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Leona Deakin

Autore di Gone

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Opere di Leona Deakin


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Oh wow, this is such a fantastic read. I was hooked from page 1 and the pace didn't let up until the very end.

What a premise too. Leona Deakin has written something so incredibly original. I was marvelling at its power to intrigue and surprise me. Dr Augusta Bloom is the main protagonist. She's a psychologist but also an investigator, an unusual and perhaps unexpected combination. I thought she was a brilliant creation. Working alongside her colleague, ex-secret service agent Marcus Jameson, she is asked to look into the disappearance of first of all a friend of Marcus's, and then more people who have disappeared in similar circumstances.

Missing person storylines are nothing new but this is where the author has taken it a step further. She's invented something that absolutely thrilled and fascinated me and made me seriously think about certain people! The people go missing when they receive a first birthday card with a dare contained within it, a dare to play a dangerous game.

This is a story that flows perfectly. It's so easy to read and yet it's such a complex storyline. I'm really impressed with how well the author managed to make it oh so plausible, so realistic, so chilling and so exciting. I was also amazed by the twists which I really did not see coming - so clever and dark.

I'm so pleased to see that Augusta will return in a second book in 2020. I don't know if Lost can possibly top Gone but I'm really looking forward to finding out. In case you hadn't cottoned on, I highly recommend this book. It's nice to read something so innovative, an investigative story from a different viewpoint, not a police procedural. It completely messed with my mind, challenged my thinking and made me look at people in a completely different way. Just brilliant.
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nicx27 | 2 altre recensioni | Dec 10, 2019 |

Gone Is a rerelease of the Book Mind Games.
It's a psychological crime thriller and has quite an interesting premise.
Its told from multiple POV and was quite the suspenseful mystery with plenty of twists and turns to keep your attention.
Marcus Jameson and Augusta Bloom, Ex-spy and criminal psychologist but also partners in there own PI business.
Their latest case involves the disappearance of a family friend's mother who has vanished after receiving a mysterious birthday card with the message "Your Gift is the game, dare to play".
Upon further investigation it is revealed there are others that have disappeared in similar circumstances.
As the mystery deepens and the numbers climb its not long until the police themselves get involves.
I did like the dynamic between Bloom and Jameson it worked well and I found this to be an intriguing read, its clear the author knows her psychology.
I did guess quite early on what the twist was but this was still an enjoyable experience.
Overall this was a solid read.
I voluntary reviewed a copy of Gone.

Reviewed By Beckie Bookworm
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carpathian1974 | 2 altre recensioni | Nov 7, 2019 |

Gone Is a rerelease of the Book Mind Games.
It's a psychological crime thriller and has quite an interesting premise.
Its told from multiple POV and was quite the suspenseful mystery with plenty of twists and turns to keep your attention.
Marcus Jameson and Augusta Bloom, Ex-spy and criminal psychologist but also partners in there own PI business.
Their latest case involves the disappearance of a family friend's mother who has vanished after receiving a mysterious birthday card with the message "Your Gift is the game, dare to play".
Upon further investigation it is revealed there are others that have disappeared in similar circumstances.
As the mystery deepens and the numbers climb its not long until the police themselves get involves.
I did like the dynamic between Bloom and Jameson it worked well and I found this to be an intriguing read, its clear the author knows her psychology.
I did guess quite early on what the twist was but this was still an enjoyable experience.
Overall this was a solid read.
I voluntary reviewed a copy of Gone.

Reviewed By Beckie Bookworm
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carpathian1974 | 2 altre recensioni | Nov 7, 2019 |


½ 3.7

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