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Birds of Central Park

di Cal Vornberger

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362701,125 (4.42)1
Central Park is an 843-acre oasis in the middle of Manhattan's vast network of steel, concrete, and glass. It is also, according to the New York City Audubon Society, one of the top ten birding spots in America. More than 200 species pass through the park on their migratory routes each spring and fall, close to one third of the bird species found in the United States. For the past two and a half years Cal Vornberger has been in the park every day photographing these feathered park residents. The best of those images are now collected in this gorgeous volume. Vornberger's photos capture birds engaged in all types of activities: feeding, bathing, caring for their young, flying, singing. Among the more than 100 species featured are warblers, egrets, herons, kingfishers, a boreal owl, and hawks (including the famous Pale Male, whose eviction last December from its ritzy Fifth Avenue perch sparked nationwide news stories). Packaged inside the book is a removable foldout pocket guide. Vornberger's spectacular,photography, interspersed with his comments about birds, the park, and photography, will appeal to all bird-watchers, nature lovers, photography aficionados, and visitors to New York's Central Park.… (altro)
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I spent some time with this book this afternoon and it’s quite beautiful and I plan to continue dipping into it. Organized by season (which is helpful for me and my backyard bird watching), the photography is beautiful. My only complaint would be that I wish there was a checklist at the back. ( )
  janemarieprice | Dec 13, 2015 |
An exquisite volume of photos of Central Park's birds, including many sublime, larger than life shots. It's hard to imagine the patience Vornberger must have to capture such lovely, balance images. The Blackburnian Warbler on page 58 takes my breath away. ( )
  OshoOsho | Mar 30, 2013 |
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Central Park is an 843-acre oasis in the middle of Manhattan's vast network of steel, concrete, and glass. It is also, according to the New York City Audubon Society, one of the top ten birding spots in America. More than 200 species pass through the park on their migratory routes each spring and fall, close to one third of the bird species found in the United States. For the past two and a half years Cal Vornberger has been in the park every day photographing these feathered park residents. The best of those images are now collected in this gorgeous volume. Vornberger's photos capture birds engaged in all types of activities: feeding, bathing, caring for their young, flying, singing. Among the more than 100 species featured are warblers, egrets, herons, kingfishers, a boreal owl, and hawks (including the famous Pale Male, whose eviction last December from its ritzy Fifth Avenue perch sparked nationwide news stories). Packaged inside the book is a removable foldout pocket guide. Vornberger's spectacular,photography, interspersed with his comments about birds, the park, and photography, will appeal to all bird-watchers, nature lovers, photography aficionados, and visitors to New York's Central Park.

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