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I enjoy the colorful watercolor drawings, but for some reason, I find this series' execution dull. But I'm glad for the character growth of Enola's brother as well as the mystery of their missing mum finally being solved.
DestDest | 1 altra recensione | Nov 28, 2023 |
Fourteen-year-old Enola Holmes' mother disappears, and her older brothers Mycroft and Sherlock descend. When they're unable to solve the mystery of their mother's disappearance, they decide to send Enola to boarding school, but she escapes to London instead and sets up as a "perditorian" (finder of lost people).

1. The Case of the Missing Marquess
2. The Case of the Left-Handed Lady
3. The Case of the Bizarre Bouquets

The full-color art is stunning; it looks like watercolor but may be born digital. The panels have rounded corners and no outlines, giving it a loose, artistic feel, but the action is still easy to follow, even through Enola's many disguises. There is some danger and violence, including attempted strangulation, so I've marked this YA rather than children's.
JennyArch | 6 altre recensioni | Jul 24, 2023 |
I liked the story in this one better than the first one. Loved all the disguises, and the case was overall more interesting to me.
TimeLord10SPW | 2 altre recensioni | Jul 4, 2023 |
This graphic novel was okay. I like the illustration style. The story was a little boring. Maybe I would prefer the full novel instead of this adaptation. I really liked the recent movie adaptation for this story, however.
TimeLord10SPW | 6 altre recensioni | Jul 4, 2023 |
I really love the continuing significance of flowers throughout this series. I continue to love the art, and the stories are better than the first one. In this story, the plot of her finding clues seemed more convenient than in the past two, but it's juvenile fiction so that's understandable.
TimeLord10SPW | 1 altra recensione | Jul 3, 2023 |
I was so excited when I saw this book on Edelweiss. The series has already been on Netflix. But reading it was an other worldly experience. Full of colorful graphics and action and adventure, Enola Holmes entertains you throughout the book. And, you will be able to have a glimpse of Sherlock also. Definitely, 4 stars for the book. I would like to thank Edelweiss for giving me an opportunity to read and review the book.
Sucharita1986 | 1 altra recensione | Dec 29, 2022 |
Note: I accessed a digital review copy of this book through Edelweiss.
fernandie | 6 altre recensioni | Sep 15, 2022 |
Step aside, Sherlock! Enola Holmes, the famous detective’s brilliant and strong-willed younger sister, takes centre stage in this vibrant and delightfully drawn graphic novel adaptation of the first three volumes of Nancy Springer’s bestselling mystery series.

When fourteen-year-old Enola wakes on her birthday, she discovers that her mother has disappeared from the family’s country manor, leaving only a collection of flowers and a coded message book. With Mycroft (awful) and Sherlock (who also have some backward ideas) determined to ship her off to a boarding school, Enola escapes and investigates their mother’s disappearance on her own. But nothing prepares her for what lies ahead.

Before going any further, I have to summarize my feelings. I absolutely love the artwork and plan on buying the book just for the pleasure of looking at and feeling the pages (to all the beautiful pinks and purples!). The top-notch watercolour illustrations and the palette chosen are whimsical, and I enjoyed seeing the excerpts from Enola’s secret notebook at the end of each volume, particularly because of all the extra drawings. But as I got to the end of the book, I felt like the story lacked some depth.

The premise is great, and I got excited, especially because of how the different clues Enola finds are displayed, how she uses botany and secret codes to find them and also sending messages to her mother. But the episodes are rather short and sometimes the mysteries were solved too quickly, with some pretty far-fetched conclusions to tie it up. It probably kept the essence of the books well, though. For me, it was too fast-paced to be immersive.

About the main character, I only have one word to say: outstanding. Well, that’s a lie. She’s exceptional indeed, but I should probably explain why. Enola is just not the average girl. She loves mysteries, knowledge and freedom, reads about Max and is a badass feminist. Commentary on living as a woman in Victorian times abounds. Corsets? That’s a deathtrap! But she finds a positive use for wearing the torture device… And there’s more, so much more. I’m already expecting a sequel.

Thank you to NetGalley and Andrews McMeel Publishing for providing me with an eARC in exchange for my honest review.
inkspellonyou | 6 altre recensioni | Aug 10, 2022 |
This is actually three books in one. It covers the first three novels of Enola Holmes and they transfer to graphic novel quite well. At first I wasn’t sure if I liked the artwork but it fits with the style and time period of the story. It’s bright and colorful like the character Enola herself, while still seeming mysterious and intriguing. This was a successful transfer so whether you’ve read the other Enola Holmes books or seen the Netflix movie, either way you’re sure to enjoy this take on the master detective Sherlock Holmes’s sister.½
LibrarianRyan | 6 altre recensioni | Mar 31, 2022 |
Una nueva aventura de Enola Holmes, la hemana pequeña del célebre detective Sherlock Holmes.
bibliotecayamaguchi | Nov 12, 2021 |
Llegan las aventuras de Enola Holmes, la hemana pequeña del célebre detective Sherlock Holmes. Cuando Enola Holmes, hermana pequeña del célebre detective Sherlock Holmes, descubre que su madre ha desaparecido, presiente que solo ella podrá encontrarla. Ingeniosa y astuta, en el momento en que sus hermanos deciden mandarla a un internado huye de la mansión familiar con el firme propósito de dedicarse a dar con el paradero de personas desaparecidas y, a la vez, seguirle la pista a su madre. Sus investigaciones la llevarán a correr grandes peligros en los bajos fondos londinenses. ¿Conseguirá Enola salir de esta y esclarecer la desaparición de su madre, burlando a sus hermanos?
bibliotecayamaguchi | 3 altre recensioni | Jun 1, 2021 |
Llegan las aventuras de Enola Holmes, la hemana pequeña del célebre detective Sherlock Holmes. Londres, 1889. La hermana pequeña del célebre Sherlock Holmes, Enola Holmes, ha decidido vivir sola a raíz de la repentina desaparición de su madre. Tras escapar de la vigilancia de sus hermanos, y al amparo de una identidad falsa, monta un gabinete como «especialista en investigar todo tipo de desapariciones». Para su sorpresa, su primer cliente es el mismísimo doctor Watson, que anda buscándola a ella pero por suerte no la reconoce. Enola no puede ayudar a Watson, pero se interesa por otro caso que él le menciona: la desaparición, en los peligrosos bajos fondos londinenses, de la hija de un barón, Lady Cecily Alistair, una adolescente nada convencional...
bibliotecayamaguchi | 2 altre recensioni | Jun 1, 2021 |
The graphic novel is a good adaptation of the original Nancy Springer Enola Holmes book 1.

It's worth getting the collector edition as it has an extra 15 pages of Enola's diary that adds a lot - many of the puzzles and flower images and sketches work well.

The book was originally adapted as a French graphic novel. An English translation of the graphic novel has been done but it is hard to find.½
rakerman | 3 altre recensioni | Nov 13, 2020 |
Lovely art and a nice adaptation of the novel. My one issue is that Enola is so vocal about her plain appearance and mud colored hair in the novel, that the elfin and pretty girl with red hair in these illustrations didn't jive at all with my mental picture of her.
bookbrig | 3 altre recensioni | Aug 5, 2020 |
Yet again, another great adaptation of the middle-grade novel. I don't remember every detail of the series, so it's great because I can't nitpick. But Blasco does a good job of hitting all the key elements of each mystery and fleshing out Enola enough so that she's a character you feel you're getting to know. And of course, I love the art!
MillieHennessy | 1 altra recensione | Apr 18, 2020 |
This is a solid sequel to the first comic. Each book follows the original books by Nancy Springer (which I will forever recommend you read) and they do a good job of capturing the main highlights. I love Blasco's art style and I love the little extras at the back of the book that give a look into some of the smaller details of the story. If you like Sherlock, but you'd rather see his younger sister strike out on her own to solve mysteries while also seeking her independence, then read these comics! And also the originals!
MillieHennessy | 2 altre recensioni | Sep 21, 2019 |
First off, if you like middle-grade and/or Sherlock Holmes, you need to read the series by Nancy Springer. It's fabulous and a little dark and has a young female lead who is very independent and smart and there are mysteries and IT'S AWESOME OK.

Naturally, I was excited to see a comic adaptation! A big, beautiful hardcover edition nonetheless! This does a great job of capturing the story (from what I remember anyway lol), though the character development is pretty simplified. But it's a great place to start for readers who might not be ready (or might not want) to start the novels. The back even has some pages that are supposed to look like Enola's diary. There are a lot of great details here and I can't wait to collect the whole series!
MillieHennessy | 3 altre recensioni | Apr 9, 2019 |
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