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So Others May Live: Coast Guard's Rescue Swimmers: Saving Lives, Defying Death

di Martha J LaGuardia-Kotite

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So Others May Live is the untold story of the U.S. Coast Guard's quiet but resolute rescue swimmers. From deep ocean caves on the Oregon coast to the panicked and chaotic streets of post-Katrina New Orleans, here are their stunningly heroic stories. In startlingly clear and exceptional writing, Martha LaGuardia-Kotite tells twelve heroic stories of the greatest maritime rescues attempted since the program began in 1985. These feats, told through the eyes of the heroes, reveal an understanding of how and why the rescuer, with flight crew assistance, risks his or her own life to reach out to save a stranger. Covering diverse environments--oceans, hurricanes, oil rigs, caves, sinking vessels, floods, and even Niagara Falls--So Others May Live is truly a can't-put-it-down collection.… (altro)
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Great stories, but only one female rescue swimmer, ASM3 Kelly Mogk, is profiled. Mogk was the first woman in any of the military services to qualify as a rescue swimmer. Chapter 4 tells her story, her decision to join the Coast Guard, her interest in becoming an aviation survivalman, and the tough training she endured. Since Mogk qualified, only five other women have achieved the qualification of rescue swimmer in the Coast Guard. Mogk's heroic rescue of a downed fighter pilot is described in Chapter 4.
  MWMLibrary | Jan 14, 2022 |
I'm currently reading this for research. It's very well written with fourteen stories of survival. I'm on story seven and enjoying it. ( )
  AshleyLynnWillis | Aug 1, 2014 |
I'm currently reading this for research. It's very well written with fourteen stories of survival. I'm on story seven and enjoying it. ( )
  AshleyLynnWillis | Aug 1, 2014 |
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So Others May Live is the untold story of the U.S. Coast Guard's quiet but resolute rescue swimmers. From deep ocean caves on the Oregon coast to the panicked and chaotic streets of post-Katrina New Orleans, here are their stunningly heroic stories. In startlingly clear and exceptional writing, Martha LaGuardia-Kotite tells twelve heroic stories of the greatest maritime rescues attempted since the program began in 1985. These feats, told through the eyes of the heroes, reveal an understanding of how and why the rescuer, with flight crew assistance, risks his or her own life to reach out to save a stranger. Covering diverse environments--oceans, hurricanes, oil rigs, caves, sinking vessels, floods, and even Niagara Falls--So Others May Live is truly a can't-put-it-down collection.

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