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The Half-Made World di Felix Gilman
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The Half-Made World (edizione 2010)

di Felix Gilman

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7734430,131 (3.86)36
A fantastical reimagining of the American West which draws its influence from steampunk, the American western tradition, and magical realism The world is only half made. What exists has been carved out amidst a war between two rival factions: the Line, paving the world with industry and claiming its residents as slaves; and the Gun, a cult of terror and violence that cripples the population with fear. The only hope at stopping them has seemingly disappeared--the Red Republic that once battled the Gun and the Line, and almost won. Now they're just a myth, a bedtime story parents tell their children, of hope. To the west lies a vast, uncharted world, inhabited only by the legends of the immortal and powerful Hill People, who live at one with the earth and its elements. Liv Alverhyusen, a doctor of the new science of psychology, travels to the edge of the made world to a spiritually protected mental institution in order to study the minds of those broken by the Gun and the Line. In its rooms lies an old general of the Red Republic, a man whose shattered mind just may hold the secret to stopping theGun and the Line. And either side will do anything to understand how.… (altro)
Titolo:The Half-Made World
Autori:Felix Gilman
Info:Tor Books (2010), Edition: First Edition, Hardcover, 480 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca, In lettura

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The Half-Made World di Felix Gilman

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    Strict31: Though set in two different worlds, there is a similar idea of desolation just on the edge of established society, along with a supernatural flair added to the concept of the western
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I found the Half-Made World to be disappointing. The author was given a powerful and unique concept, that of the world being only half-finished, and yet he does barely anything with it. The story never really takes you to the edge of the world, its just takes you close to it, and even if you had it amounts to little more than a violent, colored sea. And what it does show you of a world in the process of being made is similarly unimpressive.
The main characters were nicely developed with distinct personalities and a mixtures of flaws and strengths, but they were also hard to empathize with. This was not because of some horrible trait in their personalities, I simply never grew attached to them or developed and interest in any of their objectives.
Something the Half-Made World does well, is the Gun and the Line, apart from the former's name which constantly struck me as silly while I was reading. The Gun and the Line are a set of gods that are constantly at war with one another. They're fighting vicariously over the western part of the world with the Gun using a small number of agents that carry them, they're immortal demon-like spirits or have embedded themselves into guns, while the Line are a series of Locomotive engines that are worshiped by a burgeoning nation of small, pale men called Linesmen. This war between the Guns and the Line is the main focus and best part of the book; the Gun and Line are filled with intricacy, history, and cool little moments and concepts. I particularly enjoyed the Line, but that might just because I feel like the Gun is a silly name.
Finally, the progression and contents of the book make it feel somewhat like a western. Now, I haven't read any western's at this point so I cannot accurately judge this portion of the book from a technicality standpoint but I can say that I didn't find this aesthetic and background particularly compelling.
Aside from these things, you have the prose, which was decent except for occasional bouts of weakness. So, on the whole I thought the Half-Made world was decent, just not particularly compelling, and a huge waste of potential. ( )
  TristenKozinski | Sep 18, 2024 |
I am vexed with this book. The pacing was off—the word processor suggests offensive, and honestly, it was—the majority of the book seemed dedicated to establishing that no, you don’t understand, this world is REALLY desolate, this character is ENTIRELY bad and conflicted, this is ENTIRELY irredeemable. I understood that within the first few chapters, certainly, and the middle of the book was an incredible slog. Things did pick up toward the end, as we actually ran into new characters which enabled us most thrillingly to have new situations, information and interactions (imagine!). So when I was actively interested in the plot again, imagine my dismay when the conclusion of the book was an elaborate “watch next week!”
I will not be reading the sequel. Mr. Gilman has already stolen too much of my time. I even place a little of the blame on my younger self of however many years ago who added this to my to-read list.
  et.carole | Dec 12, 2022 |
Another weird Western of a sort, but this one takes the essential tensions of the western genre, mixes them with some of the unpredictability of Mieville, and throws the mess in a broken blender. Fun, cool, tense, and original. ( )
  JimDR | Dec 7, 2022 |
I'm having a REALLY hard time rating this because I absolutely loved it but, to be extremely basic, I just didn't feel good about the ending. Everything about the characters and the world and the atmosphere of the book was gripping and incredible, and the horrors very real. In a struggle between Order and Chaos, a Wild West-esque setting is a good ones, and here it seems relevant that Order and Chaos are basically both amoral forces of total destruction, chewing up the world between them. It's a fantastic setting. I just wanted more closure at the end, more of a payoff to all that wonderful buildup. ( )
  Adamantium | Aug 21, 2022 |
Surprisingly engaging, if a bit more open-ended/inconclusive than expected ( )
  goliathonline | Jul 7, 2020 |
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Wikipedia in inglese (2)

A fantastical reimagining of the American West which draws its influence from steampunk, the American western tradition, and magical realism The world is only half made. What exists has been carved out amidst a war between two rival factions: the Line, paving the world with industry and claiming its residents as slaves; and the Gun, a cult of terror and violence that cripples the population with fear. The only hope at stopping them has seemingly disappeared--the Red Republic that once battled the Gun and the Line, and almost won. Now they're just a myth, a bedtime story parents tell their children, of hope. To the west lies a vast, uncharted world, inhabited only by the legends of the immortal and powerful Hill People, who live at one with the earth and its elements. Liv Alverhyusen, a doctor of the new science of psychology, travels to the edge of the made world to a spiritually protected mental institution in order to study the minds of those broken by the Gun and the Line. In its rooms lies an old general of the Red Republic, a man whose shattered mind just may hold the secret to stopping theGun and the Line. And either side will do anything to understand how.

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