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Runaway di Wendelin Van Draanen
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Runaway (originale 2006; edizione 2008)

di Wendelin Van Draanen

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4002165,709 (3.86)9
After running away from her fifth foster home, Holly, a twelve-year-old orphan, travels across the country, keeping a journal of her experiences and struggle to survive.
Autori:Wendelin Van Draanen
Info:Laurel Leaf (2008), Mass Market Paperback, 288 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca
Etichette:Teen fiction

Informazioni sull'opera

Runaway di Wendelin Van Draanen (2006)

  1. 00
    To Take a Dare di Crescent Dragonwagon (amysisson)
    amysisson: Slightly more adult in its content, but just as beautifully written.
  2. 00
    Pictures of Hollis Woods di Patricia Reilly Giff (amysisson)
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» Vedi le 9 citazioni

My daughter loved this book and recommended it to me. I found it very compelling, though sometimes sad and scary. The ending was little too neat, but overall it was very well written and engaging. I would definitely recommend it and read more by this author. ( )
  lschiff | Sep 24, 2023 |
There are way too many kids who have to grow up before their time, and this is about one of them. I'm not sure which would be worse - living with Holly's creepy and abusive foster father, or being homeless, hungry, and in danger of being robbed or hurt all the time. Written in diary form, Holly's voice is the only bright spot in this bleak story. And I mean that in a good way - it's worth the stress of the story to hear her thoughts and think about what she has to say about the world. ( )
  kamlibrarian | Dec 23, 2022 |
If you watched my vlog, you would have seen me bawling my eyes out over this book. It was so moving. It follows a 12 yr old girl who has run away from bad foster homes and makes her way out west. I highly recommend this book and if you want to hear more of my thoughts on this book, check out my June vlogs or my upcoming June wrap up vlog on my YouTube channel called Completely Melanie. ( )
  Completely_Melanie | Sep 10, 2021 |
I read this book when I was in Jr High, and even though it is a very mature book, it taught me about the world and how you don't know what someone could be going through. The book also mentions how school can be someone's only outlet. This book is about a 12 year old little girl, Holly, whose mom is a drug abuser of Heroin. Because of this, Holly is a foster child who hates it in her second foster house and runs away. Throughout her journey she writes in her journal about what it is like to be a gypsy. Along the way she comes across homeless encampments, trains, and having to scam food. Holly learns throughout her journey how hard it can be to be a 12 year old experiencing the world all by yourself. I would recommend this book for older middle school to lower high school grades to teach them different perspectives in the world. ( )
  brytniewheeler | Nov 2, 2020 |
I really enjoyed this book. The protagonist was believable and compelling. I liked her and wanted her to succeed. ( )
  rabbit_fighter | Aug 4, 2020 |
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After running away from her fifth foster home, Holly, a twelve-year-old orphan, travels across the country, keeping a journal of her experiences and struggle to survive.

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Media: (3.86)
1 2
2 3
2.5 1
3 18
3.5 4
4 39
4.5 4
5 19

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