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Fantasy. Horror. Romance. Young Adult Fiction. HTML:

"Redemption and grief, and the love that exists even when people are gone." —The Bookbag

Not alive. Not dead. Somewhere in between lie the Beautiful Dead.

It's been months since Darina has seen her undead boyfriend and her heart is breaking all over again. The wait is slowly driving her crazy.

All she wants to do is be with Phoenix, to feel his arms wrapped around her. But to earn the pleasure of that embrace, Darina must track down the crazed killer that shot Summer Madison.

Was it a random shooting? Or was the gifted singer the victim of an obsessive fan? As time runs out, Darina will risk her own life to discover the truth.

But if she solves Summer's murder, Darina knows it only brings her one step closer to losing Phoenix forever...

"Compelling characters coupled with a powerful mystery. A real page turner." —Julia Eccleshare, Lovereading4kids

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Mostra 5 di 5
I liked this one, I mean it was ok. I love the mystery in the Beautiful Dead books, and this one did not disappoint! There was action, romance and suspense! Yet I still didn't really get into this book. I'm not sure why, and I'll probably read [b:Summer|14249|Prodigal Summer|Barbara Kingsolver||718772] another few times before figuring out why, but I did like it, and that's the main point I guess?

Over & Out, T xx ( )
  RichlyWritten | Sep 23, 2019 |
I liked this one, I mean it was ok. I love the mystery in the Beautiful Dead books, and this one did not disappoint! There was action, romance and suspense! Yet I still didn't really get into this book. I'm not sure why, and I'll probably read [b:Summer|14249|Prodigal Summer|Barbara Kingsolver||718772] another few times before figuring out why, but I did like it, and that's the main point I guess?

Over & Out, T xx ( )
  RichlyWritten | Sep 23, 2019 |
More interesting than the last one, although I find it a bit weird how nobody recognised the shooter. I can understand that the stress of the event made it difficult for people to remember the details, but when the main character goes back in time, she needs to take off the shooter's cap and glasses before she recognises him. And even then she's not sure, even though she is suspicious, until a bit later. She regularly sees him! She should have been able to know who he was or at least think that that young man reminded her of a certain someone.

I like the mystery and the premise of this series (the reason for giving it three stars instead of two), but some situations are completely ridiculous.

Longer review soon. ( )
  Hellen0 | Jun 22, 2016 |
*groan*, I don't even care any more, I'm not forcing myself the last one, I already guessed the plot anyway. ( )
  katie1802 | May 10, 2014 |
The most suspense (and least whiney) one yet! ( )
  bookwyrmm | Mar 30, 2011 |
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Fantasy. Horror. Romance. Young Adult Fiction. HTML:

"Redemption and grief, and the love that exists even when people are gone." —The Bookbag

Not alive. Not dead. Somewhere in between lie the Beautiful Dead.

It's been months since Darina has seen her undead boyfriend and her heart is breaking all over again. The wait is slowly driving her crazy.

All she wants to do is be with Phoenix, to feel his arms wrapped around her. But to earn the pleasure of that embrace, Darina must track down the crazed killer that shot Summer Madison.

Was it a random shooting? Or was the gifted singer the victim of an obsessive fan? As time runs out, Darina will risk her own life to discover the truth.

But if she solves Summer's murder, Darina knows it only brings her one step closer to losing Phoenix forever...

"Compelling characters coupled with a powerful mystery. A real page turner." —Julia Eccleshare, Lovereading4kids


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