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Into the Gauntlet (The 39 Clues) di Margaret…
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Into the Gauntlet (The 39 Clues) (edizione 2010)

di Margaret Peterson Haddix (Autore)

Serie: The 39 Clues (10)

UtentiRecensioniPopolaritàMedia votiCitazioni
1,6942810,753 (4.1)19
Throughout the hunt for the 39 Clues, Amy and Dan Cahill have uncovered history's greatest mysteries and their family's deadliest secrets. But are they ready to face the truth about the Cahills and the key to their unmatched power? After a whirlwind race that's taken them across five continents, Amy and Dan face the most the difficult challenge yet -- a task no Cahill dared to imagine. When faced with a choice that could change the future of the world, can two kids succeed where 500 years worth of famous ancestors failed?… (altro)
Titolo:Into the Gauntlet (The 39 Clues)
Autori:Margaret Peterson Haddix (Autore)
Info:Scholastic Inc. (2010), Edition: Illustrated, 327 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca, Lista dei desideri, In lettura, Da leggere, Letti ma non posseduti, Preferiti

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ˆLa ‰chiave di Shakespeare di Margaret Peterson Haddix

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» Vedi le 19 citazioni

This was fast paced and action packed and it was wickedly good. Unlike Alex Rider it's not overly sad and unlike Cherub - I like the main characters. As a reader, I relate to Amy but I love Dan's way of looking at things. They're a great team. Nellie, the au pair, is hilarious. She's laid back and loyal and can speak a seemingly million different languages. The rest of the Cahill family kind of suck, but what's an adventure story without a villain? Or ten? The plot is riveting - the mix of fiction and history is fascinating and I'm flying through the series. They're not particularly long - but then this kind of book never is - or at least never feels like it is. I can't wait to read the rest. 4.5 stars rounded up to 5.

Well I'm at the end. Interesting books. I would've liked to see them all work together to run the gauntlet how it was intended but it wasn't bad. I'll likely pick up the rest of the books. At some point. There are a lot of them.
( )
  funstm | Feb 14, 2023 |
Oh my gosh. BEST BOOK EVER!!! Sooooo much happen in this book. This is a must read. I haven't really been into books, and it was hard for me but with the 39clues sires, I am staying up till ( not joking) 2:00 am or later! I loved the ending. I was REALLY sad when it was over, I wanted to know what would happen. That's when I heard about the second sires. I AM SOOOO HAPPY!!!!!!!!! ( )
  kenna2001 | Jan 25, 2021 |
Not a bad ending. Wasn't that contrived. Looking forward to more. ( )
  morbusiff | Sep 20, 2018 |
Amy and Dan Cahill have been battling time in trying to find the clues to the power which could rule the world - wanting to keep it away from the "evil" branches of the family. The final clue is located in England and is related to William Shakespeare.

The journey that these two have taken through this and the previous books and shown how they have grown and matured as well as when to trust and when not to.

A series that I will definitely suggest for my grandchildren. ( )
  cyderry | Apr 3, 2018 |
I can't help thinking that this book was a bit of a disappointing end to this part of the series. ( )
  martensgirl | Jun 11, 2015 |
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For Todd and Will and all the other Clue Hunters. —M.P.H.
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Amy and Dan Cahill forgot to look for bugs in London.
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Throughout the hunt for the 39 Clues, Amy and Dan Cahill have uncovered history's greatest mysteries and their family's deadliest secrets. But are they ready to face the truth about the Cahills and the key to their unmatched power? After a whirlwind race that's taken them across five continents, Amy and Dan face the most the difficult challenge yet -- a task no Cahill dared to imagine. When faced with a choice that could change the future of the world, can two kids succeed where 500 years worth of famous ancestors failed?

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