Helen Gardner (disambiguazione)

"Helen Gardner" è composto da 4 autori distinti, divisi in base alle loro opere.


Suddivisione dell'autore

Helen Gardner (1)

Gardner's Art through the Ages (1927) 2,327 copie

Helen Gardner (2)

Opere a cui è stato assegnato l'alias Helen Louise Gardner.

The Metaphysical Poets (1957) 936 copie
Art of T. S. Eliot (1950) 139 copie
The Divine Poems of John Donne (1966) — A cura di — 39 copie
The Business of Criticism (1959) 23 copie
Selected Essays (1976) — Prefazione — 8 copie

Informazioni generali

Nota di disambiguazione
1. Helen Gardner (1878-1946) was an American art historian. She wrote Art Through the Ages.
2. Dame Helen Louise Gardner (1908-1986) was an English literary academic and critic. She edited New Oxford Book of English Verse.
3. Helen Gardner (b. 1942), author of My mother's child.
4.Gardner, Helen Bethea, 1959- Southern anthropology
5. (Isabel)Helen Gardner; Swinburne University of Technology - Perceptions of Family