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Scary, Gross, and Enlightening Books for Boys Grades 3-12

di Deborah B. Ford

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Ford's superb recommendations include a variety of titles and formats published before 2009. For each book included, interest and reading levels are noted and brief annotations are provided plot. Features include: Web sites, teaching tips, "non-traditional activities," and bits of information about authors and titles to share with a class.… (altro)
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Boys and girls learn differently and studies show that boys are at a greater risk for less success in school. Ford’s purpose in compiling this text is to meet the challenge of helping boys become more successful readers. The text includes books for youth in grades 3-12 that are fun, enjoyable and meet national curriculum standards. Ten chapters cover nonfiction, graphic works, sports, mystery and adventure, humor, fantasy and science fiction, war and history, books with male characters, books that have become movies and read alouds. Entries for each individual title include a brief synopsis along with the publisher’s interest level recommendation and a reading level calculated by averaging three standard tools. Highlighted activities are inserted among the suggested texts and web resources are included at the end of each chapter. Appendices include Selected Books That Have Worked for Years (including series), Professional Books, Great Book Sources for All Readers, and a Reading Interest Survey to be used with student readers. Although the title of the book implies it is primarily for boys and the intent is to highlight books that most boys will like, the choices are excellent in their quality and interest to both boys and girls. Even though the newest books mentioned were published in 2008, this is an appropriate choice for librarians, teachers and parents looking for quality titles. ( )
  likesbooksrs | Feb 19, 2010 |
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Ford's superb recommendations include a variety of titles and formats published before 2009. For each book included, interest and reading levels are noted and brief annotations are provided plot. Features include: Web sites, teaching tips, "non-traditional activities," and bits of information about authors and titles to share with a class.

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