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Brian W. KernighanCentro di assistenza

Autore di Linguaggio C

30 opere 6,777 membri 67 recensioni 8 preferito

Centro di assistenza

Nota di disambiguazione:

(eng) "The C Programming Language" and "The C Programming Language, Second Edition" should not be combined as one work. The languages described are significantly different: K&R C in one case, ANSI C in the other. Any variant of the title with "second", "2nd", "ANSI" or "ISO" in the title almost certainly refers to the second edition. K&R C is these days of only historical interest, while ANSI C is a very important language. If you have any book about C , Objective C, C# etc, please do not combine it with either edition of "The C Programming Language". Also Brian Kernighan should not be combined with the "author" Brian Kernighan and Dennis Ritchie.

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