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The Double Silence (2009)

di Mari Jungstedt

Serie: Anders Knutas (7)

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1927146,766 (3.16)1
A man is pushed from a cliff; a woman is missing after a bike ride; an elderly man is washed ashore. The friends are closer than most - too close, some might say. Every year they leave their cosy suburban neighbourhood to go on holiday together to a remote Swedish island. But this year, their holiday won't go as expected. A terrible series of tragedies will unfold, seemingly random, all somehow connected. Detective Superintendant Anders Knutas will have to look into the friends' tangled pasts to find the truth. What malevolent force has followed them to the island? Or was it amongst them all along? Even the closest friends don't share everything...… (altro)
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Tres parejas de amigos que pasan cada años unos días de vacaciones juntos, se disponen a compartir una semana en el agreste e idílico paisaje de la isla de Faro, donde se celebra un festival en homenaje a Ingmar Bergman. El famoso director sueco rodó varias películas en la isla, en la que se retiró los últimos años de su vida. La repentina desaparición de dos de los amigos da un giro inesperado al viaje, y cuando aparece el cadáver de uno de ellos que, presuntamente, ha sido asesinado, el comisario Anders Knutas y su compañera Karin Jacobsson se hacen cargo del caso, aunque Knutas está preocupado por su colega, muy atormentada por un suceso de su pasado. Su investigación no hace más que complicarse cuando desenmarañan la compleja relación de sexo, celos y obsesión que une a los seis amigos en una carera contra el tiempo para evitar más muertes.
  Natt90 | Dec 20, 2022 |
Efter en rad lyckade och mer eller mindre spännande Gotland-deckare, kommer denna bok, som plötsligt kastar ut allting som Jungstedt byggt upp i de tidigare böckerna och ersätter det med ingenting. Mordutredningen börjar efter bokens första tredjedel, och innan det får vi bekanta oss med ett sällskap av personer som varken är intressanta eller speciellt välskrivna. Knutas, Karin och de andra dyker knappt upp under bokens första halva.

När själva utredningen väl kommer igång är den visserligen ett komplicerat nystan att lösa upp, men den känns varken originell eller speciellt medryckande. I karaktärernas personliga liv vevas pågående intriger vidare med minimalt tempo. Det känns ungefär som om Jungstedt endast försöker påminna läsaren om vad som pågått i de senaste böckerna, istället för att föra intrigerna framåt. I slutet belönas vi äntligen med någon form av avslutning på de pågående intrigerna, men man blir tvungen att läsa vidare får att se vad resultatet blir.

Fårö och Ingmar Bergman är fascinerande kryddor i en deckare, och de ger Jungstedts text en gnutta mervärde. För övrigt finns här lite att ta med sig efteråt - karaktärerna saknar djup, intrigen är inte så påhittig och boken saknar seriens sedvanliga krokar och svängar. ( )
  MrScallops | Feb 10, 2020 |
Mari Jungstedts sjunde roman borrar djupt i de mörkaste av hemligheter som även vänner döljer för varandra. Den dubbla tystnaden är en pulshöjande thriller som stärker Jungstedts position som en av landets mest lästa författare.Nu har mer än en miljon exemplar av Jungstedts böcker sålts bara i Sverige
  svkkarlskrona | Feb 1, 2016 |
It's always a pity to say that a book disappointed, particularly when the author's previous titles all proved reasonably satisfying reads. I started reading this confident that it would please, but soon found myself fighting the urge to put it down and not pick up again. I was one hundred or so pages into the book before it marked itself out as a crime novel, but even long before that I was struggling with it. I have rarely not finished a book and it was only the faint hope that things might improve that kept me going, but alas this book ultimately failed to satisfy.

The Double Silence sees a group of close friends (a rather unreal closeness in fact) take a holiday together on a remote Swedish island, only for friendships to unravel once a series of fatal mishaps befall them. Like I said, I was one-third of the way into the book before a body showed up, by which time I had grown weary of the over concentration on the group members' family and personal lives and relationships. To the point of tedium. Whole passages could be given over to child feeding, nappy changing, domestic chores and trivial conversations, making me want to fast forward, but to where? Inspector Knutas, the principal investigator, is not so prominent in this as in the previous books, more's the pity, but as for his welling up with tears at one point, aaagh! Journalist Johan Berg, who plays a major part in the previous titles in the series (this being the seventh), also has a lesser role here than normal. One other criticism I would level at the book is that the chapters are too short, resulting in you being thrown from one scene to another with far too much frequency.

The basis for the crime element is sound enough, jealousy and a shared secret past, but too much of the story is given over to matters of little interest or relevance for me to have really cared at any point. Enough said, not all reads can be rosy! ( )
  ebyrne41 | Mar 12, 2014 |
Lättlyssnat i bilen men Mari Jungstedt är alldeles för ytlig för att falla mig i smaken. Karaktärer intrig och miljöer är sååå.. schablonmässigt förmedlade. Inget som fastnar hos mig iaf. ( )
  Mats_Sigfridsson | Jan 6, 2014 |
nessuna recensione | aggiungi una recensione

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A man is pushed from a cliff; a woman is missing after a bike ride; an elderly man is washed ashore. The friends are closer than most - too close, some might say. Every year they leave their cosy suburban neighbourhood to go on holiday together to a remote Swedish island. But this year, their holiday won't go as expected. A terrible series of tragedies will unfold, seemingly random, all somehow connected. Detective Superintendant Anders Knutas will have to look into the friends' tangled pasts to find the truth. What malevolent force has followed them to the island? Or was it amongst them all along? Even the closest friends don't share everything...

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