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A mildly interesting recipe book. The initial section, about why the book was written, is mostly about why bees are vital to farmers and everyone who eats the crops they pollinate. Written near the beginning of the current bee crisis, shortly after the first episodes of Colony Collapse Disorder, and written by an entomologist, they're interesting, but have little to do with a cookbook. The recipes are given in rapidfire order, without much pattern - they're grouped in various ways, but nothing as simple as all the bread in one area, all the desserts in another, meats in a third. Some of the groupings are national, some seem to be by who the recipe came from, some I can't discern what makes this a group. It wasn't helped by the ebook I got from Netgalley being poorly formed, so that ingredients came out of order (two columns of ingredients got squeezed into one). That made it even more difficult to look at the recipes. There were some that might be interesting, is the most I can say.
jjmcgaffey | Aug 25, 2017 |