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BooksInMirror | 16 altre recensioni | Feb 19, 2024 |
Though this book is not school friendly, it is informational with great humor. If you love looking at animals and baby animals, it does have wonderful pictures! I would read it first before reading it to a child to make sure that you are comfortable with answering questions that this book may bring up.
Sharquin | 2 altre recensioni | Sep 13, 2023 |
A dog lover's special gift from their furry friend.
Huba.Library | Oct 31, 2022 |
Star and a half. Someone referred to this as "The Green Day book," as a sequel to "The Blue Day Book," so I went in expecting something cute, with captions to make the photographs even funnier. This was just stupid and I rolled my eyes a lot. The photographs were great, though, and I wondered at their original contexts.
iszevthere | 7 altre recensioni | Jul 26, 2022 |
This was cute! The captions made the photos even funnier. It's the kind of book to read once to break out of a reading slump.
iszevthere | 16 altre recensioni | Jul 26, 2022 |
3/3-Χιουμοριστικά μηνύματα αισιοδοξίας δοσμένα μέσα από φωτογραφίες ζώων.
Bella_Baxter | Jun 25, 2022 |
I believe the book has photos, which in my opinion would cement this story into the reader’s mind quite firmly. However, I listened to the audiobook, so naturally I did not see the photos, but the words alone were magical.

Such a tragic story, yet inspiration and love shone through. The husband and father of the Bloom family wrote about their worst nightmare, sharing the details of his wife’s terrible accident and what followed. My heart went out to her, and to the rest of the family. And my heart swelled when Penguin came into their lives to help and be helped. It’s a marvelous story, but I wish they didn’t have to experience any of it.

I cannot know what Sam went through, and continues to experience. But this book shows that even in the worst circumstances, love and light and sheer will power can improve the situation. Truly, I’m lost for words and can only say that the book is worth your time. Be prepared for tears, and that warm fuzzy feeling you get when love conquers all.

Highly recommended.
KarenLeeField | 5 altre recensioni | Feb 24, 2022 |
This story explains what blue day feels like, what may cause it and how to get over it. The story is told with great humor and is useful in helping young children understand uncomfortable feelings and what can be done about them.
BLTSbraille | 3 altre recensioni | Oct 20, 2021 |
What a little gem this book was! I picked it up on a whim and fell in love with it within a few pages. At times heartbreaking, at others "Penguin Bloom" was humorous and heartwarming. I was moved by the Blooms' story and Penguin captivated my heart. The gorgeous photos of this little magpie with her family made this book special. While Penguin might be the smallest Bloom in stature, she certainly has the biggest personality. As the author stated, 'angels come in all shapes and sizes.' A beautiful read.
HeatherLINC | 5 altre recensioni | Jul 2, 2021 |
A wonderful book. Great humor used, along with funny animal photos, to give those laboring under depression or just plain old blues a lift. (There is one photo that might be objectionable to some.)
NAMI_Fairbanks | 16 altre recensioni | Jun 30, 2021 |
My mum sent me this book a while back (presumably when I was bitching non-stop about my job), but I’ve only just gotten around to reading it now. It’s pretty cute, and it definitely falls on the silly side of so-called self-help books since it employs the tried-and-true method of pairing amusing animal photos with the text to parlay its advice. I wasn’t sad when I read this book, so I can’t fully judge its validity as a source of cheering up, but I still got a few laughs and that is enough.
JaimieRiella | 16 altre recensioni | Feb 25, 2021 |
a host of decent platitudes, mediocre jokes, and cute animal pictures, but nothing more. the book strives to b a little too value-neutral for my taste, emphasizes passion a little much, to a potentially dangerous degree. but its cute.½
sashame | 7 altre recensioni | Sep 10, 2020 |
I actually woke up to the book on the kitchen counter. My aunt got this book from her friend a few years ago who passed away from cancer. I was having a hard time dealing with the stress of life and she had put a post-it note on it to read it when I could.

It is just a fun and uplifting book. I enjoyed all the animal pictures and the lightness of the book. If you're feeling down and stressed I recommend giving it a read. It's really adorable and fun.
Pookie30 | 7 altre recensioni | Mar 1, 2020 |
Bradley Trevor Greive's inspirational humor books are the luminous "little gems". His volumes are refreshingly original creations, driven by innocent (and often hilarious) animal images combined with just a few well-chosen words of text on each page. His "simple" tomes touch readers in a giant way.

BTG's Tomorrow, extends his remarkable reputation for creating profound books from life's most basic and enduring questions. Tomorrow reflects on staying sane in a world of change, conflict, confusion, and seeming madness. More than dealing with change, though, Tomorrow advises readers on how to maintain their footing and optimism even when the very ground seems to shift beneath their soles.

New and old fans alike will instantly identify with BTG's inviting format and probing insights. It is impossible to read this little book without smiling and laughing out loud.

Tomorrow's topic undoubtedly resonates with seriousness and concern. But BTG's magic includes his proven ability to mix universal themes with fresh perspectives and howlingly funny photos of animals both in and out of the wild. From a truly bizarre-looking baboon to a tiger that abhors lemon drops, the animal personalities in this book act as irresistible partners in delivering the author's message to the very heart of the reader.
PSZC | 4 altre recensioni | Apr 17, 2019 |
This was given to me by a friend of mine. She's a huge fan of his work and these books. They are very, very cute.
Sandra_Ruiz | 4 altre recensioni | Dec 7, 2018 |
I think I like this book mostly for the emotion it brings...I read this a short time after a good friend passed away and it was somehow comforting to me, not to mention that the pictures always seem to bring a smile to my face.
nrodri329 | 2 altre recensioni | Jun 16, 2018 |
This book was not what I expected. Instead of a tale of how a bird helped a family, it is more of a philosophical/help book with this family's travails interspersed throughout. I did love the photographs, though.
1 vota
fuzzi | 5 altre recensioni | Jan 25, 2018 |
The prologue, written by Bloom, gives a brief biography and an account of the heartbreaking injury to his wife Sam. Soon after her return from hospital their son found an injured magpie chick that had fallen from its nest onto a parking lot and the family had two patients to look after. The book describes Sam's devastating injury along with captivating photos of Penguin and how her antics helped. The photos, on opposite pages to text, correspond beautifully with the content of the text, illustrating how the magpie shared the lives of the Bloom family. As Cameron said: "Angels come in all shapes and sizes."

Sam wraps up the book with her side of the story and gives excellent advice about how to treat someone who has suffered a life-shattering injury.

A percentage of the royalties, matched by the publisher. will be donated to the Christopher and Dana Reeve Foundation.
1 vota
VivienneR | 5 altre recensioni | Dec 6, 2017 |
Tomorrow: Adventures in an Uncertain World is a cute little book about living for today and learning not to worry about the future.

This was a gift from my mom and after reading it I realized it has the feel of a Hallmark gift book. Sure enough, it is a Hallmark book! It's basically filled with photos of animals that apply to each caption at the bottom.

"You have a lot more control over the future than you might think, because you can shape your world just by being true to what you really care about. "

The pictures alone make powerful statements. I loved all the quotes and the book sends a strong message to live in the now and enjoy life while you can. Don't worry about tomorrow because it will be there when you wake up.

I tend to view these books in a negative way because I'm a realist and sometimes everything isn't okay in life, but I have to make an exception for this book because I like the message it sends about living in the now and not worrying about things you can't control. Worrying is simply a waste of life.

The photos are perfect. Cute...

Mischenko | 4 altre recensioni | Nov 30, 2017 |
I can't say anything about this book that many others haven't already said, and probably said better. What I will say is - This is a tale, told with great sympathy rather than a disheartening sadness. There are no doubt a countless number of stories out there that we'll never hear, of other people who have suffered a severe spinal cord injury and I'm sure Sam Bloom is an inspiration to many. Sam is strong. She was lucky to have had strong support and unconditional love from her husband and three young sons. The serendipitous circumstances that brought a baby magpie into their lives was a god send. I'm sure little Penguin helped them all through a time in their lives that could have seen their family life shattered beyond repair. I particularly take my hat off to Sam Bloom for her candid and sincere words at the end of the book. Here is a personal message of guidance aimed at others, like her, who are recovering after injury and some realistic, practical advice for their family and friends.
Fliss88 | 5 altre recensioni | Apr 11, 2017 |
Interesting book depicting moods for kids illustrated with real animal pictures that appear to be depicted mood. The pictures are also influenced by color.
Would be a great book along with other in the series to talk about moods and feelings and what they can do to change their mood to a more positive one. Students could also look at various pictures and try to identify what that person or animal could be feeling in regards to expression and maybe problem solve as to how they could help that person or animal feel better.
KButterfield | 3 altre recensioni | Dec 7, 2016 |
Everything about this book is just beautiful. It’s part animal story, part family struggle against awful circumstances, part motivational tale, part love story.

Cameron Bloom’s love for his wife bleeds through in the writing of this book, and the perfect use of pictures ensured that, before long, this reviewer was more than a little teary. But it’s not all doom and gloom, in fact there are plenty of laughs to be had, and the overall feeling of positivity and being able to overcome the worst if you have the right people in your life and the right attitude will ensure that you come out of this book with a smile on your face, feeling genuinely uplifted.

This story is so artfully put together, with a prologue to give us back story, an epilogue to share what’s happened since, and a letter from Sam herself, written to people with spinal injuries similar to the one she suffered and the people who love them.

The pages in between are simply gorgeous, allowing the reader an insight into this unique family, and into the things one might expect when nursing a wild baby bird back to health.

The rest of this review (WITH PICTURES) can be found HERE!
Figgy87 | 5 altre recensioni | Jun 26, 2016 |
Canlandırıcı bir kitap ve tekrar tekrar okunarak yaşama isteği kazandırma ihtimali var
SomethingElse01 | 7 altre recensioni | Apr 30, 2016 |
I always find something to laugh about when I page through this book.
JenniferRobb | 16 altre recensioni | Jan 17, 2016 |