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I LOVED this book as a kid. And then, as often happens, I completely forgot about it until a few months ago when someone casually mentioned it on a podcast. So I tracked down a copy (this is when I learned that Julie Andrews wrote it, and I'm still recovering from the realization that Julie Andrews was even more steeply rooted in my childhood than I thought) and really enjoyed revisiting it. All I remembered about this book was all the gardening and keeping house at a secret cottage in the woods, which was my favorite part to revisit, too.
AngelClaw | 35 altre recensioni | May 16, 2024 |
I don’t often read memoirs, but wanted something light today. It wasn’t as light as I had hoped. Perhaps a children’s book is more what I was in the mood for. This book includes enough names of people to fill a small dictionary. I was impressed that she remembered so many people. Many of them only made a cameo appearance.

In the latter half of the book I skim read it. The parts I read with greatest interest were her vocal training, and how she grew for future roles through some of the grueling experiences of being on stage eight times a week.
bread2u | 48 altre recensioni | May 15, 2024 |
Ben, Tom and Lindy Potter are ordinary children. They lead ordinary lives - until they meet the brilliant Professor Savant. He tells them all about the Whangdoodles, the wise and magical creatures who once lived on earth but then disappeared to another land, and were forgotten forever.

Except by Professor Savant and the three children, who are determined to visit Whangdoodleland, where the last of the really great Whangdoodles rules over his kingdom of fantastic creatures. Getting there isn't easy. The children must look "beyond" the ordinary, and see things in a completely different way. It's hard and dangerous work, and sometimes it seems that they'll never reach the Whangdoodle's castle. But little by little the children learn that with a bit of imagination, "anything" is possible.
PlumfieldCH | 34 altre recensioni | Mar 21, 2024 |
This is a really weird book, and I find a great deal unsettling. I do not recommend it as a read aloud, even though my four year old is enjoying it. I hate that the children are asked to keep their adventures a secret from their parents. I also an unclear why the professor is insisting that travel to a place where they are clearly not wanted. I will probably not finish it since it is clearly not going to resolve any way I would want it to.
mslibrarynerd | 34 altre recensioni | Jan 13, 2024 |
- Mandy
- The Last of the Really Great Whangdoodles
PlumfieldCH | 1 altra recensione | Dec 26, 2023 |
It's New Year's Day in Apple Harbor, and all the villagers are celebrating at Farmer Barnes' annual Open House, including Charlie, Pop-Up, and Dumpy the Dump Truck. But when the fire bell sounds, everyone's help is suddenly needed in town. Discovering that Pharaoh's General Store is ablaze, the firefighters bravely work to fight the flames and save the village.

As always, Dumpy proves invaluable -- demonstrating that everyone has something to contribute.
PlumfieldCH | Dec 6, 2023 |
Charlie, who is nervous about his first day of school, and Dumpy the dump truck, who is nervous about his first construction job, gradually adjust to their new settings after making new friends.
PlumfieldCH | Nov 29, 2023 |
Abandoned at 30% read.

I attempted to read this aloud to my nieces (ages 11, 9, 7), but we all became incredibly bored and had to quit.

Nothing interesting happens in the first 30%, as the book simply describes in a fairly monotone-style writing the work that Mandy completes in her garden. ("She did this, then she did that, then she went back to the orphanage and did this, then that...")
RachelRachelRachel | 35 altre recensioni | Nov 21, 2023 |
Ben, Tom and Lindy Potter are ordinary children. They lead ordinary lives - until they meet the brilliant Professor Savant. He tells them all about the Whangdoodles, the wise and magical creatures who once lived on earth but then disappeared to another land, and were forgotten forever.

Except by Professor Savant and the three children, who are determined to visit Whangdoodleland, where the last of the really great Whangdoodles rules over his kingdom of fantastic creatures. Getting there isn't easy. The children must look "beyond" the ordinary, and see things in a completely different way. It's hard and dangerous work, and sometimes it seems that they'll never reach the Whangdoodle's castle. But little by little the children learn that with a bit of imagination, "anything" is possible.
PlumfieldCH | 34 altre recensioni | Oct 12, 2023 |
Like her first memoir this book is full of the truth to her life. From the pages you can feel her pain, her joy and her love. This allows you to have a look behind the curtain of show business and get a glimpse of what it is really like. Yet again my inspiration for Julie Andrews grows.
Morgana1522 | 10 altre recensioni | Sep 27, 2023 |
In this auto biography you get to learn the life behind the inspiration that is Julie Andrews. You see the struggles she went through in her younger days and how at times she had to make heart wrenching decisions which had she not made, she may not be a house hold name. Through her writing you get to know her journey through life and see how she has grown and earned her stardom. To me she is even more of an inspiration than what she was before I read her book.
Morgana1522 | 48 altre recensioni | Sep 27, 2023 |
Ten-year-old Mandy feels lost among the thirty children who live in the old stone orphanage. She dreams of a home of her own, a place where she belongs. When Mandy climbs over the high orphanage wall to explore the outside, she is lucky enough to find a tiny deserted cottage hidden in the forest. With a few "borrowed" items, the cottage becomes a refuge. To guard her secret, Mandy even lies -- but when she falls terribly sick, no one knows where she is. No one, that is, except for a special admirer she didn't know she had.
PlumfieldCH | 35 altre recensioni | Sep 21, 2023 |
I was vaguely aware of what she did before Mary Poppins and The Sound of Music, but this was joyous to listen to and dive into that era of performing.
Elise3105 | 48 altre recensioni | Aug 13, 2023 |
My mom gave me this book in my Easter basket when I was 9(49 years ago). I loved it then and found it recently in a box of old books. Just as good as I remember. The paperback I have was $1.25?!? I wrote a funny note in the front that seems appropriate “This book is not an orphan, so do not adopt it”. There’s also an index card with a written excuse from my mom saying I was home sick with a sore throat.
AnneMarie2463 | 35 altre recensioni | Mar 31, 2023 |
Of all the illustrators I've studied, by far Gennedy Spirin is the most talented. Born in a town near Moscow Russia, he and his family reside in Princeton, NJ. An exceedingly talented artist, his original art is priced way beyond my means. However, I do own most of the books he illustrated, and I cherish each and every one of them.

This is book that was very hard to find, until I came upon the site and was able to obtain the book for a very reasonable price.

A tale of young adult Simeon who dreams of a better life, one that is far from where he lives. He goes on a quest to find a life that can match his dreams. This is a story that begins "Long time ago, when castles and monasteries dotted the land and knights went forth to do brave deeds, when women wove beautfiul tapestries and minstrels played for pauper and prince alike...."

Simeon's dream was to create and sing songs that others would cherish. He left behind his beloved Sorrel, promising to return with gifts worthy of her love. He slept along many river banks and sought his dreams that appeared far out of reach. He heard drummers and many talented musicians. None fulfilled his dream.

He rode many rivers and still was very lonely until one day a bird swooped down and asked for some of his humble meal. He gladly shared and the little bird followed him providing a beautiful song. He found a fish, but released it back in the wather. Like the bird, the fish followed him throughout his journey in his humble boat.

He came upon a deer who needed assistance in removing a pebble and he gladly helped.

As the story continues we learn that the bird, the fish, the deer, his canoe and the sunshine took him back to his beloved Sorrell where he learned the true meaning of happiness.
Whisper1 | Mar 15, 2023 |
I loved this book. I expected to like it but it exceeded my expectations.

It’s a sensational and informative book.

I never knew this historical information. I enjoyed learning it. Of course, it makes sense. Someone had to be the first to create a system for written music. This is the story of how Guido d’Arezzo invented a way to share and teach music by creating written music for each note. Up until that time people had to learn songs and hymns by memorizing what they heard others sing. I appreciate how Julie Andrews says that when she first sang the song Do-Re-Mi she did not know this story.

I applaud the choice to have an Italian artist do the illustrations for this book. The art is stunning and fun to view. The style might not always work for me but it was perfect for this book.

I dare anyone not to sing (vs. read) the Do-Re-Mi song at least a couple of times as they read, at least to themselves.

I’ve been a huge fan of Julie Andrews since my childhood when The Sound of Music came out in theaters. I love her singing (she was the very best!) and acting and most importantly she seems like a lovely person. My admiration for her is not why I liked this book as much as I did, even though she is one of the authors and writing about her personal experience in her notes does add to it. On its own it’s just a great book about its subject.

The Sound of Music is my favorite movie. Do-Re-Mi is not my favorite song in it but I like it and I love it in this book. Using it is a wonderful way to tell this true story.

There is a note from the authors to the reader at the start of the book. The end of the book has these short sections: A Note About the Song Do-Re-Mi, a Glossary, A Day in Guido’s Life at Pomposa Abbey, The Guidonian Hand, and A Historical Note that reveals exactly what is known for sure, and the book’s story proper pretty much follows these facts and also adds some plausible details to fill out the story.

I recommend this book to fans of picture book biographies and those interested in the history of music. Highly recommended for everyone really, especially children who are getting or will be getting a music education. If I was buying only one picture book this year this would be the one. It would be so much fun to have on hand to be able to share. Definitely a gift worthy book!
Lisa2013 | Dec 29, 2022 |
This started off well, I liked the idea of whangdoodle land, but as it progressed I started doubting its suitability for kids.
First of all, it's quite phallic, whangdoode for instance contains two euphemisms for male genitalia.
Then there's the whole thing of these kids going to some land with a random man they do not really know, quite alarming ot be honest.
And the whangdoodle himself was rather creepy - and the cloning thing? Even creepier and a rather weird turn.
I don't know how I feel about this one. It's a shame, I was hoping it would like the Phantom Tollbooth...
spiritedstardust | 34 altre recensioni | Dec 29, 2022 |
While we didn’t find it ‘outstandingly funny’, as the front of the DVD describes this, there are some amusing moments, and one brief scene - an American/British language difference, where Colin Firth puts Julie Andrews right - which was delivered with such perfect timing that we laughed out loud and kept chuckling for a while afterwards.

The whole thing is caricatured, of course, as is typical for plays of this era, with a deeper theme exploring the prejudices that were - and maybe still are - held against foreigners and commoners, by even the most enlightened of the upper classes.

Definitely recommended as a light-hearted and amusing satirical film.
SueinCyprus | Dec 14, 2022 |
I've always loved watching and listening to Julie Andrews in her movies and television specials; maybe that's why I loved this book. Her early years were so different from what I had pictured. Why do we imagine perfect lives for the people that seem so perfect on the screen? From child singing star to Broadway and then back to London to star in My Fair Lady -- this books covers it all, including her close friendship with Carol Burnett. Her thoughts, feelings, and actions are all here, memories recovered from interviews, letters, and journals.

Unfortunately, it ends with her beginning to make the movie Mary Poppins. I wanted to know what happens next.
DebCushman | 48 altre recensioni | Aug 25, 2022 |
I don't even know how to really express my thoughts. I listened to the audio version of this book, read by Julie Andrews herself. It was everything you want Julie Andrews's autobiography to be. Funny, light, serious, sad and joyful by turns, it is the story of a life. A must for any fan.
FaithBurnside | 10 altre recensioni | Aug 17, 2022 |
I remember in the 5th grade I was asked if I wanted to do an extra assignment for English and read a book from the teachers selection and do the activities that came with it. Me being a bored 10 year old, I said yes. Out of her selections, I chose this book because I have always been of fan of Julie Andrews and I thought it was so cool that she wrote a book. I can honestly say that this was one of my favorite childhood books and I even went out and bought it myself. It still sits on my bookshelf and I'll pull it out to read from time to time. It really helped open my eyes to bigger goals and dreams just like Mandy had. She was so determined to fix up this old little cottage, even when she got in trouble for it and had to sneak around.
WillowHeart | 35 altre recensioni | Aug 8, 2022 |
While this review indicates a 2019 read date, I own a copy that I reread often.
Spoilers. This book brought me so much joy and wonder when I read it as a child. I took it into the rain with me, even, and was saddened to learn what water damage can do to a book. I was delighted, however, to learn that I could still read the water-warped words (unintentional alliteration! I feel so cool) perfectly once it dried, and the illustrations only seemed a bit washed out. The front cover came off at some point, too, but I kept reading the copy I had. I marveled at the glorious, lush descriptions of gardens, estates, and gardening and house chores. I regularly ignored Sue, Mandy's roommate at the orphanage, and Jonathan, the son of the couple that takes Mandy in. I thought so often reading this as a kid, that Matron just didn't understand Mandy and the cottage was perfect. I always worried about Mandy when she got sick, and the story ending always warmed my heart. I grew out of the book, as it were, when I was probably thirteen or so.

In recent months, I've wanted to read it, so I put in an order at a bookstore. As an adult, um...yeah. I was kind of conflicted about which star rating to give it, and finally settled on three. I'd say this takes place in 1800s rural England, but I was definitely wondering at parts "what adult would do that, even back then?" followed by, "um, maybe it was really different in the 1800s and that was normal." Maybe Dickenson-style orphanages were more common. (muses a bit) So. As an adult, I still delighted in the rich descriptions of the work of gardening and the pride that working hard to clean a dwelling can bring. I was filled with joy at each illustration, large or small. I looked for tiny details, even, and they were indeed there. But I also thought the adults favored Mandy to an unrealistic degree, that she was often rude to Sue, and that there were no real consequences for some serious things Mandy was doing. Hence my frequent thought "maybe things were different in the 1800s." Or maybe Mandy is indeed written unrealistically.

I don't understand why Jonathan was in the book--now that I write that, I realize it was probably solely to give Mandy a sibling. She had two doting parent figures quickly and unrealistically. Jonathan took the whole "we're taking care of a sick, strange, orphaned girl who broke into your dad's new cottage repeatedly to garden and deep clean" pretty well. On reread as adult, this is a clear adoption fantasy. It's so well-written that, had I not read the book's introduction, I'd have guessed the author was writing about herself. I need to stop guessing that. More likely, it's a Little Orphan Annie retelling, sugar-coated and with no dog. It's mentioned Mandy's a terrific singer, but not if she has red hair. Hm. And I'm not poking fun--my youth musical theater career started when I was eleven because I could sing. Here, though, I was kind of surprised Mandy wasn't more smug--it fits with her character. (shrugs)

This book had a profound effect on me as a reader, as a kid. I love descriptions in novels of houses and gardens, and this book is what began it. I write short stories as a hobby, and when someone lives in a nice house, I give the character a garden that will remind me positively of the one described and cared for in this book. If I were to read this again, and I'm still deciding, I'd read it for the descriptions and ignore the story I think. I'm glad I reread it now though.
iszevthere | 35 altre recensioni | Jun 24, 2022 |
Love that Julie is th3e one that read the book. It felt like you should be sitting there drinking a cuppa tea and listening to her but alas, I listened to her in the car but it still was very nice. It was interesting listening to her talk about not only her childhood but her first few years in acting the big roles. This book sees her through My Fair Lady, Camelot, and the beginning of Mary Poppins. Good listen (and read)
KyleneJones | 48 altre recensioni | Apr 25, 2022 |
My review of this book can be found on my YouTube Vlog at:

booklover3258 | 10 altre recensioni | Jan 28, 2022 |