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The Thief Taker (2004)

di Janet Gleeson

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2911194,068 (3.53)3
Agnes Meadowes is cook to the Blanchards of Foster Lane, the renowned silversmiths. Her quiet world of culinary activity, preparing jugged hare, oyster loaves, almond soup and other delicacies for the family, is a happy refuge from the hustle and bustle of 1750s London. But in a single night everything is to change. When the Blanchards' most prestigious and expensive commission, a giant silver wine cooler destined for the house of Sir Bartholomew Grey, is stolen, a sinister chain of events is set in motion. That same night a young apprentice is murdered and a young maid, Rose, disappears. Are these portentous happenings connected? Called upon by her master, Theodore Blanchard, to investigate 'below stairs', Agnes now enters a dark world of hidden secrets, jealousy and murderous intent. Before the game is played out she will be forced to act as mouse to the infamous Thief Taker's cat as she is slowly drawn into a seamy underworld of London crime. But the truth, like the expensive tea leaves that Agnes keeps under lock and key, comes at a high price and she must decide how big a sacrifice she is prepared to make to bring the villains to justice. Once again Janet Gleeson has produced… (altro)
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This was a pretty meh historical fiction mystery. Agnes is a young cook for a middlingly wealthy family and she gets recruited by the master of the house to assist with finding a large silver wine cooler that's been stolen from their shop. They explain why she was picked, but I still found it rather unlikely they'd recruit their chef to help solve a crime, even if they wanted it done without the help of the local police. There were also some murders that happened, so Agnes takes it upon herself to solve those, as the family she works for could care less about the loss of a few servants.

Nothing really grabbed me, though. Agnes was likable enough - your standard, headstrong, independent, forward-thinking woman who struggles between wanting to do what's right and wanting to keep her job because she has a child to support. There's the dichotomy between the upper and lower classes and of course, the guessing game of who-dun-it. It was well-written but not stand-out. ( )
  MillieHennessy | Nov 1, 2018 |
Marvelous! Great story, vivid setting, and characters both endearing and realistically nasty. I particularly loved the process of the protagonist thinking through the mystery while she jellied her knuckle of mutton and strung her cardoons- but then I'm a foodie and interested in historical food details. Well done! ( )
  MargaretPinardAuthor | May 23, 2015 |
Marvelous! Great story, vivid setting, and characters both endearing and realistically nasty. I particularly loved the process of the protagonist thinking through the mystery while she jellied her knuckle of mutton and strung her cardoons- but then I'm a foodie and interested in historical food details. Well done! ( )
  margaret.pinard | Jul 24, 2014 |
I really wanted to like this book. I'm a fan of historical fiction, and had hopes this might be the beginning of a series I could explore and enjoy. It may be the start of a series, and did, indeed, have some luscious details about life below stairs, particularly in the kitchen, but I just never connected with the main character, or any others. The mystery, itself, kept me paging through til the end, but it was with a great sense of relief when I finally finished, and realized I could pass it along via a BookCrossing release. I do love the cover art on the book, though. ( )
1 vota bookczuk | Nov 27, 2011 |
I picked this book up at the bookstore because it was on sale and I wanted to read something different. I definitely got a good book for my money. This is not the time period I typically read but I enjoyed the entire book. I found myself full of emotions as I finished the book. I have passed the book on to my mother-in-law because I know it is a book she will thoroughly enjoy! ( )
  damejennylynn | Mar 25, 2010 |
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Agnes Meadowes first saw the girl one Monday morning, huddled in a doorway in Foster lane.
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Agnes Meadowes is cook to the Blanchards of Foster Lane, the renowned silversmiths. Her quiet world of culinary activity, preparing jugged hare, oyster loaves, almond soup and other delicacies for the family, is a happy refuge from the hustle and bustle of 1750s London. But in a single night everything is to change. When the Blanchards' most prestigious and expensive commission, a giant silver wine cooler destined for the house of Sir Bartholomew Grey, is stolen, a sinister chain of events is set in motion. That same night a young apprentice is murdered and a young maid, Rose, disappears. Are these portentous happenings connected? Called upon by her master, Theodore Blanchard, to investigate 'below stairs', Agnes now enters a dark world of hidden secrets, jealousy and murderous intent. Before the game is played out she will be forced to act as mouse to the infamous Thief Taker's cat as she is slowly drawn into a seamy underworld of London crime. But the truth, like the expensive tea leaves that Agnes keeps under lock and key, comes at a high price and she must decide how big a sacrifice she is prepared to make to bring the villains to justice. Once again Janet Gleeson has produced

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Media: (3.53)
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3 22
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4 16
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5 11

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