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The Little Big Things: 163 Ways to Pursue EXCELLENCE

di Thomas J. Peters

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"It is [Tom] Peters--as consultant, writer, columnist, seminar lecturer, and stage performer--whose energy, style, influence, and ideas have [most] shaped new management thinking." --Movers and Shakers: The 100 Most Influential Figures in Modern Business "We live in a Tom Peters world." --Fortune Magazine Business uber-guru Tom Peters is back with his first book in a decade, The Little Big Things. In this age of economic recession and financial uncertainty, the patented Peters approach to business and management--no-nonsense, witty, down-to-earth, insightful--is more pertinent now than ever. As essential for small-business owners as it is for the heads of major corporations, The Little Big Things is a rousing call-to-arms to American business to get "back to the basics" of running a successful enterprise.… (altro)
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I am not a fan of management gurus, but I like Tom Peters...have since 1992. His messages resonate with me - even in his staccato, ADD, stream of consciousness writing style.

Lots of great thought nuggets in here, and a lot to gloss over. Take what you find valuable, set aside the rest and look at them again and again for new value. But, if you don't want to read this, you can download an excellent summary of all 163 points from his website. ( )
  Razinha | May 23, 2017 |
A Tom Peters seminar on excellence in business practices and philosophies, in book form. 516 pages of (sometimes unconventional) tenets and signposts on your journey to more effective and personally fulfilling leadership. ( )
  andreasaria | Jan 24, 2016 |
Libro similar a otros de Tom Peters, con muchas ideas sobre temas empresariales, en un tono desenfadado y un punto de redacción deslavazado. Optimista. Positivo. te deja con la idea que puedes hacer muchas cosas para mejorar... ¿qué más se le puede pedir a un libro? Además como son muchas ideas independientes vale como excelente lectura para el metro, la mesa de luz o cualquier otro lugar donde se lea por poco tiempo. ¡Recomendable! ( )
  MAGenova | Jul 26, 2012 |
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"It is [Tom] Peters--as consultant, writer, columnist, seminar lecturer, and stage performer--whose energy, style, influence, and ideas have [most] shaped new management thinking." --Movers and Shakers: The 100 Most Influential Figures in Modern Business "We live in a Tom Peters world." --Fortune Magazine Business uber-guru Tom Peters is back with his first book in a decade, The Little Big Things. In this age of economic recession and financial uncertainty, the patented Peters approach to business and management--no-nonsense, witty, down-to-earth, insightful--is more pertinent now than ever. As essential for small-business owners as it is for the heads of major corporations, The Little Big Things is a rousing call-to-arms to American business to get "back to the basics" of running a successful enterprise.

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