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Garden Islands of the Great East

di David Fairchild

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"Garden Islands of the Great East" is a travel and botanical exploration book written by David Fairchild. Originally published in 1935, the book chronicles Fairchild's adventures and discoveries as he explores the diverse flora and landscapes of the islands in the eastern regions of the Pacific Ocean.

Fairchild, a renowned botanist and explorer, takes readers on a captivating journey through a variety of garden-like islands, including Hawaii, Tahiti, Fiji, and the Philippines, among others. Through vivid descriptions and personal anecdotes, he paints a vibrant picture of the natural beauty, plant life, and cultural richness of these exotic destinations.

The book not only showcases the remarkable diversity of plants found in the Great East islands but also delves into their historical and cultural significance. Fairchild shares fascinating stories about the indigenous peoples he encounters, their traditions, and the ways in which plants play a central role in their lives.

In addition to his botanical discoveries, Fairchild discusses the challenges and rewards of exploring remote islands, the beauty of their landscapes, and the impact of colonization on their ecosystems. He also reflects on the importance of preserving these unique environments and the need for conservation efforts.

Fairchild's writing style is engaging and accessible, making "Garden Islands of the Great East" an enjoyable read for both botany enthusiasts and armchair travelers. The book combines scientific insights with the spirit of adventure, providing readers with a deeper understanding of the natural world and the cultural tapestry of the Great East islands.

Overall, "Garden Islands of the Great East" offers a captivating blend of botanical exploration, cultural exploration, and travelogue. Fairchild's passion for plants, his curiosity about different cultures, and his sense of adventure shine through in this engaging and informative book. ( )
  FallsGalloway | May 7, 2023 |
Goodreads: I really enjoyed this. I found it in a used book shop on Cape Cod and it leapt into my hand (along with another, that was soon dropped...). Fairchild was clearly in love with his subject, and the locale. It made me start planning a vacation to the Moluccas - which of course I will never afford, not being friends with someone who was itching for an excuse to build her next yacht!Dated writing style, but entertaining and informative a window into a time past, unlikely to be experienced like that
  Alhickey1 | Dec 24, 2020 |
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