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Ethan Cross

Autore di The Shepherd

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Opere di Ethan Cross


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Der Black Rose Killer entführt junge Frauen und hält sie als Sklavinnen, denen er sein Zeichen tätowiert. Dann lässt er sie frei, um sie nach einiger Zeit zurückzuholen. Falls sie die Polizei einschalten, würde das sehr schnell geschehen. Trotzdem hat die junge November McAllister diesen Schritt gewagt. Sie wurde in einem entlegenen Farmhaus versteckt und Francis Ackerman jr. und Nadia Shirazi sind auf dem Weg zu ihr, um sie zu beschützen. Doch der Black Rose Killer ist schneller und hat November wieder entführt. Die Jagd auf ihn ist eingeläutet.
Dies ist nach „Die Stimme des Zorns“ der zweite Band der Reihe um Francis Ackerman jr. und seine Partnerin Nadia Shirazi vom FBI. Wer schon einmal ein Buch von Ethan Cross gelesen hat, weiß dass es grausam und blutig wird. Der Schreibstil ist gewohnt flüssig zu lesen. Bei der vielen Brutalität sorgen die erfrischenden Dialoge dafür, dass man beim Lesen wieder runterkommen kann.
Francis Ackerman jr. ist genial, aber auch überheblich. Er wurde von seinem Vater zu einem grausamen Killer gemacht. Doch das hat er hinter sich gelassen und ist nun als Franklin Stine für das FBI tätig. Er kämpft gegen seine Dämonen und will nicht mehr töten. Doch wenn er hinter Monster, wie dem Black Rose Killer her ist, ist das gar nicht so einfach. Seine Partnerin Nadia Shirazi hat auch schon Schlimmes erlebt und ist daher ganz besonders motiviert hinter dem Black Rose Killer her. Ackerman mag Nadia, aber es muss für mich daraus keine Beziehung werden. Neu dabei ist Senior Inspector Sebastian Knox, den ich Anfang gar nicht mochte, der aber dann bewiesen hat, dass er kämpfen kann. Wird es ihnen gelingen, gemeinsam den Psychopathen zu stoppen? Doch der Black Rose Killer hat seine eigenen abartigen Spielregeln, die selbst Ackerman viel abverlangen.
Auch wenn Ackerman keinen Schmerz kennt, so ist das, was er durchzieht vollkommen unrealistisch. Trotzdem macht es immer wieder Spaß, ihn in Aktion zu erleben.
Am Ende kommt es zu einem dramatischen Showdown.
Auch wenn dieser Thriller bestimmt nicht jedem gefällt, mich hat er wieder gut unterhalten und ich bin bei einer Fortsetzung gerne wieder dabei.
… (altro)
buecherwurm1310 | Mar 6, 2021 |
I Am Wrath by Ethan Cross
The Ackerman Thrillers #4

It is so refreshing to find a lethal bad guy that I should hate but really do empathize with and feel I am beginning to love. Not that I would want to be his prey, but I do like this anti-hero, his brother and this series! Each book draws me in a bit more and I wonder as I read just where the series is going and how it will finally end.

What I like:
* Francis Ackerman Jr. – lethal serial killer that is trying to go straight…sort of. I admire his skills, intelligence and cunning but also realize he is not truly a good guy.
* Marcus Williams – special operative on the side of right…the light to Ackerman’s dark BUT both do have a bit or more of the dark lurking within.
* Maggie Carlisle: Marcus’s love-interest and another operative that we did not see much of, at least in the “love light” in this book. She seems to have her own demons to deal with
* Dylan: Marcus’s son – again, not much seen of him but he could have an interesting part in future books
* Andrew – a good friend and fellow operative
* That I could empathize with some of the really evil people that were in this book
* The plot and how the details were slowly released about the game in play, who was involved, the ultimate plot and how it all came together seamlessly
* Hating the bad guy…and though there were more than one there was one that I really REALLY hated
* Wanting to know more about Demon and hoping to find out in book five who Gladiator might be.
* All of it really…even the gruesome bits including the fight scenes

What I didn’t like:
* The loss of innocent lives…but then…is anyone truly innocent?
* Having to wait for book five

Did I enjoy this book? Yes
Would I read more in this series? Definitely

Thank you to NetGalley and Head of Zeus-Aries for the ARC – This is my honest review.

5 Stars
… (altro)
CathyGeha | Jan 10, 2021 |
I Am Pain by Ethan Cross
The Ackerman Thrillers #3

I keep wondering how I have come to actually like a serial killer that has no compunction and even enjoys killing others…often in painful ways…and yet…that is exactly what I find I am doing when it comes to Francis “Frank” Ackerman Jr. He has perpetrated heinous crimes on others but also seems to have had an epiphany and be trying to change his ways…at least a bit. He is the son of a ruthless psychotic killer, the brother of a man that has a dark side but works on the side of right and is often caught in situations that are difficult for him as well as for others. I have no idea where this rather dark gritty sometimes gruesome series will lead but I can’t wait to find out in book four.

What I liked:
* Frank: a serial killer that may be redeemable(?)
* Marcus Williams: Frank’s brother who seems to be questioning much before this book begins. He finds himself in a whole lot of pain for a good portion of this story
* Maggie Carlisle: works with Marcus and is his romantic interest although not much romance was observed in this book. She seems conflicted.
* Stan and Andrew – part of the Shepherd group
* Learning more about Ackerman Sr. and just how twisted he was – also meeting his father who was also interesting and disturbing
* The plot and how it was developed – finding out what the Coercion Killer’s goal and motivation were and who he was
* The taking down of the mercenaries
* The creep factor that left me thinking about how twisted and dark some people are
* Being able to like Frank – a man that should be unlikable
* Wondering how Dylan will turn out
* Knowing that there will be a book four

What I didn’t like:
* Knowing what Ackerman Sr. did to his family and to others
* Realizing and being reminded of the fact that there are people in the world that could be like the bad guys in this book.

Did I enjoy this book? It kept me interested beginning to end – I could not put it down
Would I read more in tis series/ by this author? Definitely

Thank you to NetGalley and Head oof Zeus – Aries for the ARC – This is my honest review.

5 Stars
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CathyGeha | Jan 6, 2021 |
I AM FEAR by Ethan Cross
The Ackerman Thrillers #2

Once again, the story begins with Ackerman ready to play a game…a potentially deadly and very painful game. Francis Ackerman is a force to be reckoned with or so Marcus Williams and his team believe so. It seems that Francis is always one step ahead of Marcus, though, and as Marcus has a job to do he cannot focus his entire attention on Francis. No, this time he begins with one case and quickly is sent on to find The Anarchist and what a heinous serial killer The Anarchist is!

What I liked:
* Francis: I know, I know…how can I like a serial killer, you ask? Well, he has his own code of ethics, doesn’t seem totally unsalvageable and does care about at least one person on the earth. Sure, he doesn’t mind inflicting pain and death but in this book at least some of the time there seemed to be a purpose for it…well…sort of?
* Marcus: a good man that questions his goodness and wonders if there is a future for him other than the one his path has taken him on so far.
* Maggie: I think she has potential with Marcus…maybe? Time will tell as the series progresses although she seemed a wee bit jealous at times and perhaps not the stability Marcus needs but maybe she will grow on me?
* That the most heinous killers in the book had some redeemable qualities…sort of? At least I could relate to them and even though I couldn’t really like them I at times felt sorry for them…a bit.
* The pace, writing, intensity and all the rest
* Knowing that there will be another book to look forward to in the future.

What I didn’t like:
* The way some people are willing to manipulate others. More than one person manipulated, used, abused, tortured and killed in this book.
* Having to wait to find out what happens next.

Did I enjoy this book? Yes
Would I read more in this series? Definitely
Was the story dark? Definitely

Thank you to NetGalley and Aria & Aries/Head of Zeus for the ARC – This is my honest review.

5 Stars
… (altro)
CathyGeha | Nov 9, 2020 |

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