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Tempt the Devil

di Anna Campbell

Serie: Courtesans (2)

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1823155,016 (3.93)7
Any man in London would worship her. Yet Olivia is, quite frankly, bored of them all. Despite her many dalliances, she's never felt true passion, never longed for any lover's touch . . . until Julian, London's most notoriously wanton rake, decided to make her his mistress. From the moment he first saw her, Julian knew he must possess her. And when he discovers her greatest secret, a scandal that could ruin her reputation and end her career, he knows just the way to use this damaging information to his most delightful advantage. He offers Olivia a deal with the devil: he'll keep her secret . . . if she allows him the chance to show her true ecstasy. But Olivia must be careful, for Julian has a secret of his own: he will not rest until she is completely, shamelessly his.… (altro)
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This book didn't engage my interest even though I like sex scenes and healing from abuse. A third of the way into it, I starting skimming, reading only the dialog just to see how it ends and even then I was disappointed.
  Dawn772 | Jan 29, 2015 |
Very interesting book. Deeply emotional. The lead characters were interacting (and having sex) in about 90% of the book (very unusual). I really liked it, but the ending seemed a little abrupt. ( )
  doxiemomx2 | Dec 26, 2010 |
A wonderful, gripping story that brought me to tears. My only criticism is that the ending felt too abrupt. After all it took to get there, I would have enjoyed a bit more exploration of their ending. ( )
  snugasa | Mar 4, 2010 |
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I'd like to dedicate this book to a remarkable woman who was a huge influence on me as I grew up. Aunty Joan, I still miss you.
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London April 1826 Across the packed noisy salon, Julian Southwood, Earl of Erith, studied the notorious strumpet who would become his next mistress.
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Any man in London would worship her. Yet Olivia is, quite frankly, bored of them all. Despite her many dalliances, she's never felt true passion, never longed for any lover's touch . . . until Julian, London's most notoriously wanton rake, decided to make her his mistress. From the moment he first saw her, Julian knew he must possess her. And when he discovers her greatest secret, a scandal that could ruin her reputation and end her career, he knows just the way to use this damaging information to his most delightful advantage. He offers Olivia a deal with the devil: he'll keep her secret . . . if she allows him the chance to show her true ecstasy. But Olivia must be careful, for Julian has a secret of his own: he will not rest until she is completely, shamelessly his.

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