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Plugged In: The Generation Y Guide to Thriving at Work

di Tamara J. Erickson

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They make up nearly one-third of all Americans living today. Born after 1980, they're now pouring into the work world with values, aspirations, and approaches that differ markedly from their parents--and coworkers. They're Generation Y. In Plugged In, Tamara Erickson shows Gen Y's how to use their own unique strengths to understand and influence their professional relationships, to figure out how they define "success," and to help them find their way in the changing workplace. Filled with Erickson's extensive research into demographic trends and thoughtful insights, Plugged In gives Gen Y's the information they crave to connect with the working world and to craft the lives they want. The author reveals: · A framework Y's can use to develop their own criteria for making career choices · The unique assets and strengths Y's bring to the workplace · How X'ers and Boomers view Generation Y and how the different generations can collaborate more effectively at work · 10 rules that can help Generation Y's succeed in the corporate world With her trademark warmth and liveliness, Erickson provides a thoughtful, valuable guidebook for the latest newcomers on the corporate scene.… (altro)
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This is, hands down, the best book I've read on entering the workforce as a Gen Yer I've read. It is well-researched, makes the right assumptions (without being condescending), and helped explain why intergenerational offices work the way they do. I would recommend this to any Gen Yer interested in how to make a good impression in a job market that often looks at us with cynicism and snark. ( )
  gigi86 | May 4, 2010 |
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They make up nearly one-third of all Americans living today. Born after 1980, they're now pouring into the work world with values, aspirations, and approaches that differ markedly from their parents--and coworkers. They're Generation Y. In Plugged In, Tamara Erickson shows Gen Y's how to use their own unique strengths to understand and influence their professional relationships, to figure out how they define "success," and to help them find their way in the changing workplace. Filled with Erickson's extensive research into demographic trends and thoughtful insights, Plugged In gives Gen Y's the information they crave to connect with the working world and to craft the lives they want. The author reveals: · A framework Y's can use to develop their own criteria for making career choices · The unique assets and strengths Y's bring to the workplace · How X'ers and Boomers view Generation Y and how the different generations can collaborate more effectively at work · 10 rules that can help Generation Y's succeed in the corporate world With her trademark warmth and liveliness, Erickson provides a thoughtful, valuable guidebook for the latest newcomers on the corporate scene.

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