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First Lady

di Blayne Cooper

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783354,363 (3.83)1
In this timeless classic, the sequel to their best seller Madam President, Blayne Cooper and T. Novan continue the chronicle of the lives of Lauren Strayer and Devlyn Marlowe.Planning a wedding is never easy. However, most brides don't face the challenges that Lauren Strayer does. Her beloved comes with a ready-made family, something the biographer never imagined for herself. In addition, Lauren's estranged father thoroughly disapproves of her future mate, who just happens to be the nation's first female president. Lauren tackles the perils and pleasures of parenting and the tension between her private nature and her new, very public role. At the same time, Dev, a dedicated public servant, struggles to find the balance between managing the nation's interests, her family, her fears and her stress, while continuing the development of her relationship with Lauren. The result is an action-packed, amusing and tender tale of the sort that fans of Cooper & Novan have come to love and expect.… (altro)
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This is the sequel to the book, Madam President by the same two authors. While I definitely think that the first book ends very well, I definitely liked all that this novel added to that story.

The continuing adventures of the first female President go much like the adventures in the first book, although there seemed to be much less physical violence in this book.

A lot of it was Lauren sorta realizing all the parts of going from girlfriend of the President and Presidential biographer to being a first lady. She also is sorta being overwhelmed by the fact that she's becoming a Mom too.

It's a book for changes, for all involved.

In addition to the personal parts of the story, there were some interesting Presidential parts too.

Then there was the ending.

I didn't particularly like the fact that they skipped the years at the end. It totally threw me for a loop.

On the other hand, at the very, very end I liked what they did. I thought that was a good part of the ending.

It was another good book that was really, really enjoyable to read. ( )
  DanieXJ | May 30, 2017 |
Good sequel. Likable characters. ( )
  DianaSaco | Jul 8, 2015 |
Dull. ( )
  expeditious | Jun 26, 2009 |
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In this timeless classic, the sequel to their best seller Madam President, Blayne Cooper and T. Novan continue the chronicle of the lives of Lauren Strayer and Devlyn Marlowe.Planning a wedding is never easy. However, most brides don't face the challenges that Lauren Strayer does. Her beloved comes with a ready-made family, something the biographer never imagined for herself. In addition, Lauren's estranged father thoroughly disapproves of her future mate, who just happens to be the nation's first female president. Lauren tackles the perils and pleasures of parenting and the tension between her private nature and her new, very public role. At the same time, Dev, a dedicated public servant, struggles to find the balance between managing the nation's interests, her family, her fears and her stress, while continuing the development of her relationship with Lauren. The result is an action-packed, amusing and tender tale of the sort that fans of Cooper & Novan have come to love and expect.

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