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Betrayed (Five Star Expressions)

di Amy Clipston

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Lacey Fowler is distraught when her father and stepmother are killed in a car accident while traveling home to Mooresville, North Carolina from Daytona International Speedway. Her anxiety is heightened when champion stock car drive and playboy Reese Mitchell inherits part of her father's prestigious team, Southern Racing. While snooping through company files, she discovers a shortage in the company payroll. And when she finds photos of the fatal accident, Lacey begins to suspect that race team employees are hiding something.… (altro)
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Most readers are familiar with Amy Clipston’s highly acclaimed Amish stories, but they may not know about her racing romance, Betrayed, published the same year (2009) as her first Amish fiction book. Fans of Clipston’s current work will be able to recognize the author’s now trademark ability to create likable characters, even as the writing, which is uneven but endearing, isn’t quite up to the caliber as her well-known and loved inspirational titles. Writing takes time and practice, and Clipston has made the most of both since Betrayed was published. The story itself seems predictable at first, as champion driver Reese and Lacey, daughter of the team owner, share an innocent flirtation that hides their deeper feelings, but when tragedy strikes and secrets are uncovered, Clipston throws predictability out the window with a twist to the villain’s motivations. Even at the beginning of her writing career, Clipston knew how to keep readers entertained with relationship development between characters that feels realistic without being contrived, and believable emotional reactions in difficult situations that readers can understand and relate to. Racing fans will particularly enjoy the background in which the characters earn their livelihoods, with references that speak directly to readers who know the terminology and tracks. As Lacey tries to juggle her final term at college with her new responsibilities after her father’s death, the reality of life as she has known it comes to a crashing halt and she is overwhelmed by loneliness and heartache. Reese makes himself available, as an old friend who cares more about her than she knows, and is devastated when she pushes him away. Romance between childhood friends isn’t a new idea in romance novels, but Clipston makes Lacey’s girlhood crush on Reese and his own newly discovered feelings for Lacey both sweet and sultry, which is not always an easy combination to manage. The story is racier (no pun intended) than her Amish series but doesn’t cross the line into explicit details, so fans of her Amish work can be assured of a safe read while taking a spin through this charming love story. ( )
  cecilywolfe | Jan 4, 2018 |
Lacey Fowler's world is turned upside down when her dad and step-mom are killed in a car crash. But something doesn't sound right about the accident. She also finds some major money being drained from her dad's racing company. She finds out too, her father's will leaves his portion of the company to be split equally between her and Reese Mitchell, a winning driver for racing company. Lacey has always been in love with Reese so when it's suggested that they marry to gain control of the company and find out the truth, she reluctantly agrees. The guilty party is not happy about the marriage or the fact they're looking for answers. Will they figure it out in time? And what will happen to their marriage of convenience?

This was a good NASCAR tale. I enjoyed getting to know the characters in this story. I truly felt engaged as a reader from beginning to end. I could see why Reese and Lacey were reluctant to give their hearts to each other. Especially Lacey because of Reese's reputation of being a ladies-man. But I also felt like some of her thinking and reactions were unrealistic, especially because she had known him all her life. I might also make mention that although this author writes good Amish Christian stories, this tale would not be considered in that category. ( )
  love2readnovels | Nov 18, 2010 |
I really enojyed reading this book. It had all the elements of a true mystery and love story. Hope the author writes another one to follow it. ( )
  carolinagirl2104 | Aug 5, 2010 |
This book is the first book by Amy Clipston that I have had the pleasure of reading. And I must be honest and tell you that I am not a big racing fan, but I absolutely LOVED Amy's book, Betrayed. So much so that I am anxiously awaiting a second racing series book to be released!

This is kind of a romantic mystery with a bit of humor mixed in. Set in my wonderful home state of North Carolina, Amy tells the story of Lacey, the young daughter of a Nascar team owner, who has loved the driver of one team car from afar for as long as she can remember. But while she's away at college in Maryland, tragedy strikes-her father and stepmother both meet death in a fatal 1 car accident....but was it truly an accident?

Reese has known Lacey since the day she was born. She's like a kid sister to him. So when news of her father's accident reaches him, he's determined to be there for her. But she's not making it easy. In trying to convince Lacey that she can trust him he finds himself seeing her as a gorgeous woman, not just his "squirt" and he's falling her. So what's he to do when she tells him she thinks her parents' accident isn't an accident and someone he's close to may be guilty?

Will Lacey accept his proposal and together they can find the betrayer? Or will she just move on and try to buy his share of her father's company?

Amy has the power to keep you with the story from the first line. She mixes humor, mystery and romance in a way that will never bore you! It was hard to put this book down, especially with each new twist that came about! I recommend Amy's Betrayed to Nascar fans, romance lovers, and mystery seekers because she combines all three in this novel and takes you on a ride you don't want to miss!

*This novel was provided for review courtesy of the author* ( )
  ReviewsbyMolly | Dec 31, 2009 |
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Lacey Fowler is distraught when her father and stepmother are killed in a car accident while traveling home to Mooresville, North Carolina from Daytona International Speedway. Her anxiety is heightened when champion stock car drive and playboy Reese Mitchell inherits part of her father's prestigious team, Southern Racing. While snooping through company files, she discovers a shortage in the company payroll. And when she finds photos of the fatal accident, Lacey begins to suspect that race team employees are hiding something.

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