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Very good book.

I typically avoid books that are academic in nature as opposed to those written in a more narrative form. For example, I've tried several of Gordon Wood's books and just didn't enjoy them. I know they're well regarded, well researched, and heavy on analysis, but I read for pleasure. I'm more interested in the story of a person or event rather than the author's analysis of said person/event.

Chervinsky seems to combine the narrative and analysis quite well. Everything Washington did as president set a precedent—and he knew it. He was very meticulous to make sure everything he did was Constitutionally sound and appropriate. "The Cabinet" does a good job of illustrating how Washington assembled his set of advisors and how he used them to help him come to various decisions.

I can't help but be amused, though, by how the author formatted the book like a student would a research paper: intro, body, conclusions for each chapter. She also repeated (and repeated, and repeated) how Washington ran his cabinet the same as he did his officers during the war.

Still, Chervinsky's writing from the perspective on the cabinet made many of the events that I'd read about several times over fresh again. Props to her!
Jarratt | Feb 11, 2021 |