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Sto caricando le informazioni... Fablehavendi Brandon Mull
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Iscriviti per consentire a LibraryThing di scoprire se ti piacerà questo libro. Attualmente non vi sono conversazioni su questo libro. Reread with Nick because he's never read them before, and I couldn't pass up the opportunity to visit this story again (although technically at this point, I think this must be my re-re-re-re-re-read). I'm incredibly biased about this book because it was a childhood favorite, but also I think it's one of the most unique and enjoyable middle grade fantasy series ever written. :,) A fast-paced, middle-grade dark fantasy. The two main characters (Kendra & Seth) are fleshed out, with distinct personalities. For the most part they act within their established character, with one or two out of character moments. I liked that the kids had a personality. Sometimes with middle grade books the main character is bland so that the reader can insert themselves into the story. The world of Fablehaven is interesting. This book leaves a lot more to discover within the world and plants seeds for an overarching plot in the next books, though it ends satisfactorily enough as a stand alone if you're not quite as thrilled with it as I am!
"Fablehaven" is a quick-paced read, and taken as a fantasy book, it does its job in exploring new worlds. Witty repartee between the central characters, as well as the occasional well-done set piece, isn't enough to hold this hefty debut together. È contenuto inFablehaven Boxed Set (1-3) di Brandon Mull (indirettamente) Fablehaven Boxed Set (1-5) di Brandon Mull (indirettamente) Ha come guida per lo studentePremi e riconoscimentiMenzioniElenchi di rilievo
When Kendra and Seth go to stay at their grandparents' estate, they discover that it is a sanctuary for magical creatures and that a battle between good and evil is looming. Non sono state trovate descrizioni di biblioteche |
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Google Books — Sto caricando le informazioni... GeneriSistema Decimale Melvil (DDC)813.6Literature English (North America) American fiction 21st CenturyClassificazione LCVotoMedia:
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This book follow Kendra and Seth who are visiting their grandparents home. The siblings soon discover their grandparents are the caretakers of a magical kingdom known as Fablehaven.
I would recommend this book be available for students to read at their own will. I would be mindful though if students get scared easily there are some scenes that could cause unrest or nightmares.