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The High Lord: Book 3 of the Black Magician…
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The High Lord: Book 3 of the Black Magician (Black Magician Trilogy) (originale 2003; edizione 2004)

di Trudi Canavan (Autore)

Serie: The Black Magician Trilogy (03), Kyralia (03 (The Black Magician 03))

UtentiRecensioniPopolaritàMedia votiCitazioni
3,962643,216 (3.98)43
"You want to know the truth." Sonea has learned much since she was but a penniless urchin possessing an awesome untapped ability. She has earned the grudging respect of her fellow novices and a place in the Magicians' Guild. But there is much she wishes she had never learned-what she witnessed, for example, in the underground chamber of the mysterious High Lord Akkarin . . . and the knowledge that the Guild is being observed closely by an ancient fearsome enemy. Still, she dares not ignore the terrifying truths the High Lord would share with her, even though she fears it may be base trickery, a scheme to use her astonishing powers to accomplish his dark aims. For Sonea knows her future is in his hands-and that only in the shadows will she achieve true greatness . . . if she survives.… (altro)
Titolo:The High Lord: Book 3 of the Black Magician (Black Magician Trilogy)
Autori:Trudi Canavan (Autore)
Info:Orbit (2004), 656 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca, In lettura, Da leggere

Informazioni sull'opera

Il segreto dei maghi di Trudi Canavan (2003)

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This final volume in the trilogy is a mixed bag. The surprise is the change in the character of Akkarin, who has been a complete horror especially in book 2 - forcibly reading the minds of his oldest friend Lorlen, and Rothen and Sonea, then threatening each with what will happen to the others if they tell anyone he uses black magic, that is, the draining of power from others. He also callously pushed Sonea into the path of 20 bullying novices by ejecting her from the secret tunnels she was using to escape victimisation. Yet early on in this book, he starts to take her into his confidence about the traumatic events which happened to him when he ventured into the neighbouring land of Sachaka, and was captured by one of the outcast magicians in its wasteland. This is the start of his transformation, not totally successfully, into a sympathetic character. And the alarm bells rang for me when Sonea overhears a couple of female fellow pupils discussing his potential as a love interest. At that point, I became convinced that Sonea was going to fall for him despite the way he has intimidated her and her friends, and her fear of him up to now.

Sure enough, Akkarin draws her in, and we discover he has a good reason for his actions - protecting the country, city and magicians from the threat from Sachaka, while keeping secret that he has to use a form of magic once commonly used but now banned under the most severe penalties and called black magic, following tragic events centuries ago. The Sachakan magicians are all users of such magic and each is far stronger than dozens of guild magicians due to their constant draining of energy from slaves with magical potential.

Sonea's involvement eventually leads her to petition Akkarin to let her learn it and join his fight, and she ends up killing one of the Sachakans who are coming to the city to try to kill Akkarin prior to invading. A surprise is that about halfway through the book, she and Akkarin are found out and banished to the homeland of the enemies. Their colleagues come across as pretty dumb - they don't believe they can execute Akkarin or keep him locked up for the time it would take to find out if his story is true. So, despite him and Sonea being the only ones who can defend everyone if they are telling the truth, they send them into the arms of the people who want to kill them for precisely that reason!.

I had problems with the book, hence only 3 stars. As I've said, I didn't find Sonea's drastic change of feelings convincing. Plus, her being barely 20 compared to Akkarin's being early 30s (younger than he came across as being in the first two books) and her having been afraid of him for about two years, convinced that he was evil, with his behaviour often confirming that, made it seem she had been brainwashed.

More minor issues included the introduction of a love interest character for Sonea's friend Cery (unlike volume 2, he has a big role in the book) from a rival faction of magicians in Sachaka, who does nothing apart from saving him at one point, as she is there just as an observer. From the reaction of one of the bad guys to her, it seems she is important - I'm guessing that she is the daughter of the Sachakan king, but we never learn anything more, her characterisation is minimal, and I found her scenes boring.

Similarly, Dannyl appears with his boyfriend, but does little in plot terms - he becomes involved in busting a secret ring of would-be magicians in the country where he is an ambassador, but that part of the plot doesn't come to anything. This is a shame because I found Dannyl an engaging character in the first two books, but he spends most of this one worrying that people will find out he is gay.
Rothen goes off to become a spy on the Sachakans, travelling with another new character, Raven, who gives him lessons in how to spy, but ends up recalled due to the main plotline, so that's another subplot that fizzles out. The villain from book 1 makes an underwhelming appearance, and Regin from book 2 a totally unbelievable repentance. Akkarin makes blood jems for himself and Sonea so they can stay in touch with each other, but never actually uses his. And the big climax where they confront the leader of the invaders is over in a few paragraphs. Plus, after the revelation that magic is stored in buildings and the Arena is an enormous power source to use against the invaders, why on earth don't they? It's as if they decided they didn't want to wreck the university. With that magic, of course, it's much more likely that both Akkarin and Sonea would have survived the battle. Canavan obviously wanted to kill Akkarin off, but it's not even as if Sonea is shown as devastated - there are a couple of mentions from Rothen about her being griefstricken, but in the epilogue, she seems pretty chipper as she faces up to motherhood in a conclusion that falls a bit flat.

The trademark annoying tendency in this trilogy for people to nod, chuckle etc is still present, even when a bloodbath has just occurred.

To conclude, after the much better volume 2, this one has dipped in quality because of the lack of conviction in the direction of Sonea's feelings and relationship with Akkarin and his with her, and the sheer number of subplots that don't deliver and even drag a bit.

( )
1 vota kitsune_reader | Nov 23, 2023 |
A vast improvement, story-wise, compared to the two previous volumes. The action takes up a notch as Sonea gets involved in the series of murders and initiated to some dark secrets. Although the writing remains bland, the bravery shown by many of the magician characters makes the story moving in many aspects. Also the romantic development of some relations was done with intelligence and subtlety and that adds to the emotional charge of the book.

Strong points:
1. Storyhooks all over the place
2. Epic and character development
3. Welcome romantic touch

Weak points
1. Still a poor writing
2. The final fights may have been even more over-the-top
3. Missing the political intrigueing a bit ( )
  corporate_clone | Sep 10, 2023 |
bullshit ending ( )
  konstrakt | Aug 29, 2023 |
  freixas | Mar 31, 2023 |
Desde que llegó al Gremio, Sonea ha aprendido mucho. Pero hay cosas que preferiría no haber sabido jamás: todo lo que esconde el Gran Lord Akkarin, y la advertencia de este sobre la venganza que preparan los antiguos enemigos de Kyralia. Por su parte, Cery ha tenido suerte en los últimos años. Disfruta de una buena posición entre los ladrones y dispone de contactos importantes en los bajos fondos y las altas esferas. Cuando un extraño le propone participar en una misión secreta, Cery sabe que debería negarse, pero la vida resulta muy aburrida si no se toma algún riesgo de vez en cuando. En el Gremio, Akkarin está seduciendo a Sonea al revelarle cada vez más conocimientos, al acercarla a la magia negra, pero ¿no se tratará de un ardid para que ella le sirva en sus siniestros propósitos? Y la amenaza que se cierne sobre el gremio, ¿no tendrá un origen mucho más cercano de lo que todos creen? Sin embargo, Sonea sí sabe algo a ciencia cierta: solamente podrá alcanzar su plenitud en las sombras… si sobrevive. El cierre de la trilogía de las «Crónicas del Mago Negro».
  Natt90 | Jun 30, 2022 |
nessuna recensione | aggiungi una recensione

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Dit boek is opgedragen aan mijn vrienden, Yvonne en Paul. Bedankt voor jullie hulp, eerlijke commentaar en geduld en vooral voor al die keren dat jullie het verhaal toch opnieuw hebben willen lezen.
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In de oude Kyraliaanse poëzie staat de maan bekend als het Oog.
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Wikipedia in inglese (1)

"You want to know the truth." Sonea has learned much since she was but a penniless urchin possessing an awesome untapped ability. She has earned the grudging respect of her fellow novices and a place in the Magicians' Guild. But there is much she wishes she had never learned-what she witnessed, for example, in the underground chamber of the mysterious High Lord Akkarin . . . and the knowledge that the Guild is being observed closely by an ancient fearsome enemy. Still, she dares not ignore the terrifying truths the High Lord would share with her, even though she fears it may be base trickery, a scheme to use her astonishing powers to accomplish his dark aims. For Sonea knows her future is in his hands-and that only in the shadows will she achieve true greatness . . . if she survives.

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