1531346] books are not available here, we would love to read those as well.
Fjola | 3 altre recensioni | Oct 17, 2013 |
The book illustrates how hard it can be to share a special loved one with someone else. I thought Ella's (Mini Mia's) battle with herself here was well portrayed, and although it doesn't talk about the exact same feelings it reminded me of [b:Lilly's Purple Plastic Purse|825081|Lilly's Purple Plastic Purse|Kevin Henkes||1223344] where resentment is handled in a mature way.

I don't share the view of those who think the book encourages bad behavior. In my opinion, being overly didactic with children often misses the mark. Even three to four year olds often understand more about social dynamics than you think they do. It was quite clear to me, but also to my 4 year old, that Ella's behavior in the book was not exemplary. After the second display of rogue behavior I turned to my son and asked "What do you think?" He quietly shook his head and said "That's not nice!" "It's hurtful to say someone's pants are ugly!" He didn't need a mommy figure in the book to step in and spell those things out. And, anyway, this was not the purpose of the story, more important here, I think, was for them to understand that they are not the only ones to experience feelings of jealousy, but that things often work out all the same.

Also, I don't honestly see the bad in portraying uncle Tommy as this cool, fun friend yet who isn't good at soccer, but who obviously is way more interesting than his three still-living-with-mother brothers. Yes, visual details give little clues about Tommy's personality: Stereotyping? Maybe, but at least it's rather in a good way. He's hip, thus ... ? And, we're all victims of stereotyping anyway. Hey, my little guy yesterday had to tell off his 4 year old girlfriend who in a spurt of jealousy for his pretty tableware lashed off: "You can't use that plate, pink is for girls only!" He told her "Get over it! I don't care. I like pink and I like flowers and that's my choice!!" Finally, I happen to think that Tommy's choice of shirts in bright color prints is his way of defeating stereotype anyway. And he's visibly very accepting of Ella being who she is too. So, let's just all accept each other, and there!
Fjola | 8 altre recensioni | Oct 17, 2013 |
Ella, nicknamed "Mini Mia" because she loves soccer and idolizes Mia Hamm, is always thrilled when she gets to spend time with her fun-loving Uncle Tommy. But when a strange Scotsman named Fergus appears one day at Uncle Tommy's house, and always seems to be around, Mini Mia does everything she can think of to discourage him...

This is the classic story of a child's jealousy, in which the object of jealousy just happens to be a gay uncle's new boyfriend. It is refreshing to see a picture book in which a gay couple are featured, not as the "issue," but as just one matter-of-fact aspect of a charming story. No awkward Heather Has Two Mommies here, thank goodness!

Pija Lindenbaum is a Swedish author and illustrator for children, and her engaging story is well matched by her vibrant, humorous illustrations.
AbigailAdams26 | 8 altre recensioni | Jul 1, 2013 |
Tycker om språket. Boken innehåller många effektfulla formuleringar. Vissa scener, särskilt mot slutet, hade jag hellre varit utan - de stör mer än de tillför, även om det kanske (förmodligen) är meningen att de ska vara störande.½
LottaBerling | 1 altra recensione | Jun 19, 2013 |
This book could be used to identify character traits because Owen's mother is not herself. So the student could describe what a normal mom would act like.

Students like the story because the mom is doing things that normal moms don't do, which is pretty funny.
bkp008 | 3 altre recensioni | Apr 24, 2013 |
this is an aborable book about and endearing pooch named boodil. she isnt the sharpest tool in the shed but the love of her protecter and owner makes her special. this book can be used in a lesson about taking care of ones pets.
nkertz | 5 altre recensioni | Dec 3, 2011 |
A story about an everyday dog. In his owners eyes he is the greatest dog to walk the planet. A great story for dog lovers. The narrator just cant get enough of her amazing dog. I think this book is very relatable, because although our dogs are just average dogs in thier owners eyes they are so much more than that.
sarahbatte | 5 altre recensioni | Nov 29, 2011 |
Narrator can be either male or female and any age. Easy book to project yourself into, especially if you have a pet with a personality!
kmeling | 5 altre recensioni | Aug 2, 2011 |
When I saw the cover I was intrigued, but it was Brian's review at BookDads that sold me on Mini Mia and her Darling Uncle.
TheReadingTub | 8 altre recensioni | Jan 26, 2011 |
Nederlandse vertaling: Het boek over Bodil. Leuke tekeningen, maar de tekst loopt niet lekker.
mariettekkn | 5 altre recensioni | Mar 31, 2009 |
This book is an example of fantasy because it is about a girl who goes on vacation and finds a mini-island full of sheep who are hungry and thirsty and talk to her to get her to help them.
The theme of this book is unclear and confusing.
The media in this book is pencil.
mmandecka | Nov 19, 2008 |
Otroligt rolig barnbok.
Ninetail | 1 altra recensione | Aug 16, 2008 |