Immagine dell'autore.

Laurence M. JaniferCentro di assistenza

Autore di The Impossibles

49+ opere 936 membri 10 recensioni 2 preferito

Centro di assistenza

Nota di disambiguazione:

(eng) Janifer wrote books under the following names:
Tom Beach as of 2/13 none of Janifer's books written under this name are currently in LibraryThing. Any that are added will need to be split and aliased here.
Alfred Blake as of 2/13 the only books entered in LibraryThing under this author name belong to Janifer so the author is combined here.
Andrew Blake as of 2/13 none of Janifer's books written under this name are currently in LibraryThing. Any that are added will need to be split and aliased here.
Larry M. Harris as of 2/13 the only books entered in LibraryThing under this author name belong to Janifer so the author is combined here.
William Logan as of 2/13 none of Janifer's books written under this name are currently in LibraryThing. Any that are added will need to be split and aliased here.
Mark Phillips - Laurence M. Janifer and Randall Garrett wrote novels under this joint pen-name.
Barbara Wilson as of 2/13 none of Janifer's books written under this name are currently in LibraryThing. Any that are added will need to be split and aliased here.

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Laurence M. Janifer attualmente è considerato un "autore unico". Se una o più opere sono di più autori distinti ma omonimi, puoi suddividere questo autore.


Laurence M. Janifer è composto da 6 nomi. Puoi esaminare e separare i nomi.

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