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London: The Illustrated History (2008)

di Cathy Ross, John Clark

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831330,676 (4.5)1
A UNIQUE, VIVIDLY ILLUSTRATED HISTORY OF LONDON'S PAST, PRESENT AND FUTURE Discover which prehistoric mammals would once have lived by the River Thames. Take a detailed look at the crystal palace of the Great Exhibition and an early map of the underground. See the locations of medieval plague pits, Tudor inns, eighteenth-century hangings and gangland crime hotspots. London- An Illustrated Historyoffers a new perspective on one of the world's most exciting cities, from Iron Age cemeteries to Victorian sewers, Viking raids to Zeppelin air raids, Roman temples to Jewish ghettos, Georgian brothels to the Great Fire, Roman arenas to the Olympics. Images, objects and expert text from the Museum of London, together with maps old and new, contemporary cartoons and paintings, startling artefacts and vivid reconstructions of ancient buildings, shine a fresh light on all aspects of the city's constantly changing story. Invasions, epidemics, riots, pubs, shrines, crime, gentrification, immigrant communities, urban development and art are all here. Special 'Survivals' sections even show where remains of buildings from London's past can still be seen today. The daily lives of Londoners and the city's chequered history come alive in this book as never before. 'Stunning . . . an irresistible page-turner . . . Whisks us in fifteen chapters from prehistory to near future, each chapter broken down into themed sections that explore the lives of ordinary Londoners, from priests to prostitutes, bakers to burglars, cavemen to international financiers' East End Life… (altro)
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Technical Library - shelved at: B12:42 London
  HB-Library-159 | Oct 5, 2017 |
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Cathy Rossautore primariotutte le edizionicalcolato
Clark, Johnautore principaletutte le edizioniconfermato
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Risorse esterne che parlano di questo libro

Wikipedia in inglese (1)

A UNIQUE, VIVIDLY ILLUSTRATED HISTORY OF LONDON'S PAST, PRESENT AND FUTURE Discover which prehistoric mammals would once have lived by the River Thames. Take a detailed look at the crystal palace of the Great Exhibition and an early map of the underground. See the locations of medieval plague pits, Tudor inns, eighteenth-century hangings and gangland crime hotspots. London- An Illustrated Historyoffers a new perspective on one of the world's most exciting cities, from Iron Age cemeteries to Victorian sewers, Viking raids to Zeppelin air raids, Roman temples to Jewish ghettos, Georgian brothels to the Great Fire, Roman arenas to the Olympics. Images, objects and expert text from the Museum of London, together with maps old and new, contemporary cartoons and paintings, startling artefacts and vivid reconstructions of ancient buildings, shine a fresh light on all aspects of the city's constantly changing story. Invasions, epidemics, riots, pubs, shrines, crime, gentrification, immigrant communities, urban development and art are all here. Special 'Survivals' sections even show where remains of buildings from London's past can still be seen today. The daily lives of Londoners and the city's chequered history come alive in this book as never before. 'Stunning . . . an irresistible page-turner . . . Whisks us in fifteen chapters from prehistory to near future, each chapter broken down into themed sections that explore the lives of ordinary Londoners, from priests to prostitutes, bakers to burglars, cavemen to international financiers' East End Life

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