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Graci KimRecensioni

Autore di The Last Fallen Star

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This was a super emotional read!! But omg i loved the end of this book. The ending of this book shocked me and i did not see it coming. I think this this book was such a soild ending to the series and i love it. I think this book becme the strongest book in the series for me. I loved how this world felt so rich and also like it built on the first two books in this series but also was so differnet!! I am so excited to see what this author writes next!!
lmauro123 | 1 altra recensione | Dec 28, 2023 |
I really loved this sequel. I loved seeing thse characters again and loved the progression of this read. I also really enjoyed how different this book was the first book. This book was took a deepr look at the korean underworld. I also loved again a sister-focused advnture. This book also did a fun way of exploting this harder topic in a fun way with modern twist that is easier for audiences to follow. I also loved the framwork of this story in the quest elment at the heart of this read. I also really enojed the new set of characters we meet! The only downside to this read was i missed the side characters we meet in book 1 and am so excited to see how this book wraps up in book 3!!
lmauro123 | 2 altre recensioni | Dec 28, 2023 |
* I got this book for review from the publisher*

I thought this was such a fun read. I loved reading all these stories following the presents characters. They were all super fun and short stories. I thought some of them could have used a bit more basic info i felt a tad lost not having been caught up on the current books. I also really am now more motivated to actually catch up. I also just thought the stories were fun and dived into smaller assets of mythology . I also really liked learning about Irsh mythology.
lmauro123 | 5 altre recensioni | Dec 28, 2023 |
* I got this book for review from the publisher*

I really adored this read. I really loved how this book was such a fun korean inspired read, with a witch and mythology twist. I found this book to be super fast pace. I loved how the circle of friends increased as the book went on. I also really liked at the heart of this read, was the sisterhood elment. This book had so many of the elements is expected from a mythology read for 2020 culture. I read this book in two days and had a hard to putting it down! Such a great read!!! Can't wait for book 2, def one of my favorite imprint books overall.
lmauro123 | 8 altre recensioni | Dec 28, 2023 |
This was a super emotional read!! But omg i loved the end of this book. The ending of this book shocked me and i did not see it coming. I think this this book was such a soild ending to the series and i love it. I think this book becme the strongest book in the series for me. I loved how this world felt so rich and also like it built on the first two books in this series but also was so differnet!! I am so excited to see what this author writes next!!
lmauro123 | 1 altra recensione | Dec 28, 2023 |
I really loved this sequel. I loved seeing thse characters again and loved the progression of this read. I also really enjoyed how different this book was the first book. This book was took a deepr look at the korean underworld. I also loved again a sister-focused advnture. This book also did a fun way of exploting this harder topic in a fun way with modern twist that is easier for audiences to follow. I also loved the framwork of this story in the quest elment at the heart of this read. I also really enojed the new set of characters we meet! The only downside to this read was i missed the side characters we meet in book 1 and am so excited to see how this book wraps up in book 3!!
lmauro123 | 2 altre recensioni | Dec 28, 2023 |
* I got this book for review from the publisher*

I thought this was such a fun read. I loved reading all these stories following the presents characters. They were all super fun and short stories. I thought some of them could have used a bit more basic info i felt a tad lost not having been caught up on the current books. I also really am now more motivated to actually catch up. I also just thought the stories were fun and dived into smaller assets of mythology . I also really liked learning about Irsh mythology.
lmauro123 | 5 altre recensioni | Dec 28, 2023 |
* I got this book for review from the publisher*

I really adored this read. I really loved how this book was such a fun korean inspired read, with a witch and mythology twist. I found this book to be super fast pace. I loved how the circle of friends increased as the book went on. I also really liked at the heart of this read, was the sisterhood elment. This book had so many of the elements is expected from a mythology read for 2020 culture. I read this book in two days and had a hard to putting it down! Such a great read!!! Can't wait for book 2, def one of my favorite imprint books overall.
lmauro123 | 8 altre recensioni | Dec 28, 2023 |
This was a great collection to wind down the year. I read one story per day as a way to decompress after reaching my yearly reading goal. I ended up adding a few books to my TBR because I liked the story so much. Here's a little rundown of mini reviews-

Calamity Juice-2 stars-Just not into it. As soon as they mentioned clones my brain checked out.

Beware the Grove of True Love-2 stars-The kids were annoying and I didn't care.

The Cave of Doom-5 stars-Amazing. Loved it. It was compelling and I added the first novel to my TBR.

The Initiation-2 stars-Dumb. If space travel and colonizing other worlds has been achieved, why would you build a training facility on a gas giant? Or rather, in a gas giant's orbit? Like, wasn't there a solid planet somewhere that could be used?

The Gum Baby Files-5 stars-I love Gum Baby!
LynnMPK | 5 altre recensioni | Jun 27, 2023 |
The first in a new series based on Korean mythology. We read this for bedtime story, and by now have read enough stories with Korean elements that some aspects are starting to feel familiar, which is nice.

There's magic and adoption and belonging and feeling like the odd one out. There is a quest that feels impossible and a journey of discovery. There are fantastic creatures and fantastic food and exploring L.A.

It must have made an impression, because when the second book came out, my youngest demanded we buy it immediately, and put it at the top of our story-time stack.
greeniezona | 8 altre recensioni | May 12, 2023 |
This collection of short middle grade fantasy stories is rather uneven in that some stories you need to have read the series to understand (and maybe not even then) while others stand very well on their own.
bookwyrmm | 5 altre recensioni | Jan 23, 2023 |
The world building here is tremendous -- the clans of magic users, the hidden society, the blending of Korean culture into everything -- it's fascinating, and writing grabs you from the first and pulls you in. Also loved the characters -- Riley and her sister Hattie and cookie-bearing best friend Emmett are all awesome and her family and the peripheral characters are really great too. The magic is so interesting, and the magical creatures even more so.

That said, I had some troubles with plot holes and believability -- maybe because some of the features were just too predictable? Anyway, I think the book will be wildly appealing to the audience it is intended for.
jennybeast | 8 altre recensioni | Jul 15, 2022 |
This was an exciting story! While still very centered on our hero, Riley Oh, this series is really beginning to take on a fun, varied ensemble cast, similar to my favorite Rick Riordan Presents series, the one centered on Aru Shah. This entry in the series mainly took place in one very funny version of a Korean-inspired afterlife or underworld, and was a thrilling ride.½
bibliovermis | 2 altre recensioni | Feb 3, 2022 |
This novel is a 2022 Lone Star novel.

Riley Oh and her sister Hattie are super close, but only Hattie will be initiated into her powers as a healing witch. Neither think it's fair that Riley, as a Saram (human), can't be granted the healing powers as she is also such a good healer. Hattie knows no fear and concocts a plan to convince the goddess to grant Riley these powers. Unfortunately, the plan goes awry and now Riley must save her sister. Em, her best friend whose mother was killed by the one witch clan that was ousted from all the clans, promises to go on this journey with her. They'll find the last fallen star for the goddess who will then heal her sister. What Riley fails to mention is that she just learned she's Horangi, one of the ousted clan.

This novel is part of the Rick Riordan Presents, presenting Korean goddesses. Much like his novels, there are interesting gods, twists, and a journey as they try to complete a quest. It's enjoyable. The characters were likeable and the plot will continue in another novel. the end will surprise you--it's not all perfectly tied together in a bow.
acargile | 8 altre recensioni | Jan 19, 2022 |
I loved getting new stories from all of the Rick Riordian Presents series. I have read at least one book in most of the series, but not all. Stories I knew were easy to jump back into the characters and action, like with Gum Baby, or Sal. For stories I had not read yet like Storm Runner and Dragon Pearl, it was easy enough to grasp what was going on, and exciting enough to make you want to get back to those unread series. Plus the new Irish story from Riordian himself. Loved it. Plus, since this is all short stories, it makes it great for long and short car rides this holiday season.
LibrarianRyan | 5 altre recensioni | Dec 2, 2021 |
Things Got Out of Hand

This book is a lot of fun for readers who can’t get enough of Rick Riordan Presents books. It is very helpful to read the books before starting this collection of short stories. The majority of stories reference previous plots and characters, jumping right into the narrative. Filled with diversity, culture, universe traveling, and adventure! A brief warning for the squeamish, Sal and Gabi have a whole story about unicorn puke. Though all the characters are wonderful in their own way, I enjoyed catching up with Aru Shah as she learns love is dangerous, in the Grove of True Love. Gum Baby is hilarious as usual, proving she is a hero by saving Ayanna, Junior, and the memories of past heroes in The Gum Baby Files. It was great to have follow-up stories for standalone books. Min and her ghost brother Jun make new friends when agent training camp gets dangerous, and Nizhoni works with her Ancestor Club friends to defeat a demon drum. Each short story is as creative as the books, and leaves you wanting more.

The final story is written by Rick Riordan, and is not based on any of his previous or presently announced books. This short story is filled with interesting Irish history, a historical setting, skin disease, and death. Eight-year-old Demne described in one word is “special”, and is about as humble and sarcastic as Apollo. His childishness is endearing, as he struggles to find his purpose. This is a darker tale of growing up, that ends in a serious cliffhanger. It does not quite follow, or end, the lighthearted theme of this book. Again, this collection of short stories is a wonderful follow up to the Rick Riordan Presents books, with hopefully more books to come.
VictoriaGD | 5 altre recensioni | Aug 1, 2021 |
A great entry in the Rick Riordan Presents imprint, with an amazing world of myth and magic to explore. In addition to the heroic middle grade adventure we've come to expect from this imprint, I love how this one explored issues of familial love, sisterhood, and identity around adoption.½
bibliovermis | 8 altre recensioni | Jun 8, 2021 |
I received an advanced copy of this book from the publisher via NetGalley.

Rick Riordan has done wonders for the lit world, not simply through his own books, but his support of other authors. I've read several middle grade books in his new Presents line, and there hasn't been a bad one in the bunch. Graci Kim's fun yet meaningful romp The Last Fallen Star is an incredible new novel inspired by Korean mythology and set in Los Angeles.

Riley is a relatable, great heroine from the start. She was adopted into a family of Gom, witch healers, but has no magic herself, much to her vexation. In an incredibly pleasant twist to familiar tropes, Riley has a fantastic relationship with her family, including her almost-the-same-age sister, Hattie. In fact, Hattie loves her so much that she's willing to do forbidden magic to split her magical power with Riley. Of course, everything goes wrong. The Gods and the supernatural get involved. Hattie is in terrible peril. Riley ends up on an urgent quest to save Hattie before her sister is lost forever.

The pace of the book is fast and punctuated by moments of humor and levity, but what I loved most was the story's genuine heart. The people here feel real and complicated. There are major messages of belonging and family, but they are not heavy-handed or suffocating. Plus, hey, the book is loads of fun, and a great way to learn about Korean mythology and culture. I not only want to read the next book in this series, but I want to read more of Kim's writing, too.
ladycato | 8 altre recensioni | Mar 12, 2021 |
This MG read was a quick, entertaining, jaunt through Cali. It had a very relaxed vibe with laid back, modern dialogue. The premise was awesome with unique mythological creatures and an interesting explanation for their Magic. This Korean tale of Magic, Family (both given and chosen), Friends and Power merged nicely with the modern day backdrop.

The writing was good if not a tiny bit succinct. Although it did tend to be predictable at times, it still was fun exploring this fantastical world. Then there was the foooood! There was a whole lot of eating going on and this foodie appreciated all of the enticing shout outs to yummy cuisine.

The pace was steady but not frantic as the plot... needing to save the quickly diminishing life of a sister... called for (but never really delivered). I felt little to no suspense even though there should have been (strike# 1). There also was no struggle with conflict resolution. Things just simply worked. No pain for the gain = a slightly cranky reader here (strike# 2). BUT I let both transgressions slide (for the most part) because the rest was undeniably entertaining.


The world building was the star here AND even though I'm more of a character driven novel enthusiast, I still enjoyed this read. I might not be the exact demographic for this book though... it definitely has a younger (than myself) vibe... but I enjoyed it all the same.

If you're on the fence or just plain curious, you should definitely give this book a shot ESPECIALLY if you like a read with a strong female MC coming of age with close relationships, Magic and loads of mythical creatures and fantastical scenarios happening right smack dab in the middle of modern day California. It is a fun, clean, magical adventure suited for all ages.

~ Enjoy

*** I was given a copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review ***½
BethYacoub | 8 altre recensioni | Feb 1, 2021 |
Thanks to Disney Publishing Worldwide and NetGalley for this digital ARC in exchange for an honest review.
The Last Fallen Star is about Riley Oh, an adopted 12-year-old living with her Eomma,(mother) Appa,(father) and her sister, Hattie. They are part of the Gom clan, which is one of the five Korean witch clans still part of the council. Riley is sad because she cannot do magic due to her adopted heritage. But, when she and Hattie come up with a plan for Hattie to share her magic with Riley, she finally gets to do magic. But, when the spell goes wrong, and Hattie’s life is on the line, Riley has to join a hilarious cast of characters to find the godrelm’s last fallen star.

Oh my gosh this book was so amazing! Riley Oh is so relatable and funny that it takes you back to being 12. There are so many great things about this book. I love the mystery element Graci Kim added. It makes the characters heroes and detectives, and I think it’s cool that there is this big ominous event that they are piercing together part by part. This book really bends the cookie cutter of the Rick Riordan Presents books. There was no mystical guide in this because the main characters already knew about most of the magical things(emphasis on most…). I really like the characters, they are so true to real people that it feels like you are living the book. They are also so different from each other. I don’t like books where every character is so similar to all of the others that it feels like one person going through a quest alone. They each have defined personalities and there is huge character growth for each of them. I like how everyone mentioned in the beginning has a chance to shine. It makes it feel like no one is sidelined and no one is used too much. One big thing for Riley is her “leaky bladder eyeballs”. This feels so correct because if you are a 12-year-old kid who has to save not only your family, but the world, you would cry a lot too. The glossary is so helpful, but also, it’s great that you don’t need it too much. Everything is explained in great detail and the universe is so much easier to understand because of that.

I hope we get to see Hattie a lot in the next book. I was a little sad that we didn’t meet Hattie enough in the first one, but honestly that’s a good thing. Hattie is such a great character that I want to get to know her a lot. One thing that is worse about this book is all the twists. They aren’t all bad, but there are so many of them that they kind of undermine everything we learn in the first 3 quarters of the book. It feels like you can’t trust anything you learn. Something that surprised me about The Last Fallen Star is that according to her website this Graci Kim’s first book! This was really surprising considering that it was so good!

Graci Kim hits the ground running with this hilarious and meaningful book that will charm readers everywhere.
Books_With_Antonio | 8 altre recensioni | Jan 3, 2021 |
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