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Vixen: Return of the Lion

di G. Willow Wilson, Cafu (Illustratore)

Altri autori: Josh Middleton (Immagine di copertina)

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302815,775 (3.5)Nessuno
On a mission against the mega-mobsters of Intergang, the Justice League makes a stunning discovery revealing the truth behind the death of Vixen's mother. Long ago, poachers were fingered in her murder, but stunning proof arrives exposing the identity of her real killer! And the man responsible is still alive, making a vicious play for power in the homeland Vixen left years ago. This groundbreaking 5-issue miniseries by rising stars G. Willow Wilson (OUTSIDERS- AQUAMAN/METAMORPHO, CAIRO, AIR) and Cafu (Black Panther) plunges the League's animal-powered warrior into a deeply spiritual, but instantly deadly, quest for vengeance - and draws the League itself into the newest chapter of Intergang's ever-expanding race for domination.… (altro)
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  freixas | Mar 31, 2023 |
Vixen is one of the lesser known superheroes of the DC universe, and it always surprises me that she isn't more popular because she is so kick-ass. I was really excited to see that G. Willow Wilson had written a mini-series featuring Mari and picked it up a while back when it was on sale.

This was great! The plot was a bit on the cliched side but it was really nice to see Vixen/Mari as the main character and letting her shine. I really enjoyed how the flashbacks of her old life were incorporated into the plot. I'm not sure if those who are unfamiliar with the character would be able to follow all the backstory, though, since much of it was covered in throwaway comments.

The art was absolutely gorgeous. Just amazing.

I really hope that DC does more with this character in the future. She has so much potential and they let her languish as a C-string superhero. ( )
  wisemetis | Dec 7, 2020 |
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Nome dell'autoreRuoloTipo di autoreOpera?Stato
G. Willow Wilsonautore primariotutte le edizionicalcolato
CafuIllustratoreautore principaletutte le edizioniconfermato
Middleton, JoshImmagine di copertinaautore secondariotutte le edizioniconfermato
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On a mission against the mega-mobsters of Intergang, the Justice League makes a stunning discovery revealing the truth behind the death of Vixen's mother. Long ago, poachers were fingered in her murder, but stunning proof arrives exposing the identity of her real killer! And the man responsible is still alive, making a vicious play for power in the homeland Vixen left years ago. This groundbreaking 5-issue miniseries by rising stars G. Willow Wilson (OUTSIDERS- AQUAMAN/METAMORPHO, CAIRO, AIR) and Cafu (Black Panther) plunges the League's animal-powered warrior into a deeply spiritual, but instantly deadly, quest for vengeance - and draws the League itself into the newest chapter of Intergang's ever-expanding race for domination.

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