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Howl and Other Poems (City Lights Pocket…
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Howl and Other Poems (City Lights Pocket Poets Series) (originale 1956; edizione 2001)

di Allen Ginsberg

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5,698671,866 (4.02)117
Beat movement icon and visionary poet, Allen Ginsberg broke boundaries with his fearless, pyrotechnic verse. The apocalyptic 'Howl' became the subject of an obscenity trial when it was first published in 1956-its vindication was a watershed moment in twentieth-century history. Dark, ecstatic and rhapsodic, 'Howl' shows why Ginsberg was one of the most influential poets of the twentieth century. Howl and Other Poems is a collection of Ginsberg's finest work, including 'Howl', one of the principal works of the Beat Generation as well as 'A Supermarket in California', 'Transcription of Organ Music', 'Sunflower Sutra', 'America', 'In the Baggage Room at Greyhound"', and some of his earlier works.… (altro)
Titolo:Howl and Other Poems (City Lights Pocket Poets Series)
Autori:Allen Ginsberg
Info:City Lights Publishers (2001), Paperback, 57 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca, In lettura, Da leggere

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Jukebox all'idrogeno di Allen Ginsberg (1956)

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» Vedi le 117 citazioni

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Anche se non ho metro di paragone credo che farsi un viaggio dopo una pesante dose di acidi sia come leggere questo libro...che poi è una raccolta di poesie, frammenti di non so che strana droga!! ( )
  Delbi | Jul 28, 2011 |
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» Aggiungi altri autori (15 potenziali)

Nome dell'autoreRuoloTipo di autoreOpera?Stato
Allen Ginsbergautore primariotutte le edizionicalcolato
Williams, William CarlosIntroduzioneautore secondariotutte le edizioniconfermato
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Jack Kerouac, new Buddha of American prose, who spit forth intelligence into eleven books written in half the number of years (1951-1956) creating a spontaneous bop prosody and original classic literature. Several phrases and the title of Howl are taken from him.
William Seward Burroughs, author of Naked Lunch, an endless novel which will drive everybody mad.
Neal Cassady, author of The First Third, an autobiography (1949) which enlightened Buddha.
All these books are published in Heaven.
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When he was younger, and I was younger, I used to know Allen Ginsberg, a young poet living in Paterson, New Jersey, where he, son of a well-known poet, had been born and grew up.
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I walked on the banks of the tincan banana dock and sat down under the huge shade of a Southern Pacific locomotive to look at the sunset over the box house hills and cry.
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Beat movement icon and visionary poet, Allen Ginsberg broke boundaries with his fearless, pyrotechnic verse. The apocalyptic 'Howl' became the subject of an obscenity trial when it was first published in 1956-its vindication was a watershed moment in twentieth-century history. Dark, ecstatic and rhapsodic, 'Howl' shows why Ginsberg was one of the most influential poets of the twentieth century. Howl and Other Poems is a collection of Ginsberg's finest work, including 'Howl', one of the principal works of the Beat Generation as well as 'A Supermarket in California', 'Transcription of Organ Music', 'Sunflower Sutra', 'America', 'In the Baggage Room at Greyhound"', and some of his earlier works.

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Media: (4.02)
0.5 3
1 17
1.5 2
2 76
2.5 14
3 184
3.5 35
4 398
4.5 49
5 441

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