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John Jefferson Davis (1) (1946–)

Autore di Evangelical Ethics: Issues Facing the Church Today

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John Jefferson Davis (Ph.D., Duke University), an ordained Presbyterian minister is, professor of systematic theology and Christian ethics at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary in South Hamilton. Massachusetts. A former president of the Evangelical Philosophical Society, Davis is the author of mostra altro Foundations of Evangelical Theology, Frontiers of Science and Faith, and numerous articles in scholarly journals. mostra meno

Opere di John Jefferson Davis

Opere correlate

Inerrancy and common sense (1980) — Collaboratore — 83 copie


Informazioni generali

Data di nascita
Duke University
Attività lavorative
seminary professor



Though a confidently written book promoting postmillenialism, it is not convincing, especially when it is handling the passages to the contrary. Also, many of the conclusions seemed to be the same as premillenialism, only that the events will happen later than sooner. Inother words, the victory is lost in the end, and Jesus returns just in time. To me, this is not the usual view of postmillenialism.
taterzngravy | May 24, 2007 |
Foundations of Evangelical Theology by John Davis is a 1980's approach to idealized evangelical beliefs. Davis approaches the subject of Evangelical theology from a two separate directions the positive and the negative. Davis spends more time discussing what other theology's are and what Evangelical theology is not than he does breaking down what Evangelical theology actually is. In this sens the reader comes away knowing as much about early church theology, reformation theology and catholic theology as they do about evangelical theology. While this approach is not bad in and of it self to much of a good thing distorts the thesis of the book.
At times Foundations of Evangelical theology reads like a collection of quotes, reminding the reader that Evangelicals do have historic roots all the way back to the Church Fathers. The reader also comes away with the sense that even bad guys like Karl Marx have had a positive influence on modern evangelicalism. While the book is geared and written for the lay Christian Davis quotes so many historic figures the average reader could easily get lost trying to place names with eras and beliefs. Davis loads pages down with apt quotes from theologians from Augustine, Calvin, Wesley, Stone, and other less familiar names. Within the onslaught of quotes and figures is the thesis of the book, the Foundations of Evangelical theology.
Davis puts Evangelicalism were it belongs amongst the historic movements of the church but he does injustice to the movement by sliding strong political comments and bards from the religious right aimed at a host of other views.
Though the book is 22 years it's timing and content is still constructive for the modern church. At times the reader will realize what Davis warned about came true and at times the reader will be frustrated by the lack of movement in the past 22 years.
Davis hits his key topics hard and constantly. He preaches the need for a return to the scriptural authority and inerrancy, the need to balance of tradition, the place of the Holy Spirit and the perpetual focus on Christ.

The book would have been better off paired down to a manageable and focused 75 pages. I would recommend Foundations of Evangelical Theology to anyone looking to get an idea of how Evangelical thought meshes and opposes other prevalent Christian thought but only if the reader has a working knowledge of Christian figures and beliefs. The book works just as a collection of quotes from historic theologians as it as it does as a primer Christian theology in general.
… (altro)
kurtabeard | 1 altra recensione | Feb 19, 2007 |


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