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Moon Knight, Vol. 4: The Death of Marc Spector (2009)

di Mike Benson

Serie: Moon Knight Vol.4 (4), Moon Knight (Vol.4 4), Moon Knight (2006) (21-25 + Annual 1)

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Also collects Moon Knight: Silent Knight #1. Moon Knight has been an eyesore to the Initiative - and he's about to pay the price! With Tony Stark forced onto the sidelines, Norman Osborn has been tapped to bring in the fugitive super hero - by all means necessary! That's right, the Thunderbolts have just been sliced on Moon Knight! To survive, he's going to have to go a bit crazy. Then, it's Christmas Eve. A time for family. A time to dream. But for Moon Knight, it's just a night like any other - and tonight he's got his sights on a pair of hitmen who picked the wrong Santa to kill.… (altro)
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1138 ( )
  freixas | Mar 31, 2023 |
Well, I didn't find this trade to be as good as the third in the series, but it was still a decent read. Marc Spector's run into a brick wall - his friends have deserted him, Marlene has abandoned him, his god has forsaken him, and now the Thunderbolts are after him. There only seems to be one solution to get out - Marc Spector needs to die. Of course, this is comic book land, so of course no one really dies (and stays dead, at least). And considering that there's another book in the series, I think the reader can guess that Moon Knight doesn't really bite the dust. ( )
  schatzi | May 22, 2011 |
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Moon Knight (Vol.4 4)
Moon Knight (2006) (21-25 + Annual 1)

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Also collects Moon Knight: Silent Knight #1. Moon Knight has been an eyesore to the Initiative - and he's about to pay the price! With Tony Stark forced onto the sidelines, Norman Osborn has been tapped to bring in the fugitive super hero - by all means necessary! That's right, the Thunderbolts have just been sliced on Moon Knight! To survive, he's going to have to go a bit crazy. Then, it's Christmas Eve. A time for family. A time to dream. But for Moon Knight, it's just a night like any other - and tonight he's got his sights on a pair of hitmen who picked the wrong Santa to kill.

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