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{my thoughts} – This book is truly astounding. It is also a must read for any Christian Believer. The innocence of a child is something that is often overlooked by many adults and this book brings that into a whole new prospective. I laughed, I cried and I was in awe throughout this whole book. I enjoyed reading about the conversations with young Colton as well as the Bible References in which Todd had used to back up everything that his son had been saying. IT truly brings the whole Heaven, God, Holy Spirit and the concept of time for that matter into another light. It amazes me that with all the Bible reading I have done, all the sermons I have attended in that past, that most of the things this child had come up to his parents and said, I honestly had no clue what they were. I enjoy reading my Bible from time to time but I tend to stay away from the book of Revelations because well it’s confusing to me, but this child was saying things straight out of that book of the Bible and he was saying them factual. It just well it blows my mind. Also, the other little girl mentioned in the book that had similar experiences as young Colton. That absolutely astounded me. I look forward to seeing the movie that is being made in regards to this book in the very near future!
Zapkode | 228 altre recensioni | Jun 1, 2024 |
I think this is the 3rd book I've read about a near death experience. This young boy didn't technically die, but I'm sure it's close enough for the experience. Each story I've read was slightly different but similar in discussing the hardship of what brought them to the experience and in the adamant belief that what was experienced during a sort of detachment from their bodies was real. I'm sure the validation of one's beliefs is very rewarding, if hard won.
TraSea | 228 altre recensioni | Apr 29, 2024 |
By Far awesome book. It had me crying with the family as well as rejoicing with them. You must read this book
Mariafrendo | 228 altre recensioni | Apr 6, 2024 |
The beginning dragged a bit - I kept wanting to read about the kid's experience, and it took a while to get to that, but once I got there, I couldn't stop reading. He tells his parents different parts of his experience over time, and what he shares is no less than amazing. I pretty much read this whole thing in one sitting. I would have given it 4.5 stars, but I don't see a way to do that.
clamagna | 228 altre recensioni | Apr 4, 2024 |
3 yr old faces a near death illness. After he recovers he begins to tell his parents of things he saw in heaven. Amazing account.
bentstoker | 228 altre recensioni | Jan 26, 2024 |
This is a great book and so inspirational. To hear about heaven from a young boy's point of view is refreshing, heartwarming and hopeful. He has a great family and I liked reading about their story as well.
LuLibro | 228 altre recensioni | Jan 22, 2024 |
wow, picked it up at baseball practice and only put it down to drive home. Loved it! so real and yet told with such moving story telling! such a passionate telling of one family's journey. this is a must read!
Asauer72 | 4 altre recensioni | Jul 3, 2023 |
Christian propaganda—starts off fairly reasonable…and then assumes a pretty heavy handed “be one of us or suffer for eternity!” attitude. And it doesn’t seem to match any of the many near-death experiences that I’ve ever read about: what does jewelry have to do with spirituality? If you’re a gullible Christian (meaning that you want/expect Heaven to be like Earth, only better) then you’ll enjoy this story.½
majackson | 228 altre recensioni | Apr 10, 2023 |
A book you need to read, I laughed, I cried, well mostly cried. Wonderfully written.
stark.reading.mad | 228 altre recensioni | Apr 2, 2023 |
žánr : svědectví
Neuvěřitelné vyprávění o cestě malého chlapce do nebe a zpět.
ackoprivnice | Feb 18, 2023 |
This was a very inspiring story. Made you really stop and take a hard llok at your life and what is going on around you.
Nora57 | 2 altre recensioni | Jul 29, 2022 |
Colton Burpo tenía cuatro años cuando fue operado de urgencias de apendicitis. Meses más tarde, comenzó a hablar de aquellas breves horas en que se encontró entre la vida y la muerte. En 2003, durante un viaje familiar, Colton empezó a explicar que unos ángeles lo habían visitado en el quirófano. Todd no podía dar crédito a lo que oía, pero lo animó a seguir. El pequeño afirmó entonces que mientras lo operaban vio a sus padres aguardando desconsolados en la sala de espera. Esto no era más que el principio. Durante los años siguientes les fue dando detalles de su breve estancia en el cielo y de las personas que allí conoció, como su bisabuelo Pop, muerto desde hacía más de treinta años, o su hermana,a la que su madre perdió en el segundo mes de embarazo. En la actualidad Colton tiene once años, pero todavía recuerda aquel cielo en el que abundan los colores, las personas y los animales. Su historia nos ofrece un mensaje esperanzador que ha conmovido a millones de lectores en todo el mundo.
Natt90 | 228 altre recensioni | Jul 14, 2022 |
Un libro con un mensaje esperanzador que volverá a conmover a millones de personas en todo el mundo. El cielo lo cambia todo, clasificado en la materia de espiri tualidad es un fenómeno editorial sin precedentes que arrasa en todo el mundo. El testimonio de padre e hijo puede hacer tangible los anhelos de mucha gente respecto de lo que hay más allá de la vida. A partir de la publicación de El cielo es real, la familia Burpo ha compartido con cientos de lectores momentos memorables y lecciones de vida que refuerzan el mensaje de su hijo Colton: el cielo existe, es real.
Natt90 | Jun 23, 2022 |
This was given to me by a church member several months ago and I just kept sticking it on the bottom of my tbr pile. Then Sunday she asked what I thought of it - so I committed to reading it. The funny thing - another couple from the church brought a copy to my husband on Sunday for me to read. They told him it was really good - but warned him about the part that talks about the baby they had lost (as they were concerned this would be hard for me to read since we lost our son Caleb Levi back in October). I did finish it - and thought over all it was a good book. However I did find some of the information provided to be a little over the top or long winded (it could have been left our and not affected the telling of the entire story). In fact there is some information that really is not needed at all - but gives back information of sorts to what was going on in Burpo's personal life as a pastor/dad. I will be honest that I skipped over these parts because they were boring to me and read mainly the accounts of Colton's retelling of his experiences.

Though astonishing I still don't believe that God would allow someone fully into heaven only to send him out again. Even John the Revelator's experience is a vision of heaven. I do however believe in the spirit world and God's divine intervention as well as vision of what is to come in the way of heaven.

Be prepared to cry as you read it. Especially if you have experienced a miscarriage or stillbirth. This was agonizing for me because that is a wound that is so tender for so long even when you are trusting in the Lord.
abbieriddle | 228 altre recensioni | Mar 1, 2022 |
This book got me, it taught me about miracles and a lot really! If you are not religious or if you are it doesn't matter there are still so many lessons to take away from this book, highly recommend it!
Fab5Family4Ever | 228 altre recensioni | Feb 24, 2022 |
I liked this book but I didn't love it. I have a feeling this may be one of the few books where the movie is better. I had some trouble with believing everything. I am not discounting that Colton had an experience. It is the dad's astonishment at what Colton was saying and his ardent protesting that there was no way Colton could have gotten his information any other way that bothers me. I realize that he was only four when this happened to him. But we are talking about the son of a pastor. This means four years spent in a home where religion is valued. Four years of Sunday School and Church. Four years of overhearing and absorbing his parents beliefs. It does not astonish me that he could verbalize those beliefs. I do not agree totally with the beliefs of their religion. That may have colored my reading of this book. I have issues with " you must be saved and have Jesus in your heart or you won't go to heaven." My personal belief is that God knows our hearts. I base that on what I have read in the Bible. I have my relationship with God and He knows me better than I know myself. I did read this book with an open mind and a belief that these things can happen. I still have that belief. The father also spoke about his illnesses that happened in the months before Colton's illness. I don't think I would be so far off base if I said I bet a lot of praying and talking of God went on during that time. Even though Colton was so young he would have absorbed some of that. I did find myself wanting to read more and finished the book fairly quickly. It also did make me think about my personal beliefs. Therefore I am giving it 3 stars and betting I will give the movie at least one star more. I would recommend the book to people who are seeking to examine their beliefs. I say that because it did make me think a lot about mine even now that I have finished the book. I don't however think the book is for everyone. Some people are going to be turned off by the whole funeral scene that was in the book. Those who hold similar beliefs of the Burpos will most likely love it.
Wulfwyn907 | 228 altre recensioni | Jan 30, 2022 |
Just like the movie and book for adults, but condensed down and made simpler for children.
Stacy_Krout | Apr 30, 2021 |
An interesting read if you are looking for something entertaining about a child's near-death experience.
Consciousness_Cafe | 228 altre recensioni | Mar 1, 2021 |
This book was very good and engaging to read. Colton's personal account of heaven is very candid, heartwarming, and soul-building. The story is told from primarily Todd's perspective, as a father trying to understand his son's experience.
redeemedronin | 228 altre recensioni | Dec 28, 2020 |
Old reviews went missing. How does save not working?

Interesting, but I'm still skeptical.
xKayx | 228 altre recensioni | Dec 14, 2020 |
Like many other reviewers I would more so believe this story if not written by the father being a paster with his view of the bible as justification. Also if proceeds from the books and movie were going to charity after medical bills paid would help. The subject matter is thought provoking since it brought up by other sources with similar results that there is some type of afterlife. So sorry the parents had to go through such horrid medical decisions that added to the problems. It is amazing having Colton talking about his grandfather Pops and the unborn child but both are topics that may have been brought up by relatives and friends and not by the parents. I do think that many of the details given by Colton sounded just too much like versions of things he had been exposed to earlier living in a religious family. A big fight in the future with swords seems like his hopes coming from his enjoyment of action figures. Want to believe in story but it is hard.
kshydog | 228 altre recensioni | Dec 13, 2020 |