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A Field Guide for Genealogists. Second Edition (2001)

di Judy Jacobson

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A guide to searching for your roots.
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Packed with advice and lists of information in dozens of areas that will be helpful to genealogists; if you need to know how long a verst is or what a semi lorer did, you can find it here. This compact volume covers naming customs, legal terms, immigrant groups and Native Americans, finding unmarked graves, measurements, money, calendars and much more. Information about researching on the Internet (including website suggestions) or where to look in Washington, DC (various societies and museums are listed) are good places to start. Small enough to slip into purse or briefcase but provides a great deal of useful information. The only negative is the number of typos that should have been caught by stronger editing. ( )
  Taphophile13 | Jul 10, 2009 |
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The following was taken from an internet family list site, author unknown, but it cried out to be included here. So to whoever composed this list, thank you for telling it like it is.

The Laws of Genealogy

The document containing evidence of the missing link in your research invariably will be lost to fire, flood or war.
The keeper of the vital records you need will have just been insulted by another genealogist.
Your great-great grandfather's obituary states that he died, leaving no issue of record.
The town clerk you wrote to in desperation, and finally convinced to give you the information you need, can't write legibly, and doesn't have a copying machine.
The will you need is in the safe on board the "Titanic.'
The spelling of your European ancestor's name bears no relationship to its current spelling or pronunciation.
That ancient photograph of four children, one of whom is your progenitor carries the names of the other three.
Copies of old newspapers have holes which occur only on last names.
No one in your family ever did anything noteworthy, always rented property, was never sued and was never named in wills.
You learned that Great Aunt Matilda's executor just sold her life's collection of family genealogical materials to a flea market dealer 'somewhere in New York City.'
Yours if the only last name not found among the 3 billion in the world famous Mormon Archives in Salt Lake City.
Ink fades and paper deteriorates at a rate inversely proportional to the value of the data recorded.
The 37 volume. sixteen thousand page history of your country of origin isn't indexed.
The critical link in your famiiy tree is named 'Smith.'
Dati dalle informazioni generali inglesi. Modifica per tradurlo nella tua lingua.
You are sitting in a library and have just reached a dead end.
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Wikipedia in inglese (1)

A guide to searching for your roots.

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