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L'altro cervello. Come le nuove scoperte sul cervello stanno rivoluzionando medicina e scienza

di R. Douglas Fields

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"Despite everything that has been written about the brain, a very important part of this vital organ has been overlooked in most books - until now. The Other Brain is the story of glia, which make up approximately 85 percent of the cells in the brain. Long neglected as little more than cerebral packing material ("glia" means glue), glia are sparking a revolution in brain science." "Glia are completely different from neurons, the brain cells that we are familiar with. Scientists are discovering that glia have their own communication network, which operates in parallel to the more familiar communication among neurons. Glia provide the insulation for the neurons, and glia even regulate the flow of information between neurons." "But it is the potential breakthroughs for medical science that are the most exciting frontier in glia research today. Diseases such as brain cancer and multiple sclerosis are caused by diseased glia. Glia are now believed to play an important role in such psychiatric illnesses as schizophrenia and depression, and in neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson's and Alzheimer's. They are linked to infectious diseases such as HIV and priori disease (mad cow disease, for example) and to chronic pain. Scientists have discovered that glia repair the brain and spinal cord after injury and stroke. The more we learn about these cells that make up the "other" brain, the more important they seem to be."--BOOK JACKET.… (altro)
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This is fascinating but the book is an unwieldy jumble of science and randomly inserted personal stories. There is no structure or plan. The strange conceit of writing about the science through reenactments of experiments with characters and narratives just makes this already hard topic near impossible to follow. ( )
  Paul_S | Dec 23, 2020 |
This is an interesting book which explains in easy to understand terms how the 'glue' cells are very important for the beautiful functions of the human nervous system. ( )
  Agnesium | Nov 14, 2015 |
What's not to like about a book on glial cells?

Though slightly repetitive and sometimes a bit overboard with speculations expressed as if they were facts, this is still a very interesting and useful overview of the parts of the brain that may have been unknown or overlookewd when you were in school. The descriptions are generally clear and presented at a useful, functional level. There's a certain amount of breathless catastrophic thinking at times, but it's more than balanced by the utility of the bulk of the book. ( )
  OshoOsho | Mar 30, 2013 |
This author is a terrible writer and not very good at cohesively presenting findings. I get that his specialty is glia, but he has a bad habit of introducing a topic, mentioning some sort of connection with glia, and then moving on. On some topics the non-glia specific details are muddled and work at cross purposes.

There are better brain writers, and while glia are a topic that isn't written about enough, Dr. Fields isn't helping the state of affairs. The chapters are obviously a mish-mash of pieces written for magazines and other outlets which he edited and threw together into one book.

When you're only tool is a hammer, everything looks like a nail. To Dr. Fields, every problems is rooted in glia, and I'm not sure this is the best lens for looking at every issue in neuroscience which he attempts to string together. ( )
  Yiggy | Aug 13, 2012 |
Fascinating! ( )
  patchermark | Aug 3, 2011 |
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Wikipedia in inglese (1)

"Despite everything that has been written about the brain, a very important part of this vital organ has been overlooked in most books - until now. The Other Brain is the story of glia, which make up approximately 85 percent of the cells in the brain. Long neglected as little more than cerebral packing material ("glia" means glue), glia are sparking a revolution in brain science." "Glia are completely different from neurons, the brain cells that we are familiar with. Scientists are discovering that glia have their own communication network, which operates in parallel to the more familiar communication among neurons. Glia provide the insulation for the neurons, and glia even regulate the flow of information between neurons." "But it is the potential breakthroughs for medical science that are the most exciting frontier in glia research today. Diseases such as brain cancer and multiple sclerosis are caused by diseased glia. Glia are now believed to play an important role in such psychiatric illnesses as schizophrenia and depression, and in neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson's and Alzheimer's. They are linked to infectious diseases such as HIV and priori disease (mad cow disease, for example) and to chronic pain. Scientists have discovered that glia repair the brain and spinal cord after injury and stroke. The more we learn about these cells that make up the "other" brain, the more important they seem to be."--BOOK JACKET.

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