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82 opere 322 membri 35 recensioni


It was one of those romances that has a fairly unlikely setup, but if you can get past that, it’s a good enough story with strong enough characters to keep it going. Both of the main characters are believable, but as is often the case, just a little too good to be true unless you can turn off all your "disbeliefs" and go for the "made for each other" line. The setting is isolated for most of the story so there aren’t really any other characters aside from occasional people who appear for only one chapter. I have to admit that I’m a sucker for dominant, protective, and sexy Doms who take ownership over their submissives Levi became my hero and Jake was a good character for his role in the story but some things about him...the job that was supposed to be waiting for him in Boston when the hike was over...why he didn't want to talk about his former teaching career or much of any other aspects of his life, especially when his and Jakes relationship became more than just friends...that didn't make much sense. Good enough story and characters for 4 stars.
Carol420 | 1 altra recensione | Jun 2, 2023 |
I like the way Jason Collins writes! Light, fairly uncomplicated story in this sweet gem. Michael Carrington was as obnoxious as his name sounds. The give and take between Brett and Ethan was both hot and sad. If Ethan had only asked Brett out in the awkward beginning...well there would not have been the entire story.
Connorz | 1 altra recensione | Jan 4, 2023 |
This story was just okay. I liked the settling which was my reason for reading the book but the writing style seemed to make the story drag. I think that Grandma Nancy was very unbelievable.
Connorz | 1 altra recensione | Jan 4, 2023 |
This was REALLY bad. I loved the plot, but even being a single dads series we got almost nothing about the parent things, the book needs an urgent review and the sex scenes were just a big mess, you couldn't understand shit.
Tratiezone | Nov 8, 2022 |
This is fine. Very insta-love but I didn't super mind that. I just found it to be dull at parts. The summary made me think that they would have to survive in the wilderness or something when really there is very little conflict.

One petty complaint I have is that the PhD parts of this felt under-researched. Elliot is getting a PhD at one university and there are discussions of him just transferring to a different one. This is not how PhD's work and this just annoyed me a lot.

With regards to the characters. I thought they were fine. Nothing special but I did like their connections to each other once I got past the insta-love. I just never felt like I learned anything about them. Caleb is a pilot and Alaskan and Elliot is a scientist. I wish we had dived a little bit more into their personality and backgrounds.

As stated, the plot is not very present in this. There was definitely a little bit of overwriting, especially at the beginning. The descriptions of Alaska were very drawn out. I appreciate the attempt to really set the scene but it just felt overly flattering of Alaska and eventually it started to feel weird that the author was talking about Alaska SO MUCH.

I doubt that I'll read anything else in this series but I might read other books by this author. I didn't hate this or anything and it was a very quick read. It's just that this book didn't blow me away.
AKBouterse | 1 altra recensione | Oct 14, 2021 |
I don't quite know if this is a prequel to a longer story. It's certainly left said there's more story to tell.

Lillian_Francis | 1 altra recensione | Jul 26, 2021 |
Way too short for any real development. Just a scene from a much longer book.
Lillian_Francis | 2 altre recensioni | Jul 26, 2021 |
Rating 3.89 out of 5 stars
Jesse is a flamboyantly gay man who loves pink and runs his own soap business. Austin is an open minded straight man who is the foreman for a construction crew. After Jesse's help that ultimately wins Austin's crew a bid, Austin invites Jesse out for a drink and discover's that he may have some not so straight feelings toward Jesse. Jesse is having trouble with his male line of soaps and after talking with very attractive Austin they come to an agreement. Austin will be his Straight Guy Consultant, but it doesn't take long for things to heat up between the two.
I liked this book. It had some very steamy scenes which was nice. I thought romance was a bit unrealistic though. Mostly cause a guy like Austin seems highly fantasy. Whether gay or straight, I just highly doubt there is such a perfect man. He's supposedly straight but accepts his attraction to Jesse with no problems, and he's highly open minded to all of Jesse's whims. Just no lol. It's a great fantasy but took the realism away from the story for me. This is one of my first M M romances. I definitely love the genre
My rating system:
initial feeling= 3.5
writing= 3.75
story= 3.5
originality= 4.5
unpredictability= 4
ending= 4
interest= 4
starslight86 | 1 altra recensione | Jul 20, 2021 |
A very one-note book. Pretty much went: Makeover, sex scene, makeover, sex scene, makeover, sex scene, makeover, business success!

While I love fem guys, this didn't work for me. I was bored.
Stephan24 | 1 altra recensione | Apr 6, 2021 |
Forced proximity--check
Fake fiance--check
Hot guys with lots of chemistry--check
Likable characters--double check!

Luke and Nathan were great characters, both together and individually. Nathan is a billionaire who has more of a focus on his employees and making the world a better place rather than being an uppity rich playboy. He is taking investors on a cruise from the US to Monaco on his private yacht, but the chef he hired quits the day before he is supposed to set sail.

Luke is newly hired as Nathan's personal chef after his family restaurant closes. The day after he meets Nathan for the first time, Nathan asks Luke to come on the trip as his chef. In order to woo the investors, though, they decide to have Luke be his fake fiance. These two guys had a ton of chemistry. It was only a week and a half together, but the forced proximity allowed them to really spend time getting to know each other. It didn't take long for their relationship to blossom into something more real, and I loved how they didn't shy away from their feelings.

This was a very enjoyable book, and I loved spending time with these two guys.

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ktomp17 | Mar 21, 2021 |
Jake is feeling a bit low and feels he needs to get away to prove that he can do something with himself. Silly city boy with no experience decides to hike part of the Appalachian trail. Luckily for him after falling and hurting himself, the gorgeous Levi finds and rescues him.

Levi has lived in the woods by himself because he prefers solitude and nature. When he finds Jake, he knows he can't leave him or send him back off on the trail injured, so he brings him to his home and takes care of him. Over the course of a week, Jake and Levi get to know each other very well, and they both find that the other person brings a calmness to them that they never experienced before. Although they acknowledge how fast it happens, both men know after that week that they don't want to be apart anymore.

Levi and Jake were super sweet. I loved watching both of them come out of their comfort zones in many ways. They really were well matched. Along with the sweetness, of course, and some super hot hot hot scenes. Levi takes total control in the bedroom, and Jake is the perfect submissive for him. What I liked most about the dominance and submission in this book, is that there was a true connection during all of the scenes. None of it was just dominance for the sake of dominance or as a boring point plot. There was true pleasure and emotional connection along with the act itself, and that made the book even that much more enjoyable. This was well written, and I loved the characters and story.

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ktomp17 | 1 altra recensione | Mar 21, 2021 |
Ben was invited by his uncle to become a member at a prestigious club. Noah is a bartender there. There is instant attraction, and they get to know each other despite the club rule that staff should not engage in relationships with the members. Noah shows Ben around and they become close. As Ben works to show he someone who could be valuable to the club and looks to make changes, Noah stays by his side. I thought there were some great moments between Noah and Ben, and they overcame a lot without any real angst in the story. It was a good read.

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ktomp17 | Mar 21, 2021 |
Brett and Ethan were totally adorable. Ethan was a former player who got handed a real crap deal by his horrible father in an effort to watch him fail. Ethan decided that he wanted to succeed, so he put his all into rebuilding a vineyard hotel. Brett comes by looking for a job, and Ethan hires him right away. Shortly thereafter, Ethan realizes he needs investors and in order to get investors, he needs to appear stable. He asks Brett to be his fake boyfriend, and Brett agrees.

I loved how the characters were pretty transparent with each other. They both felt an attraction, but there was no real dancing around it. They started a fake relationship, but it eventually turned to friends and then friends with benefits with a whole lot of feelings attached. The writing was great, and I felt like I was right there with the guys. I really enjoyed this!

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ktomp17 | 1 altra recensione | Mar 21, 2021 |
I really enjoyed this story. Chase was working as a bartender for his cousin and accidentally sets a fire at the bar. Hunky firefighter Jackson comes to put the fire out and Chase is smitten. They get to know each otehr and one thing leads to another. Jackson has never been with or attracted to a guy before, but he doesn't let that stop his friendship and subsequent relationship with Chase. I thought the interactions and story line with Jackson's mom was interesting, and I liked watching Chase help Jackson through his struggles. Great story.

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ktomp17 | Mar 21, 2021 |
Jamie is a billionaire and surprisingly down to earth and humble. Damon is a regular every day guy (aka not rich-lol) who is hired as a bodyguard to protect Jamie after an attempted kidnapping. Damon has never had an attraction to a man before, but there is something about Jamie's looks and personality that draw him in. After a short while of avoiding each other because of the awkward feelings, they finally come together and it is explosive. Their chemistry was fabulous, and they were a great pair together. The mystery of who adn why someone was making attempts on Jamie's life was well written with a side of "really-can people really be that dumb?" lol Regardless, I enjoyed the journey to happiness for Jamie and Damon. I could see them as parents, and would TOTALLY read more about them if it ever got written.

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ktomp17 | Mar 21, 2021 |
Evan is a hospitality manager who has a dream to own his own restaurant. He gets a job with one of his staff (and best friend) to run a restaurant in the Bahamas at a charity event. Nicholas owns the restaurant, and Nicholas' ex, James, is also working at the event. Evan and Nicholas both live in San Francisco.

Evan is a little overweight, and he is very self-conscious about it. He has some low self esteem, and has a very difficult time believing that a hottie would be attracted to him. Nicholas just recently got out of a relationship with a total jerk, and although he is very attracted to Evan, he needs to put a little distance between him and his ex. Evan's low confidence makes him think Nicholas is stepping away from him because of his weight and lack of attraction rather than find out the true reason.

When the two finally get together at home, Evan's self-esteem keeps him from wishing too much or believing that Nicholas really likes him. There is some lack of communication that is frustrating, but it all made sense based on Evan's perceptions and fears. Nicholas was very dedicated to Evan, but at times I felt like he was pretty clueless about how to actually have a relationship and communicate. He was a bit blind to how Evan was feeling, and I thought there were times when he just did what he wanted without asking Evan what he wanted. That frustrated me, but it didn't really detract from the story. Mostly, it helped me appreciate that they were able to overcome their fears and find happiness.

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ktomp17 | 1 altra recensione | Mar 21, 2021 |
First off, let's start with that sexy, amazing COVER!!! Hot damn. Very sexy.
Second, the book starts off with a hot and explosive meeting between Sean (a young recent grad) and Dom (an older, settled working man). There is very little said between them, but not much words were needed to have such an engaging and intense hook up. Neither thought they would ever see the other again.

Flash forward a week when Sean shows up at the office to work at his father's marketing firm, and Dom is one of his dad's top employees. Things get complicated when Dom is asked to show Sean the ropes, and neither of them are having an easy time ignoring their attraction to each other.

Dominick had a perfect name. He liked to dominate in the bedroom, and he was actually pretty growly outside of the bedroom as well. He liked things his way, and he had goals. Not bad traits to have. It was nice to see him take a step back and evaluate what it was he really wanted and not let Sean (and his subsequent happiness) slip away.

I enjoyed the story. It was definitely hot, and had an explosive start. The story played out well, and I liked the growth between the characters. The ending with Dom's career choice seemed a bit quick to me, but overall it didn't detract from my enjoyment of the story.
ktomp17 | Mar 21, 2021 |
We met Mason in the previous book as the awesome gym owner, and now we find him get his own happily ever after. Tyler is a mechanic in town, and despite being in the same town as Mason since high school, they haven't crossed paths much over the years. When Mason's truck breaks down, Tyler offers to work on it. They make an exchange for Mason to help Tyler with personal training/lifestyle and Tyler to fix Mason's truck. In the meantime, they find they enjoy the company of the other a lot, and true love blossoms. It was very sweet and steamy, and it was great to see these two find happiness. I enjoyed getting to see Mark and Carter again, too. Very enjoyable read.

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ktomp17 | Mar 21, 2021 |
Elliot arrives in Alaska to work on a project for his doctorate degree. He quickly meets a pilot, Caleb, when he tries to pick up equipment and passes out instead. Elliot is a lab rat with little time for a social life. Caleb has never been interested in a guy, and he hasn't been involved with anyone for a long time. When they get snowed in together, they get to know each other really well and realize that they love being together. Caleb likes to dominate, and Elliot is more than happy to submit. Although those dynamics were in this book, it was pretty mild overall. This book moved a bit fast; it takes place mostly over a week or so, but the guys form a very strong bond who want to pursue it to the fullest. I really enjoyed reading about these guys, and the writing was excellent.

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ktomp17 | 1 altra recensione | Mar 21, 2021 |
Daniel is on vacation and his rented cabin catches on fire while he is sleeping. Wes lives nearby, smelled the smoke, and pulled Daniel out of the cabin. Wes takes him in, and Daniel ends up spending the rest of his vacation staying with Wes. They have great chemistry, and the spend a lot of time getting to know each other. The characters were complementary and really ended up growing together. I liked seeing Daniel let Wes take control but then also turn around and assert himself (with helping with the helicopters). They were a great couple with lots of hot moments.

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ktomp17 | Mar 21, 2021 |
Zach comes from a prominent family. His brother is getting married, and he needs a plus-one to go with him. His unreliable friend (Theo) is supposed to go with him, but as they are supposed to take off, his friend has a panic attack and can't go. Barrett is his friend's ex-brother-in-law and brings him to the airplane. When Barrett goes onto the plane to take Theo's suitcase off, the pilot thinks Barrett is who should go and takes off. With nothing to do until they can land again, Barrett and Zach talk and decide that since he is off from work and has nothing better to do, he will go with Zach to the wedding.

The book takes place over the next week, and the two become very close. There is a hint of love at first sight, and their romance is super quick, but despite coming from different backgrounds, they are immediately comfortable with each other. This is pretty steamy, and the guys are great together.

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ktomp17 | Mar 21, 2021 |
Chase met Jason online and decided to hook up with him at his bar. Things was definitely more going on than Chase expected. It was a short scene, no real substance or expectation of any future together. It was well written, but that’s about it.
ktomp17 | 2 altre recensioni | Mar 21, 2021 |
I have loved every book I’ve ready by Jason Collins, so I know this is just my own preferences versus issues with the book itself. That said, I really had a hard time reconciling the Beckett in this book who didn’t care about his job and the Beckett I thought I knew from previous books. He and Dean were great together, and the story itself was interesting and engaging, but I really struggled with Beckett going full into a relationship with Dean right off the bat. He always struck me as very professional and good at his job, which was also repeated by side characters. But the moment Dean walked into the picture, he didn’t care and went for it. The Beckett I thought I got to know would’ve hesitated even a slight bit or discuss what was happening, but he seemed not to care and just go with it. Even Alex was so mad at him (rightfully so), and then Alex stops and says more or less “I guess I’m just mad because I’m jealous and lonely”. No. Beckett was totally not focused correctly, and it was all brushed over.

It was well written, and again I know it was just my own preference that I had trouble loving Beckett.

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ktomp17 | Mar 21, 2021 |
Another well written and fun book by Jason Collins. I really enjoyed the Hightower universe in book one, and all the co-workers were again amazing. Cole is the bounty hunter of the team, and he makes a mistake by almost getting the wrong guy. David is immediately attracted to Cole but that gets put aside as David realizes that Cole is looking for his cousin. Of course things get nutty when David shows up for his job interview where Cole works. They were fun together and I liked their banter.

I did feel at times that the pace of the relationship was a bit fast and almost too sex driven. The pacing of their job was good, but it seemed weird that they would put computer geek out in the field after one day. It worked for Cole and David, though, and I liked that they communicated. I enjoyed the book.

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ktomp17 | Mar 21, 2021 |
This is an interesting new series, and I like the concept of the security/PI company being the focal point of the series. James was a quiet guy getting harassed by his superintendent/building owner, and Hawthorne came to his aid unexpectedly. Hawthorne was a great character and a great match for James. The conflict part of the story seemed to resolve very quickly and without too much angst which was nice, even if it did seem a little too easy by the end. I enjoyed the well-written story overall, and look forward to more in the series.

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ktomp17 | Mar 21, 2021 |