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61 Hours: (Jack Reacher 14) [Paperback] [Jan…
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61 Hours: (Jack Reacher 14) [Paperback] [Jan 01, 2010] Child, Lee (edizione 2010)

di Lee Child (Autore)

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5,0331472,271 (3.84)138
Reacher gets better and better. . . . [This is the] craftiest and most highly evolved of Lee Childs electrifying Reacher books.Janet Maslin, The New York Times

A bus crashes in a savage snowstorm and lands Jack Reacher in the middle of a deadly confrontation. In nearby Bolton, South Dakota, one brave woman is standing up for justice in a small town threatened by sinister forces. If shes going to live long enough to testify, shell need help. Because a killer is coming to Bolton, a coldly proficient assassin who never misses.
Reachers original plan was to keep on moving. But the next 61 hours will change everything. The secrets are deadlier and his enemies are stronger than he could have guessedbut so is the woman hell risk his life to save.
… (altro)
Titolo:61 Hours: (Jack Reacher 14) [Paperback] [Jan 01, 2010] Child, Lee
Autori:Lee Child (Autore)
Info:Bantam Books (2010)
Collezioni:Unread in Library, La tua biblioteca

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Weird to have this huge cliffhanger at the end... I've already read the next book, but why drop the reader off a cliff? ( )
  jennievh | Sep 18, 2024 |
Mystery lovers might like this novel better than some others in the series. The scene is a small town in South Dakota and Reacher allies himself with the cops against a really bad guy. Author also introduces Susan Turner, the commander of his old unit. I never understood what or why "61 hours" other than as a thread to keep the reader wondering what happens at the end of the we don't do that anyway! ( )
  buffalogr | Mar 28, 2024 |
(2009) Reacher is stranded in a small South Dakota town during a snowstorm when the bus he is riding on is forced off the road into a ditch. This leads hem into a situation where a prisoner in a local prison is trying to escape which puts a witness in jeopardy. KIRKUS REVIEWWhen a bus full of seniors spins out of control, the obvious recourse is to reach out for Reacher (Gone Tomorrow, 2009, etc.).On its way to Mt. Rushmore, a bus carrying a load of elderly tourists, plus a ringer, loses to a patch of ice. Reacher's the ringer. Some 30 years younger than the average age of his fellow passengers, he's among them by happenstance, a kind of hitchhiker. Reacherthat inveterate nomad, indefatigable Rambo and Galahad for all seasons¥finds himself once more in the midst of an authentic mess. Banged up and inoperable, the bus has come to rest in Bolton, S.D., a town buried in snow and heaps of trouble. There's the biker gang living on its outskirts, making crystal meth. There's a repellent figure named Plato, a racketeering lowlife, whose philosophy is kill everything on the theory that if it lives, whatever it is, it might at some point have a negative Platonic effect. And then there's grandmotherly Janet Salter. Sweet, smart, elegant and pound for pound as brave as Reacher, she's a retired librarian, from Oxford's Bodleian, no less. She's also a witness to a grisly murder. Desperate to keep her alive, the Bolton PD has begun to think it might not be able to. Andrew Peterson, the department's deputy chief, wants to ask Reacher for help. And when his reluctant boss asks why, he says, ?I think he's the sort of guy who sees things five seconds before the rest of the world.? Well, he's right about that, of course, but even Reacher will be shaken by some of what he sees before exiting Bolton en route to Nowhere, his country of choice.In his 14th outing, implausible, irresistible Reacher remains just about the best butt-kicker in thriller-lit.Pub Date: May 1st, 2010ISBN: 978-0-385-34058-8Page count: 390ppPublisher: DelacorteReview Posted Online: Sept. 16th, 2010Kirkus Reviews Issue: April 15th, 2010
  derailer | Jan 25, 2024 |
I've read all of the Reacher books. I'm huge fan, but this one didn't do it for me. I especially didn't care for the ending. ( )
  MickeyMole | Oct 2, 2023 |
I have been reading some of the books in this series in backward order. I have already read the two books following this one in the series. It did not spoil my enjoyment, although it is a bit odd to come to the end of "61 Hours" and have questions that I know the next two novels will not answer.

Jack Reacher is a former military policeman who has become a modern knight errant who wanders all across America, trying to mind his own business but always getting drawn into battling crime.

Mystery lovers might like this novel better than some others in the series. There is not always a mystery, but there is one here. An assassin is stalking people in a small town in South Dakota, and Reacher must figure out who it is before he finds out the hard way whether or not he is on the hit list himself.

I also like Reacher's Holmesian ability to find criminals. At one point he is talking on the phone to an M.P. who has his old job and is looking for someone who is guilty both of murder and espionage. Reacher asks his successor--who happens to be a woman with an alluring telephone voice--to give him all the details of the case; Reacher thinks it over and tells her to look for the suspect in the second motel north of the bus station. He then explains his reasoning. The M.P.s find the suspect in the third motel north of the station. When told this, Reacher guesses correctly that the first two motels were right next to each other, so the suspect went on to the third.

The title provides a neat structure. The whole story takes place over 61 hours plus an epilogue. It gives the story a time constraint although nobody in the story really knows that they are constrained by 61 hours. Many of them know they don't have much time, but they don't know how much.

A curious thing about this whole series is that, along the way, Reacher acquires allies who are both federal and local law enforcement officials. He almost never reaches out to these people to help him on subsequent cases. In this novel, someone strongly urges him to reach out to his old M.P. unit for information. Reluctantly, Reacher does this and becomes smitten with and dependent on the woman M.P. he meets on the phone. It is a rare and satisfying relationship because Reacher opens up more to her than he has to anyone else; so we get a rare glimpse into Reacher's strong, silent character. ( )
  MilesFowler | Jul 16, 2023 |
Coming off Gone Tomorrow (2009), one of the very best among his 13 high-octane thrillers, Child keeps his foot hard on the throttle. There’s always a ticking clock in the background whenever our off-the-grid hero, Jack Reacher, finds a wrong that needs righting, but this time the clock drives the narrative. When a lawyer arrives at a South Dakota prison to visit a client, we’re told that it’s five minutes to three in the afternoon, “exactly 61 hours before it happened.” Meanwhile, Reacher wakes up from a nap to discover that the tour bus on which he’s cadged a ride is spinning out of control on an icy bridge. By the time he helps the injured senior citizens aboard the bus, there are 59 hours left. But we still don’t know what we’re waiting for. The clock continues to tick as Reacher, now without a ride, lands in Boulton, South Dakota, and finds himself helping out the local police as they attempt to protect a key witness in an upcoming drug trial. Then there’s the matter of the peculiar underground installation outside of town, formerly a military outpost but now apparently housing a meth lab. As the hours fall away and the tension builds, we learn more about the installation, the local cops, and a Mexican drug lord whose own clock is ticking in sync with Reacher’s, but we’re still not prepared for what happens when the sixty-first hour arrives. One expects a novel organized around a clock to be plot driven, and that’s certainly true here. But, as always, Child delivers enough juicy details about the landscape, the characters, and Reacher’s idiosyncrasies to give the story texture and to lower our pulse rates, if only momentarily. Even without the apparently game-changing finale, this is Child in top form, but isn’t he always?
aggiunto da cmwilson101 | modificaBooklist, Bill Ott
61 Hours just may be one of the best novels in the Reacher series yet. Although not as fast paced as previous entries, it boasts "a Hitchcockian escalation of tension" that, despite the gimmick of a countdown, becomes all the more powerful because of it (Telegraph). It is also more of a "closed-town mystery of the sort that Agatha Christie favored," though, of course, Reacher remains the same uncanny, music-loving drifter fans have come to love (New York Times). Otherwise, Child exhibits his usual gift for characters (particularly the elderly librarian), sharp dialogue, and edge-of-your-seat suspense. Although 61 Hours ends with a cliffhanger, readers need not worry: the 15th Reacher novel is due out this fall.
aggiunto da cmwilson101 | modificaBookstore Magazine, a
After a brief stop in New York City (Gone Tomorrow), Jack Reacher is back in his element—Smalltown, U.S.A.—in bestseller Child's fine 14th thriller to feature the roving ex-military cop. When a tour bus on which he bummed a ride skids off the road and crashes, Reacher finds himself in Bolton, S.Dak., a tiny burg with big problems. A highly sophisticated methamphetamine lab run by a vicious Mexican drug cartel has begun operating outside town at an abandoned military facility. After figuring out the snow-bound, marooned Reacher's smart, great with weapons, and capable of tapping military intelligence, the helpless local cops enlist his assistance, and, as always, he displays plenty of derring-do, mental acuity, and good old-fashioned decency. While the action is slower than usual, series fans will appreciate some new insights that Child provides into his hero's psyche and background as well as a cliffhanger ending.
aggiunto da cmwilson101 | modificaPublisher's Weekly, a

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Reacher gets better and better. . . . [This is the] craftiest and most highly evolved of Lee Childs electrifying Reacher books.Janet Maslin, The New York Times

A bus crashes in a savage snowstorm and lands Jack Reacher in the middle of a deadly confrontation. In nearby Bolton, South Dakota, one brave woman is standing up for justice in a small town threatened by sinister forces. If shes going to live long enough to testify, shell need help. Because a killer is coming to Bolton, a coldly proficient assassin who never misses.
Reachers original plan was to keep on moving. But the next 61 hours will change everything. The secrets are deadlier and his enemies are stronger than he could have guessedbut so is the woman hell risk his life to save.

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