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Between Two Worlds

di Candice F. Ransom

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813342,219 (4.06)1
This novel is based on the true story of Sarah Winnemucca, a gifted teacher, a passionate peacemaker, and a hero who learned the ways of the white people and yet loved the ways of her own village as well. When violence arises between her tribe and the white people, Sarah must find a way to use the knowledge she possesses--instead of bows and arrows or rifles--to help her people.… (altro)
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  lcslibrarian | Aug 13, 2020 |
Following her Paiute grandfather's wish that she travel beyond their village, Sarah Winnemucca goes to live among and learn the ways of the white people while remembering her heritage, until violence erupts that forces her into the role of peacemaker.
Ages 9-12 Fiction
  211Fern | Nov 1, 2010 |
Sarah Winnemucca's grandfather has a dream that the people of his tribe will make peace with the white man. Sarah's life is altered by this, as he has her sent to be educated the way that white girls are: she is taught to speak English, read, write, and sew. The way of life of her tribe is about to change, however. Soon their land is encroached upon by white settlers and they do not have enough to eat, and they are forced onto reservations where they are cheated by both the US government and the reservation agents. She finds a purpose speaking for the cause of her people. ( )
  t1bclasslibrary | Dec 2, 2008 |
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This novel is based on the true story of Sarah Winnemucca, a gifted teacher, a passionate peacemaker, and a hero who learned the ways of the white people and yet loved the ways of her own village as well. When violence arises between her tribe and the white people, Sarah must find a way to use the knowledge she possesses--instead of bows and arrows or rifles--to help her people.

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Media: (4.06)
2 1
2.5 1
3.5 1
4.5 1
5 4

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