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The Old Knowledge and Other Strange Tales

di Rosalie Parker

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This first collection of tales by Rosalie Parker contains eight stories that explore the uncanny in the modern world. As Glen Cavaliero observes in his introduction, "like all good stories of the preternatural, these in The Old Knowledge have a subversive effect." In them, "the world of logical, predictable reality is seen to be at risk from rejected modes of knowledge which can thwart the materialist and victimise those innocents who stumble into another order of reality." In "The Rain," Geraldine heads to the North for a holiday she hopes will provide a welcome break from her busy city life, only to suffer a complicated and enigmatic distortion of her usual world-view. The narrator of "In the Garden" strays into new pastures while explaining her theory of gardening. In "Chanctonbury Ring," the well-meaning protagonist, helping a lady in distress, gets rather more than he bargained for. The temporary schoolteacher in "The Supply-Teacher" elicits altruism from her class, whilst, in "The Old Knowledge," a group of archaeologists called in to excavate a prehistoric round barrow have to negotiate local interventions. In "The Cook's Story" a Gothic country house provides the setting for a modern tale of mystery. Do not expect blood-and-guts, wraiths or revenants: these stories hold a different kind of terror. "Their unostentatious magic is of an insidious kind; and like the protagonist of the title story, is liable to exert itself in disconcerting ways."… (altro)
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A slim volume of excellent weird and eerie tales. Treading the fine line between the conventional creep and the enigmatic story, Parker brings just the right touch of strangeness to pull off her twisted endings that I often did not see coming.

Exquisitely well written and concise this was a nice little book that sat in my TBR pile for far too long it seems. ( )
  Gumbywan | Jun 24, 2022 |
Rosalie Parker's first book follows in the English tradition of subtle weird fiction, Robert Aickman and Arthur Machen being obvious influences. Graced with modern and elegant language, this small collection of short stories evokes an intimate, tranquil and homey atmosphere, its rustic coziness embedded in both fluid unburdened writing and liminal contemporary setting. Concerning the latter, the book’s eight stories take place on the fringes of our world – villages, suburbs, the countryside – and dispense with the frantic rhythms of modern life which exists only as a distant echo.

The promise of the supernatural (largely of the folklore quality) lies behind every nook and corner, takes many forms (some of them original twists of familiar tropes), yet there is never a direct, definite revelation. Some of the stories -in accordance to Aickman's manner- have very abrupt endings; therein lies a thorn – several of these finales (In the Garden, The Supply Teacher, The Old Knowledge) are executed in a rough manner, creating a bumpy transitional sensation. Despite this shortcoming, the Old Knowledge and Other Strange Tales is proven a spectacular debut, modern subtle weirdness done right.

Favourite stories: The Rain, The Cook's Story, The Picture ( )
  Athotep | Sep 26, 2020 |
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This first collection of tales by Rosalie Parker contains eight stories that explore the uncanny in the modern world. As Glen Cavaliero observes in his introduction, "like all good stories of the preternatural, these in The Old Knowledge have a subversive effect." In them, "the world of logical, predictable reality is seen to be at risk from rejected modes of knowledge which can thwart the materialist and victimise those innocents who stumble into another order of reality." In "The Rain," Geraldine heads to the North for a holiday she hopes will provide a welcome break from her busy city life, only to suffer a complicated and enigmatic distortion of her usual world-view. The narrator of "In the Garden" strays into new pastures while explaining her theory of gardening. In "Chanctonbury Ring," the well-meaning protagonist, helping a lady in distress, gets rather more than he bargained for. The temporary schoolteacher in "The Supply-Teacher" elicits altruism from her class, whilst, in "The Old Knowledge," a group of archaeologists called in to excavate a prehistoric round barrow have to negotiate local interventions. In "The Cook's Story" a Gothic country house provides the setting for a modern tale of mystery. Do not expect blood-and-guts, wraiths or revenants: these stories hold a different kind of terror. "Their unostentatious magic is of an insidious kind; and like the protagonist of the title story, is liable to exert itself in disconcerting ways."

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